Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Your Suh Sign and Health Habits Part 5 with Rich Milostan

Capricorn: In general Capricorns practice good self preservation. Watch the tendency to shut yourself in at work or at home. Try to keep some fresh air circulating, it will be better for your lungs. Another area to watch is attitude. Sometimes you can become overly serious and businesslike even in your leisure Develop a more lighthearted approach to life's daily events. Separate work tensions from family fun and you'll have a nice outlet. Don't hold in everything so much. Walks will help clear out your anxieties.

Aquarius: Restless and erratic by nature, indigestion can be a common occurrence Always on the run, junk food can be a part of your daily diet. Eat more balanced meals at scheduled times Lower your caffeine intake. You think you need it for extra energy, but the fast foods could be lowering your energy. Also one week you rush, rush, rush and then next week your tired. Develop a better schedule were you pace your self more on a weekly basis. During your leisure time , read a book and relax. Some of you read a book have the TV on with the radio going. That is not relaxation.

Pisces: Proper posture is important for Pisces. Back problems are common for you at some time in life. A dedicated doctor can give you exercise to help alleviate it forming. On the emotional level, try not to worry about others problems. Sensitive by nature, meditation is a nice substitute. Some of you look for highs in caffeine and alcohol. You'll suffer more then you will gain. Try to cultivate your faith as a high. Also take walks around beauty. You'll see the physical rewards. Also if prone to allergies go on the web to see what your are sensitive to.

Next series we will talk about your diet and food.

To set up an Astrological consultation including the Tarot you can reach Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi. at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading (The Perfect Birth day Gift) to anyone in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Your Sun Sign and Health Habits Part 4 of 5 with Rich Milostan

Continuing our look at the Sun Signs:

Libra: Lovers of comfort, you have to watch the foods you eat. Your sign does not show a love of strenuous activity, so weight may become a problem. Swimming is excellent for overall fitness. You're also very sensitive to your environment . Try not to "take in" all the petty things that happen around you or you may overtax your mind for nothing. Libras love peace and harmony , so find time for it. Don't use ill health excuses to get away from it all This habit, practiced over time, may give you those results.

Scorpio: Generally you have a strong constitution. Being a mind person it is important that you avoid processed foods. Proper fuel would be fruits and vegetables and should be in your diet every day. Water is important for good elimination. Sometimes when frustrated you may become frustrated in food, drink or sex. Self-control, is vital and the extra energy should be put toward an exercise program. Also when certain things get beyond your control, just accept it and move to an area where you have more control.\

Sagittarius: Emotionally you are optimistic which is good for your health. If you're not develop the habit for it does wonders. Sometimes you may fill your schedule with too many activities. Anything done in excess is not fun after awhile. Also watch out for helping others too much, it can be a real energy drainer. Learn to say NO! Develop good relaxation skills, avoid drugs and tranquilizers, and have a sensible exercise program.

To set up a personal Astrological consultation including the Tarot with Rich Milostan you can reach me in Troy, Mi at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading The Perfect Birthday Gift) to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Your Sun Sign and Health habits with Rich Milostan Part 3 of 5

Looking further at some more Sun Signs,

Leo: Many Leos love to drive fast. If your one of theese your creating uncessary tension. Learn to relax driving and see it as a time to be alone. Skin care is imoportant for the Leo, so avoid excessive sunbathing. Also known for rigid bodies, sports that offer flexibilty will help maitan health. Loovers of enterttainment, try to be modest in alcolhol or junk food when out. Being somewhat dramatic, your side interests can produce tension , which is quite unnecessary. It's unrealistic to work a tense job and fill the extra time with tension-producing playtime.

Virgo: Exercise is important for the Virgo. Some are too perfectionist at work and don't realize the value of phhysical activity. You are also know as the health expert. Watch that you don't become neurotic about your well-being. The associated anxiety can have detrimental effects in the long run. Some of you many live on too many vitanmins and not keep a good diet. Junk food and vitamns is not a healthy mixture. Also keep a posive attiude toward like.

To set up an appoinmtnet with Rich Milostan for an Astrological conultation including the Tarot in Troy Mi. you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading (The Perfect Gift) to anyone you know in the U.S.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

You Sun Sign and Health Habits Part 2 of 5 with Rich Milostan

Continuing our look at insights for your health by your sun sign.

Taurus: Your weak point is too much rich food, deserts or drink. This may cause some of you to become overweight which, in turn, can lead to health problems. Don't try to eliminate all the bad stuff all at once, but one thing at a time. Being persistent work plodders, some of you may keep sensible work hours. Check once in awhile on your energy levels. Fatigue can occur without warning. Then you/ll have that problem to deal with. Taureans are quite stubborn, try to be more flexible. You may be the only one suffering.

Gemini: Sometimes sen as the restless one of the zodiac, you may be known as doing 5 things at once. The when you sit alone you notice your all tensed up. Try doing one thing at a time (priorities first). Many Geminis have trouble relaxing. Purchase a book on how to relax, and consider visiting a masseuse. Also, being such a mental person, take a half hour a day and shut your mind off from everything. When you exercise don't be planning your next day; enjoy the workout. Eat more slowly for it will help your digestion.

Cancer: One of the traits from some Cancers is to complain too much about their health. If you cannot squelch your anxieties , consider talking to someone to release the hidden emotions. Cancers are known for their gourmet tastes. A lower diet of fats, starch and sugar and more greens and simple dressings will reduce weight. Not know as the best sign to exercise, learning to swim or daily walks each evening helps enhance your well-being.

To set up a personal Astrological reading (including the Tarot) with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi. you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading (The Perfect Birthday Gift) to anyone you may know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Your Sun Sign and Health Habits Part 1 0f 5 with Rich Milostan

It is quite well known that excessive tension over a period of time can produce
health ailments. We are seeing how the mind and body must work together
A person can tale a tranquilizer and 4 cups of coffee and still wonder why they
are nervous. Another person can take a n allergy pill and still go outside
and sit around ragweed. Still others prefer to have anxiety by worrying over every
little thing and the list goes on and on.
Some of you think by eating totally healthy. If you carry a negative attitude, physical symptoms will eventually manifest.
Others can have a positive attitude, eat lots of junk food and think the attitude will keep them healthy. Talk to a dietitian about this
Try eating chips with a lot of salt after 6pm and then wonder why you wake up the next morning stress. It was the salt the day before!
Your sign has definite traits which will help you keep well balanced health. Barring any organic defects, your general year around health should not be subjected to anything other then a minor inescapable virus or periodical slump everyone experiences. See if the following can help you for it could add years onto your life.

Aries: often the extremist, you may extend your energies too fat at times. This may cause some of the headaches you may experience which Aries is noted for. You may also skip too many meals or over indulge in too much junk food. This will definitely mess up your body's need for proper nutrition. Develop regular balanced meals and also cultivate a systematic method for daily relaxation. You also need more sleep then others because of your excessive drive Control your anger and eliminate your frustrations through a realistic exercise program.

Next time we will look at several more sun signs.

To set up a personal consultation with Rich, (including the Tarot), in Troy Mi. you can reach me a t 1-248-528-2610. Or you can email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading The Perfect Birthday Gift) to anyone you may know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Selecting a Partner Part 4 with Rich Milostan

Concluding the rest of the signs signs and getting an insight to finding a partner.
Sagittarius: Since you like to do things to expand your life, you like to attract a person who does the same thing. Being freedom loving, in a relationship you must have the habit of constant open communication with and from your mate. Otherwise you may pull into 2 different directions.
Capricorn: Determination and persistence are your strong points and you fall for someone who is reliable and supportive to your goals. Sometimes, in achieving your goals, you tend to get overly serious and require emotional support. So look for a more emotional person and give him/her feedback of sensitivity, and he/she will give back.
Aquarius: You are somewhat an humanitarian. You long for more of a communicative type of love. And, being that you like to go here and go there, you require a partnership that will give you that solid foundation to get back to. Look for someone that will give you those roots. Give your wide scope of life and let him/her keep you steadied.
Pisces: You long for someone who is reflective like you, but require someone who can promote your talents. You need a mate who has a strong sense of duty and a desire to serve. If, as a couple, you can reflect and then achieve your goals, yours will be a happy union.

To set up a personal Astrological consultation, including the Tarot, with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi. you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading (The Perfect Birthday) to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.

Selecting a Partner Part 3 with Rich Milostan

Continuing our look at the next 3 sun signs on insights to select a partner.
Libra: Since you like to balance and weigh things, in life you are drawn to the eccentric or unusual type of man. You the the mental stimulation of all their pros and cons. At times you withdraw to figure them out. So you require time and space. In terms of longevity, find someone who can make you do things more spontaneously. This will break your overly-hesitant habit and let you get more out of life.
Scorpio: Due to the opposite extremes of your personality you may fall for or date 2 people at once. One to have fun with, the other you only "confide" in. In terms of marriage this will never last. Take part of your extreme make-up and give it to a relationship. Then use the other part of your personality to achieve a personal goal You need reliability to balance your intense nature, so look for someone who is reliable and steady.
Sagittarius: Since you like to do things that expand your life, you like to attract a mate that does the same. Being freedom loving, in a relationship you must have the habit of constant open communication with and from your mate. Otherwise you will be pulled into two different directions.
Next time we will look at the last 3 signs.

To set up a personal Astrological consultation, including the Tarot, with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi., you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading (The Perfect Birthday Gift) to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Selecting a Partner Part 2 of 4 with Rich Milostan

Looking at a few more signs in finding a partner
Cancer: With your sensitive nature you fall in love with the more emotional person. It's fine to have an emotional repertoire, but in the long run you need a partner who can stop you from being hypersensitive. Look for someone who is logically orientated. With your gifted emotional make-up and a logical partner this combination can handle just about anything.
Leo: You are drawn toward the fun-loving party-type of person, and, being like that yourself, you need time and space to yourself to rejuvenate. So look for a person with whom you can actually agree as to how much time you will spend together and how much time spent alone.
Virgo: Being a methodical person , you attract the more business type of person. In the long run you require someone who can be creative and sensitive, since at times you can be overly logical. Also, look for a more light-hearted personality. With your logical approach and with his or her humorous approach, you will have a good balance.
Next time we will look at the next 3 sun signs.

To set up an Astrological consultation, including the Tarot with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi. you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at . I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading (The Perfect Birthday Gift) to anyone you may know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.

Raising your Child via Astrology Part 3 with Rich Milostan

Continuing our look at different sunsigns how raising your child with insights coming from Astrology.
Virgo: Your child may be shy around people. Make sure he develops friends early. Start them in educatinal matters early. Tell them they are intelligent; it's good for their self-confidence. Don't forget they need emotional warmth and teach them to express it to close family members and playmates. Make sure they get exercise also. No fantasy around these little ones, build them around conventional ones.
Libra: They love peacful, quiet places. They need more rest then the other sun signs. Make sure they don't get lazy, though. Your fine line judgement is always key. Don't pressure them to do too many things at once, they weigh everything too much. Teach them to make firm decisions early in life. Try not to force, teach them; they will learn best by soft approach. Allowing too many comforts makes them difficult to face the world later.
Scorpio: Don't let tempers tantrums let him get his way, also if he practices pouting, silent treatment works best. Give him love whether he want it or not. They love to do their own things so he'll llater accept it or reject it. They tend to pent-up theit emotions, so make sure physical training habits are formed early. They like to research things, so allow them space to do it.
Sagittarius: When in the company of this restless sign, it's best to be a person who displays optimism. Their curious nature picks up everything that is said around them. Known as an eventual leader, positive programming is very important very early in their childhood. They love a littile independency, so try not to "fence" them in. The biggest thing to watch for in them is over-indulgence. It may be too many sweets, too many freinds and no homework, or too many sports and no home responsibility. If they become negative for a period of time, break the habits quickly.
It would be very beneficial to get the birth chart done once early in their life and interpetated once by a qualified Astrologer.

To set up a personal Astrological consultation with Rich Milostan, (including the Tarot), you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. You can also reach me be email at I also do phone readings, and can mail a taped reading (The Perfect Birthday Gift) to anyone you may know in the U.S. I also do childrens charts on tape for you.

Selecting a Partner Part 1 of 4 with Rich Milostan

One of the more interesting areas of astrology I enjoy is studying relationships.
This involves taking the complete birth data of 2 people and, by computer, making a composite chart. This can be done for marriage, two friends, business partners, mother and daughter, father and son, neighbors etc. Any combination of 2 people will suffice.
With a mature attitude, no matter what sign, there is some form of compatibility, or learning that can be gained. The composite chart will show the strengths and weaknesses of the two people. If they become aware of these areas, they can help nurture each other's individuality while staying in the bonds of the relationship. Over the last 10 years the "I" or "me" is being stressed. There are all kinds of image classes being offered. This is nice for individuality, but we need more classes on learning thinking dialogues to better get along with a partner.
In my opinion there are too many articles on divorce. People see this and say 'Oh well I might as well join them". With a little insight I think more unions could be saved.
Astrologically, by your sun sign (here I will stress marriage and mates), I will show you what we look for in love, and most important, what we need to stay in a relationship.
Aries: You desire a more flamboyant type of person, someone who stands out in a crowd. This is nice, But in terms of a long relationship, you need someone who can polish, or tone down, your strong aggressiveness. You want someone to always be there while you lead others. Just don't forget him or her.
Taurus: You fall for someone who is practical, intellectual and methodical. You tend to be a little secretive. Unless you are open to the other, miscommunication is the the end result. Also you are strong-willed and want a strong-willed partner, but you need to develop flexibility, when he or she has a transitory upset. Get the problem solved and give each other a reward.
Gemini: You initially can be very romantic with someone who has beauty and is harmonious, but a part of you tends to idealize them more then what they really are. Then you become disillusioned, but its your high expectations which are the problem. Take him or her for what they are and grow together. You like intellectual conversations and you draw physically oriented people to you. Give to each other your individual strengths.
Next time we will look at Cancer, Leo and Virgo needs.

To set up a personal Astrological consultation with Rich, including the Tarot, you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading (The Perfect Birthday Gift) to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.