Any questions call or email
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Astrology and your Career Part 2 with Rich Milostan
Last time we talked about the Aries, Taurus and Gemini career needs and now we will look at the next 3 sun signs Cancer: Occupations where you take care of things will fill an inner need. This could involve restaurants, nutrition social services or even reading tarot cards. You may also do things in the building trades, baker, nurse or real estate. A lover of tradition, you can fill many public needs by working in slow growth organizations. A key word for you is perseverance in work or your emotions may drift you away from your responsibilities, during pressure times. Leo: You don't like work where you start at the bottom. Normally you have to associate with influential people until you get to the top. Public relations and entertainment fields are good. An executive secretary with attached social importance is excellent. Whatever your career, be it with the public, build a firm foundation and stick with your goal. Try to eventually reach supervision. Key is having self-confidence when competition is strong. Virgo: You definitely need to be in a mind using career. Involvement in health fields, bookkeeping, engineering, writing, and scientific careers are excellent examples. You'll feel best when you are service to others. Some of you will like to work alone, then show your results to others. Look at careers where things can be perfected. Key is to find intellectual fulfillment through service. To H.L, Mercury does not go retrograde until December so it is a good time to make a major purchase. When is goes retrograde in December people that purchase things will be taking then back. Shop early! To S. D. Sending your kid to get a beautician license in one year, then sending her to a 4 year degree is best. The money she can make doing college kids hair will help pay for some of the college costs! To set up a personal Astrological consultation (including the Tarot) with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi. you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also am available for phone readings and taped readings mailed to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge
Choosing a Career Part 4 with Rich Milostan
Looking at the last 3 Sun Signs when considering a career. Capricorn: You do best in organizations that give security and status. You do well in apprenticeship programs. Also the positive Capricorn is known as a hard worker but not in physical labor. Some could be administration, computer fields, career counselors, carpenters or engineers. Key word is to show integrity to all around you as you methodically plod up the ranks. Aquarius: Many are drawn to careers that are somewhat unusual. Known as a progressive thinker, you do well in areas involving inventing. selling new ideas, working with humanitarian organizations and social reform. Some others career could be Astrologer, photographers, labor relation work, chemist and electronics. Key word for you is to find employment that allows you some flexibility to try your own methods. Pisces: You have to have creativity in your work. Healing fields like nursing, chiropractor, medical assistant are good. Some would do well a as a beautician, music careers or water related careers such as bartender, life guard or marine scientist. Diet would have to be well maintained to enhance the possibilities of a successful career. To set up a personal Astrological consultation with Rich Milostan (including the Tarot) you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. My email address is I also do phone readings and taped readings can be to anyone you may know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Astrology and the Economy with Rich Milostan
T.Y. You asked me when I think the economy will rebound. With Pluto going through Capricorn, this means the revamping of big businesses. This means the ridding of corporate greed. Until the average homeowner can have their monthly bills become lower it will be a slower rebound. They have to spend so much paying bills every month how can they go to a store and get a few extra items. Someone pointed out to me how even toilet paper rolls are shorter. To pay a bill on your phone they charge service fees. That service fee could be used to buy a lunch at a local restaurant and support the economy. Watch for bills to slowly go down. One major insurance company is lowering their yearly rates within 6 months. If they all did this, the monthly money you will save will spurt the economy. Unfortunately Pluto stays in Capricorn till 2023. It will be a slow uphill but its better then nothing. If the higher ups bend a little it will be much faster. To set up a personal reading with Rich Milostan (including the Tarot) in Troy Mi., call me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also do phone readings and full readings on tape mailed to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Astrology and Meditation Part 5 with Rich Milostan
Concluding our series on how each sun sign can get the maxi mun from meditation we can look at the last 3 signs. Capricorn: You love to always be in control. When your thoughts are totally relaxed you are in control. The key is to let go and enjoy. Mind messages give back body messages. Relaxing thoughts in meditation gives a relaxed body and a return to tranquility, a sense of total control. Aquarius: visualize scenes that give you total freedom of movement. Try not to make head trips of things you find or hear in meditation. You're one of the best signs for receiving creative answers. Don't block the flow when they start to come in. Don't jump out of a meditation. come out of it slowly feeling like you just had a week vacation. Pisces: As the natural meditating person formulate your meditation to satisfy the needs you are facing now. If your need is to relax, imagine relaxing; If looking for answers, seek the solutions. Try not to use centering as a means to escape from everyday responsibilities. Meditation is useful if used in a right perspective. To S.E. If the person you are dating does not commit by one year, it/s time to let go of them .Somebody new is coming into your life within 2 months anyway. To P.O. Sometimes being with the sign opposite of yours can be good. Your weaknesses is their strength and vica versa. To F.M. The couples I see that have the long lived relationships seem to always have a goal or vacation they want to do a year up the road. Thet always are talking a future goal To set up a personal Astrological consultation including the Tarot with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Astrology and Meditation Part 4 with Rich Milostan
We will look now at the next 3 sun signs to see how you can get the most out of meditation Libra: Some of you are always weighing the issues of things surrounding you. In finding a scene, it is important that you stick with one that is comfortable. Try not to go from one to another to be more comfortable. Meditation is not a time to weigh issues or scenes. It is a time to free the mind for singular total relaxation. Scorpio: Know for strong concentration habits, try not to 'concentrate' on meditating. A good technique would be to listen to neutral music that has no words or particular theme. Then let your mind drift to wherever your imagination takes you. I fit drifts to negative, picture something positive and let your mind relax from there. Sagittarius: Being one of the better meditating signs, remembering meditation is good for relaxing because you are always on the go. Try not to go to many far out places. Your purpose is to relax and look for inner guidance to problems, not to build some fantasies that could never be realities. We can all expand on day dreams, but the practicality of them must enter into it. To set up a personal Astrological consultation with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi. (including the Taro call me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping fee.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Astrology and Meditation Part 3 with Rich Milostan
Continuing on looking at the sun signs to see how you can get the maxi mun on meditation. Cancer: Meditation is especially good for you because it will help you relax your higher emotional nature. Try to visualize scenes that will make your emotional self high again. Find a neutral scene to total relax you again like visualizing a still lake or a still tree with a bird sitting on one of the branches. If thoughts enter don't judge them to intensify feelings. Hold an impartial viewpoint. Leo: You love to shine in the public. At times you won't find it there. Through meditation you can go into a place where you see yourself shining. Imagine yourself walking into a place feeling a complete sense of accomplishment. Feel in total control and totally happy. If the world does not give a compliment, you can give one there. Virgo: Benefits are great because it gives you a break from the world of logic. In meditation try to ease away from the world of thinking; visualize with a quiet mind. Don't let your mind drift back out to the work world. Instead enjoy the feeling of relaxation through the body and the feeling of a peaceful environment. To G.H. If you move out of Michigan your chart shows you would move back. Your destiny is here. To L.O. Your chart shows difficulty working with in-laws no matter what you do. Just put time in when necessary and leave them there when you leave the house. You can reach Rich Milostan Astrologer for a personal consultation (including Tarot) at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. or email me at I also am available for phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Astrology and Meditation Part 2 of 5 with Rich Milostan
Look to your Sun Sign for additional information on how to achieve the maximum from meditation. Aries: Your temperament always has you looking for quick answers. In meditation ask for answers then let it go completely. Most important, don't try to impatiently look for the answer. Wait, it will be there when you need it. Taurus: Known as a hard worker, don't overwork at meditation. It is time to temporarily let go of the world. If anxious during it, don't try to fight the anxiety and thoughts. Let them come and go. Gemini: Known to have an active mind, freeing your mind of all thoughts is your key to centering, Try silently repeating a single number over and over, each time slower, till your mind quiets. Then visualize the images of a favorite place you have been in the past. Practice 15 minutes or more. To A. C. until you let go of someone from the past, it is hard for someone new to come in for you would just compare the new one to the past. Cancer Sun Signs have the hardest time letting go. To F.D. Check out to meet a possible new friend. Your chart is lucky right after the first of the year. To have a personal Astrological consultation (including the Tarot) with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi. call me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at rfmilostan I also do phone readings and can send a taped reading to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Astrology and Meditation with Rich Milostan
Meditation is known as stilling the mind for a period of time. It is also the time to ask for answers to a particular problem that is not solving itself. Meditation is done when looking for answers. There are many meditation techniques. The end result is to relax the mind which in turn relaxes the body. One way is to close your eyes and go to a favorite place you have enjoyed in the past. It could be a favorite beach, a place alone in the woods, or somewhere in the mountains. Just go some place where you have been totally relaxed in the past. Visualize all the scenery in your mind ant let go of ever thing else. Any thoughts that may come in (other then the scene) just release and let them go. When your mind is relaxed you can stay there for a while and become totally relaxed or you can ask for the answers to a particular problem. If the latter then let it go and then enjoy the scene in your relaxed state of mind and body. The answer to to your problem could come to you in a flash within several days. Or, at least getting an insight to work the problem. Practice this daily and you will see a general increase in your well being. Before long just thinking of the scene, your mind and body will automatically become relaxed. In the next article will will look at the sun signs for additional information how to achieve the maximun from meditation. Each sun sign has a different way to attain this. To D.F. With Jupiter and Venus direct now, everyone could have a nice new beginning with the next 30 days. To G.H. Your test with your wife the next 4 months is to not take financial difference in to the romantic area of the marriage is in deep trouble. To F.K. I don't believe putting lucky numbers in horoscope columns is justified. In my 34 years of practice I have never seen a big winning from those kind of things. You can reach me at to set up an appointment. You can also call Rich MIlostan in Troy, Mi at 1-248-528-2610 for a personal Astrological consultation (including the Tarot). I am also available for phone readings and taped readings to anyone you would know in the U.S. There is no shipping fee
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Choosing a Career Part 3 with Rich Milostan
In this blog we will focus on the sun signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Keep the following ideas when looking for a prosperous career. Libra: Interactions with others is an important need for you. Try to find careers which offer stylish surroundings. Law is common for people of this sun sign. Careers which balance things are good. Consider sales where soft sell approach is used. The key is not to over analyze the pros and cons in career choosing. Take a chance and let your inner guide answer the rest. Scorpio: Many of you will fit well in careers where you can use your intense nature. Driven for power, you do well where the final position is that of authority. Others like to have their own way behind the scenes. Medical lab, detective, plumbers, writer, or psychological service fields area few Scorpio careers. Key is to learn to handle constructive criticism until you get to the top of your field. Sagittarius: You have a natural talent for selling, also the stamina for working long hours. Known to change careers several times, find work that will carry your skills to the next career. Check into T.V., radio, sports teaching, personnel agencies. You require work that keeps you versatile. The key to your achievements is not allowing petty delays to throw you off course. To W.P. Your best signs to associate with that will give you gains are Aquarius and Cancers. To l.,K, You said that you and your husband are both Geminis but quite different. This is where you have to see the complete charts of each person from there birth data to see the difference. The general media does not usually educate people of this. A,S, You asked why I don't write a weekly Astrology trends column. It would be very difficult because the monthly column you see on The Oakland Press web offers a better chance of events happened to everyone. It is hard to tell a senior they are meeting a romance in Hawaii and also tell a teenager that you will marry into money right after high school when you are limited to 3 sentences a week. The monthly column offers more information to have something more correct in possiblities. I like to just focus on the practical things in life, relationships, money and career situations. You can reach me at for to set up appointment call me at 1-248-528-2610. I do personal Astrological consultations (including the Tarot) I also do phone readings and taped readings to anybody you may know in the U.S. There is no shipping fee.
Horoscope columns,
Michigan reader,
Rich Milostan
Monday, May 23, 2011
Your Sun Sign and Career with Rich Milostan
In looking for your right work, two things are important. One is the more skill you have, the better your market ability. The other is how you project your personality, Some sun signs require quick movement, others 8 to 5 routines. Some like the public some like to research. By looking at your sun sign, these helpful ideas should be kept in mind when looking for a perspective career. If you know your rising sign look there too. Aries: A leader in your own way, you have the ability to energize others. Your are an expert for promotional work, business administration or service fields that allow you freedom of movement. Also you would excel in physically oriented careers. Many of you would do well in owning small businesses. Key word to your personality is the more 'patient' application to work, the more chances of successes. Taurus: Generally not a job changer, look for careers that offer promotions over a whole 20-30 span. Avoid careers where you are promoted 3 times in 3 years and stuck there for 25. You have the ability to work well with money. Known to have a artistic flair, consider design careers. Some do well in food industries. Key word is once you become loyal to a career the rewards will come. Gemini: Communication career are you forte. Being in a cubicle 8 to 5 is not your bag. Look for work that offers versatility. Also, your curiosity my constantly be stimulated. Communications work such as newspaper writers, teaching, sales or servile fields will fit your need to express. Some of you could do in religious work, others in entertainment fields. Key word is friendliness toward the public. Next time we will look at Cancer, Leo and Virgo career need. To K.L. Those of you that have twins will find they will become somewhat different by the choice of people they met in life and become a part of them. To Set up a personal Astrological consultation including the Tarot with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi. you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at Iam also available for phone readings and full taped mail readings to anyone you would know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
How Certain Sun Signs Act Differently with Rich Milostan
Certain groups of sun signs operate differently and shown below is how they see things differently. A lot depends on the person is if they are positive or negative in their expressions. Aries,Cancer, Libra, Capricorn: Are go-getter's, have drive for success, authoritative, direct, interested in what is going on, Ambitious. The negative side would be domineering, hasty, excessive self-pity. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius: Reliable, determined, able to concentrate, stable, slow achievers, quiet organizing force, interested in values and ideas. On the negative side: Stubborn, resist outer help, overly fixed on philosophies, arrogant, self centered. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces: Flexible, versatile, interested in people, lover of details, imitators, finishers, On the negative side: May scatter, excessive worry, suggestible, drifter, lack of will power. To set up an Astrological consultation with Rich Milostan in Troy Mi. (including the Tarot), you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I am also available for phone readings and full taped readings sent to anyone you know in the U. S. There is no shipping fee.
Choosing a Personality to be with by Rich Milostan
Each sun sign has some common characteristics that set them apart from each other. When looking for a business partner or a love interest, check the sun signs below to see what you want and don't desire in someone. The Aries, Leo and Sagittarius can be Enthusiastic, individual, spontaneous, romantic, fiery, active radiant and courageous. On the negative side, they could be too bossy, domineering and excessively impulsive. The Gemini, Libra and Aquarius communicate well, are intellectual, love movement around people, broadminded, love companionship objective or idealistic. On the negative side they may detach too much, impractical, aloof or scatter too much. The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces are receptive, emotional romantic, changeable, compassionate. On the negative side they can be feeling sorry for yourself, Self indulge too much, hesitant in making decisions, lack assertiveness. The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are stable, practical, conservative, earthy, patient and persistent. On the negative side, too materialistic, over cautious, unorganized, dull personality and stubborn. Remember that the above are only sun sign traits. It is best to see the whole Birth chart to see the complete package of the person to see what and who you would want to associate with. In looking for people to meet of the interests you have check out Type in your interests and they send you emails of where a group meets with what you like to do and it is a free service. To L.S. Being your a Cancer sun sign keep a good diet for this is the time of rapid barometer changes which put people into swinging moods. Be light on salt and sager for they can magnify a mood also, To H.G. The grieving you have now will have you heal quicker if you read the book How to Survive the Loss of a Love by Harold Bloomfield. I recommend this book to people who have recently lost a pet. Your can set up a personal Astrological consultation with Rich Milostan, including the Tarot, by calling 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. or emailing me at I am also available for phone readings or a full taped reading mailed to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Learning More of Your Values Part 4 with Rich Milostan
Looking at those of you born between midnight and 6am will show you more characteristics of some of your values. Those of born between midnight and 2am are likely to have frequent contact with brothers or sisters whether good or bad. Have a strong need to communicate ideas to others, May have excelled in early school. Travel frequently in local areas. Cars are important to you. Do well in wring fields. Love to talk. Neighbors could be important. Generally will not move out of state where you were born, and if you do likely to return someday. 2-4am Love money. May attached to much importance to it, which could get you into trouble. Try to put some values in other areas of your life. Must seek ways to to purchase your own personal needs. Should have an strong money goal structure or seek a financial consultant. May eventually be wealthy if rest of your chart shows potential. 4am-6am More of a "Me" person. Your appearance is important to what you project to others. You should consider self employment. In marriage you must learn give and take. Will have to make a lot of decisions by yourself. May have a strong physical body. Your personality projected determines your success. May be asked to run a community club or organization. Many doctors have this time of birth. To Y.P. There will be stress with your mate. If you can deal with it weekly for awhile it will pass, but by then you may have a different interpretation of her. To set up a personal Astrological consultation with Rich Milostan, including the Tarot, you can reach him at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a full taped reaing to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Astrology and Your Values Part 3 with Rich Milostan
Over the past several weeks we have looked at birth times from 6am to 6pm. Now we will look at those of you born from 6pm to midnight to see more where some of your values could be. 6-8pm Health may preoccupy you more then others times of birth. Diet,exercise and positive attitudes are all important If practiced regularly you could be extremely healthy. May be drawn to a service oriented field. Tendency to intestinal flareups. May be fond of small animals. May have a tendency to overwork or the other extreme and be lackadaisical. You would be good at detail. May be a perfectionist. Generally work through life. 8-10pm Children important One of your missions is to make people happy. Love to entertain or be entertained. Other areas of you life may be neglected if not in love. May like to gamble or involve yourself frequently in speculative adventures. Have more creative talent then the average person. Excel in sports or attend them. 10pm to Midnight Home and family are your biggest priority. Tend to well in various forms of real estate. May be excessively responsible for a parent. Long life very possible. Like to know about all family matters. May seek control of them. Generally successful in later years.Could marry some who could go far in the business world. P.K. You third child in your chart will take care of you in your later years. You will have nothing to worry about. M.N. Your about to meet new people. Check out A very interesting website for meeting people with the particular interests you have. To set up for a personal Astrological consultation with Rich Milostan, including the Tarot, you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy Mi. or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a full taped reading to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Looking at your Values Part 2 with Rich Milostan
Last time we look at those of you born from 6am to noon to see some additional things of what you value. Now we will look at the next 3 increments for those born between noon and 6pm. Those of you born between noon-2pm are likely to be the eternal student. Good chance of getting a degree but then always continuing to learn something. Religion could be unusually more important them the average person. Love to take long trips. Like to philosophize with others. Would make an excellent teacher or manager in a company. Could be a good writer to make a book. May have prophetic dreams. 2-4pm May have a knack at working with others peoples money. May inherit money sometime in your life. Partners money an issue whether good or bad. Sex also may be emphasized more then the average person. Would be very psychic. Tend to be somewhat introverted. May seem to be dependent on somebody. Could be a financial counselor. 4-6pm Marriage or a relationship very important to you for balance. May focus on partner-type situations excessively. May have to deal with an open enemy periodically. Are a natural social worker and could make some extra money reading cards for you love to advise people. Should strive to make own decisions. You may have to eventually. May have multiple marriages. Likely to have more then 2 children. Next time we will look at those of you born between 6pm and midnight. To P.T. By looking at the chart of your child they may give you difficulties off and on in your life. It's just their interpretation on you. To set up a personal Astrological consultation, including the Tarot, with Rich Milostan you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a full reading on tape to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Looking Over Your Values with Rich Milostan
The time of the day you were born will show you more extensively where your values lie. To the Astrologer this shows your rising sign which further reveals personality traits. For instance if you are and Aries born at noon you would be much more career oriented then an Aries born at 11.00am who be more of an subjective and domestic personality. They will also look different physically being born at a different time. This is also what separates one Virgo saying to another Virgo "Your not like me at all". For the next 4 Blogs I will show different times you may have been born to see some of your innate values. 6-8am You like to help people, are somewhat secretive and may hold onto the past. You can be quite psychic. You are more sensitive then most people. You would do well in the medical or writing fields. Your also the behind the scenes humanitarian who likes to help people. You could have trouble getting out of restrictions. 8-10am Friends are important to you. Can be a constant goal searcher. Can be sold easily be a sharp salesman. You like large groups of people. Can be a wisher but must follow through. Friends can help you attain goals but you must ask. Could work well in a large organization. May make your friends more important then a love relationship. 10-Noon A parent may have a strong influence on you. Work and profession could be your first love in life. You will deal extensively with authority people. Need to be in the public limelight. Have an excellent chance to be famous if that is your desire. Need compliments more then usual from people. Next time we look at those of you born from noon 6pm. A.D. For the elections in November there will be a lot of surprise winners. W.M. Based on the birth info you gave me, moving southwest from your residence would give your best potentials of success. From Chicago to Kansas to southern Arizona. S.l. Your best mate for you are Libras or Cancers. M.N. Aries are the most likely sign to get serious looking for someone the next 2 years. To set up a personal Astrological consultation with Rich Milostan, including the Tarot, you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Astrology Tibits Part 2 with Rich Milostan
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are more positive in expression. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces and Capricorn have to work harder at it. Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces usually ask people "How do you feel" which makes them dump their problems on them. If you don't like people dumping on you eliminate that from your dialogue. Aries is most likely to complain about authority figures. Libras, especially, have to pick their relationships. Ask one if they chased them how long it lasted. Virgos do best in life by servicing people unselfishly. Children raised by a parent under the sign of Aries, Sagittarius or Leo tend to be the most outgoing. Children raised by a Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio parent tend to be the most passive. The time the wedding vows are exchanged will show how the marriage will work. A two week difference in time could show a marriage of a year, or a lasting one. Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries babies have a tendency to cry the most. Aquarius's will tend to drive faster then the other signs. Aquarius/Pisces cusp people have the highest incidence of drug use. Ask an Aries to do something, don't tell them. Virgo sun signs are the most frequent sign to work in a hospital. Taurus and Scorpio are the least likely to read this column. T. O. Send more Birth information and I will show you your best sun signs to make money with. To set up a personal Astrological consultation with Rich Milostan, including the Tarot, you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge
Astrology Tidbits Part 1 with Rich Milostan
Seven out of ten people who daily read the Astrology column say they don't believe in it, but read it anyway. Aries people are the most likely to have sinus problems. You're about average if you think the Astrology column is the only insight you can get from Astrology. Taureans are considered more family oriented then romantic Surgery is not recommended for the part of the body when the moon is in the sign ruling it. Geminis should have a weekly exercise program to balance their minds (which they tax to much) with their bodies. Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios bodies are affected the most when the weather is stormy. They will be cranky, have headaches and feel restless when the barometer is low. It is best to eat light during this time. Cancers in general the best cooks in the zodiac. Men, keep that in mine if looking for a mate. Leos love an audience. They are the most likely to break a date if they get an invitation to a party. TV, radio and computer repairman who are self employed will have the most business, when Mercury goes retrograde. They should advertise 2 weeks before it does. Pisces and Aquarius are the most likely to go to readers. Capricorns the least. Virgos will give you the best detailed answer to a business problem you want to solve. Aquarius politicians can make the biggest rise over the next 8 years. Capricorns have the best chance of getting the most money for there home if selling in 2011. If you want a salesman for your business hire Gemini, Leo or Sagittarius. Sagittarius will walk more in their life then all the other sun signs. Capricorns are about average if their knees ache once in awhile. Pisces take more baths and showers then all the other signs. Your Natal chart can show the future money potential of your mate and children. To S.T. Your third child shows they will take care of you in your later years. Your already set. To Linda, the man you are dating may want to move out of Michigan in 2 years. If your flexible to doing the same keep seeing him. To K.L. Call me about my next Astrology/Psychic. Bring the Birth date of the gentleman you are seeing and I will tell exactly what he wants from you for the next several years. To set up a personal Astrological consultation with Rich Milostan, including the Tarot, you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to someone you know anywhere in the U.S. There is no shipping fee.
Achieving Goals with Astrology Part 2 with Rich Milostan
Last week we gave you general list of ways to achieve a goal and now will give you and insight with each sun sign to help enhance your chances of attaining an interest you have. Aries: Seeing through an obstacle or upset is common for Aries as they are working toward a goal. Wait for 24 hours before throwing in the towel. Temper use is wasted energy. Taurus: Do a goal, just don't dream it. Watch for deceptive acquaintances. Trust your inner guide more. Keep all new ideas to your goal on paper. Gemini: Don't tell the whole world your goal. No what ifs or yah buts when a resistance comes your way. Reflect when in a delay cycle. Don't pursue a goal and not the next day. Commitment! Cancer: Persistence is the key. Don't excessively retreat. Don't be bullheaded when an adjustment has to be made. Don't say "I'll do this first then work on my goal". Leo: Let someone close to you know you made a gain toward your goal. Avoid negative self talk. Don't shelter away with temporary delays. Virgo: Ask others how they attained a goal you have. Don't over prepare intellectually to attain your interests. Put more emotion into it then logic will drive you toward it. Libra: Write down the rewards you will get when you write out your plan for a goal. Keep that as driving force as you pursue it. Don't ask too many people for approval when working toward it. Scorpio: Don't step on others to get there. It will backfire. They may try to undermine you. Avoid "critics" to your aims. Be flexible to make adjustments when necessary. Sagittarius: Don't try to do too many goals at once. That is a self defeating habit. Don't philosophize, just do it. Enjoy gains along the way. No negative self talk to others. Capricorn: Compliment others when they help you with something. Avoid flighty people who postpone giving you answers. See wish as a fun thing to reach. Aquarius: Don't quit when your almost there. Don't expect compliments from others along the way. give to yourself. In setting goals make sure they mean something up the road. Pisces: Biggest thing is to avoid pessimism along the way. Determination is the key. "Just do it" should be posted by your written strategy plan to see everyday till it becomes a habit. To P.L At the last Psychic Fair I held several days ago there was a person who had a chart almost like yours and is also going to beauty school. To set up an Astrological Consultation with Rich Milostan, including the Tarot, you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Achieving goals through Astrology Part 1 with Rich Milostan
Astrology, each sign has a little different approach to goal achieving. To get quicker results for any goal, I recommend that you first have a standard goal achieving method. This is found in many books. Then by looking at yuor sun sign. additional clues can be seen to help attain your personal desire. Naturally, having your personal Astrology chart done gives you the best individual picture. Read the goal format listed below first to get some general format to seek a goal of yours. 1. Write your goal on paper and get a picture of it if possible. Look at it daily. 2. Eliminate things that may side track you from your goal. Ex. Having too many side interests. 3. Say daily "I am achieving this goal". This builds emotion and motivation. 4. Write a list of things you need to attainthe goal. Ex. Meeting the right people, more faith, cutting back spending to have more moneyto set higher money goals. 5. Consult with trusted people who may help you. Reflect on the messages they may give you. 6. Spend some time each day at home making a conscious effort toward your vision. Sometimes if you do this at the same time of the day it will trigger you to do more to think of it at the time. 7. Entertain people who are productive to you. Get rid of energy drainers. 8. Don't tell everyone your goal. Some will say you can't do it. Ignore them. 9. Watch out for people who tell you to just visualize the end result and it will come. Ex. If you want a new car you have to make the money first. 10. Remember, be realistic. If it has not happened yet, some information is missing. Ask within to be guided to it. 11. When achieving a goal, don't forget to thank those who have helped you.Give yourself a pat on the back and say, 'Good job' and then say your name. 12. Remember to fuel your body each day with good food. Eating junk food everyday does not give the physical energy to drive toward a goal. In a couple days I will Blog you on how in combination with the above, using your Astrological sun signs uniqueness will help you attain a goal and it works. Watch for Part 2 on Achieving your goals through Astrology. If you wish to reach me for an Astrological consultation, including the Tarot, call me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. or email me at I also do phone readings and mail a taped reading to someone you know anywhere in the U.S. There is no shipping charge
Astrology Tidbits with Rich Milostan
Here are a couple of thoughts about each sun sign, but again seeing the whole birth chart of the person could accentuate or modify the following. Aries: They will likely get mad if inhibited by daily routine and a sedentary life for too long Taurus: They can have incredible endurance especially if there is money to be made. Gemini: They are restles people. They will walk more then any of the other sun signs. Cancer: The are evasive when directly confronted with something. They tend to hide within there shells. "The Crab". Leo: One of the purposes of Leos in this life is to make people happy. Virgo: They need to communicate. At ther best they suceed with a practical, logical order. If too intense, they get critical and go through temporary burnout. Libra: When discord rises quickly in a situation they decome indecisive. Scorpio: Have the best healing power but they have to be in a positive mode. Sagittarius: Are considered the outdoorsman and need a lot of room to run their life. Capricorn: Are slow to develop but reach a plateau by "middle age" and stay at the level for the rest of their life. Aquarius: You like to express yourself more through sizeable groups then through one-on-one contacts. Pisces: If you pressure this sign too much about something they will retreat. If interested in an Astrological Consultation with Rich Milostan, including the Tarot, you can call me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at in Troy Michigan. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone in the U.S. There is no shippin charge.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Working the Full Moon with Rich Milostan
Could you tell me how to best work the full moon T. L. This is the time that the gravitational pull will effect your body and subsequent emotions. All the other planets affect your body but very subtly. With the full moon you can either feel high or low depending on your chart.If in a high flow with the energies, or in a low try not to be too opinionated. Relax or involve in an unemotional objectivity. Those of you born with a sensitive body who feel just about anything are most effective by the full moon. Even some hospitals hire extra staff during that cycle. One of the best insights I got was from a client who really watches her diet starting 2 days before the full moon. She eats good, drinks her water and watches sugar and especially salt. She says eating lousy for that couple days puts stress in her body and then when the moon is at its peak she may may interpret events negatively because her body feels stress. So for all you out there especially the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, some minor adjustments can make just about every full moon productive. For those into Astrology and know there charts especially know how and where to work the energies. The Planet Saturn has shifted into Libra. How will this affect everyone. A.F. Those of you who have worked diligently at some goals the last 2 years will see rewards over the next 6 months. Libra status now gives some new responsibilities to work the next several years. Be selective of who you associate with the next 2 years. The more people you know the more you involve in their astrology charts. When they are up your up and when they are down you could be down. If you wish to reach me for an Astrological Consultation including the Tarot you can reach at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also do phone readings and can mail you a taped reading to anyone in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Some Thoughts on the Sun Signs with Rich Milostan
Over the 33 years of practicing Astrology I saw some general observations of the sun signs. Aries tends to talk more about themselves then a 'we' dialogue. Taurus if bargaining with them about some money thing, they will always win in the end. Gemini always wins the argument for they will go into another room later and convince themself they are right. Cancers, when committed to someone will try to stick around for years whether good or bad. Leo generally have the most clothes of all the Sun Signs. Virgos need to always learn skills or they will become chronic worriers to use up there hign intelligence. Libras are very very good at business but so indecisive of relationships. Scorpios tend to always carry secrets and you will never pull them out. Sagittaruis always think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Capricorns give loved ones more attention when there business world is going good, otherwise not. Aquarius tends to be very picky who they let in close. Pisces are the best 'psychics' of the Zodiac. Some Libras now are having good times while others are not . The time of day they are born shows the difference. Those of you born between 6 am to 6 pm will tend to be more extroverted, while those of you between 6 pm to 6 am will be more introverted. To L. H. You asked the difference between an Astrologer and a card reader. While both predict event tendencies, the Astrologer also works with cycles of life and how to work them. They can set you up with a goal structure for years to come. They show you where your tests are and where you can expand yearly toward your goals. If you wish to reach me for an Astrological consultation including the Tarot call me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Michigan. You can email me at I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Horoscope columns,
psychic reader,
Sun Signs,
A wish for all the sun signs with Rich Milostan
The planetary aspects are changing now quite significantly and in the next 2 years I have a wish for each sun sign. Aries: That a close relationship comes into your life to help fulfill your goals. Taurus: That your led to the career you have always wanted to do. Gemini: That you start having more fun. It has been awhile. Cancer: That your home life gives all the dreams you may have now fulfilled. Leo: That your finances get better then the last 2 years. Virgo: That life settles down again so you can focus more on making money. Libra: Going ahead into new beginnings and getting many rewards Scorpio: That you can have some peaceful times away from all the hecticness you have had. Sagittarius: That some honors come to you for all you have done for people. Capricorn: That you get that advancement you have been wanting to whatever your vocation is. Aquarius: That you easily learn some skill that is necessary for this decade to excel in something. Pisces: That you can make your life a little more financially independent to lessen being dependent on others. To D. L Your chart shows moving to Denver would be ideal To S.R. The minute you sign your papers to start a business email me and I will set up a plan to help enhance you business Astrologically. You can set up an Astrological Consultation with me including the Tarot by calling 1-248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can send a taped reading to anyone in the US. There is no shipping charge
Astrology and You with Rich Milostan
By your Birthdate, time of birth and your place of birth will show why 10 Ariens will all be different. Your Astrology chart can show hundreds of different things. Here are some samples. a) Your money potentials. b) The image of your boss (some of you will never be promoted by a boss in yuor chart!) c) Your teacher, will they help you are not. d) Your friends, will they help you or hinder you. e) Your chart shows your family needs of a mate, children and their potentials. It even will show the career path of your first grandchild. Your natal chart shows also the following. 1. Your purpose in this life. 2. How you think and mostly in what areas. 3. Where in life you will be most emotional. 4. What kind of pleasures do you need in life. 5. Where you will expend most of your physical energies. 6. Where in life you have the most luck. 7. Where in life you have to work the hardest to get rewards. 8. Where you are most creative. When you involve with another person emotionally, your are partially living their chart which can make you go farther in life or they can backslide you somewhat. They say we have free will in who we want to be around, but sometimes life does not let us have the choice. Like having a childs chart which is difficult to deal with. No matter how much you work with them, another form of problem occurs after you solved one of them with them. To T.J. Look at my once a month Astrology Trends for all the Sun Signs in at the beginning of each month. To H.D. That Scorpio you know can can be elusive. Most Scorpios like to live camaflouged lifestyles somewhere in ther life. Don't try to totally figure them out. You can reach me for an Astrological consultation including the Tarot at 1-248-528-2610. I also do Phone readings and taped reaings sent to anyone in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Rich Milostan Astrologer
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Every sun sign has a plus by Rich Milostan
Here are a few thoughts on each sun sign when you are working positive with yours. Aries: Sometime and somewhere in life you will be a leader to some people. Project your best image. Taurus: You love your money so always look for ways to make more. Good motto is every week say to yourself some happy surprise money is coming to me. Gemini: You have the gift of selling anything. Learn to barter for things you need from others, and some of you already do this! Cancer: The best chefs of the zodiac. Cancer woman have the best chance of living longer then any other sun sign male and female. Cook for the man to get to his good sides. Leo: One of your purposes in life to to make people happy. Try to do this once a week. Attracts more happiness to you. Virgo: Very intellectual. Good for making money. Be of service to someone weekly is part of your purpose in this life. Libra: The better you are at making decisions daily the farther you can go in career and happiness with romance. Scorpio: Best bet is to tell someone, give me a project, leave me alone to do it and you will get a good return. Sagittarius: Your born to teach somewhere in life. Get a skill, teach it and money will come in. Capricorn: Best business person in the zodiac. Can do well in work if it has chances of advancement If not start a business Aquarius: Best advances thinkers in the zodiac: Give self more credit for what you do. People won't because they may not appreciate you till 5 years later and your long gone. Pisces: Very good at making people feel better when your positive. Always try to be up everyday. People sometimes rely on you to be there. To R.F. You mentioned you are a Libra interested in an Aries. Remember that the sun sign that is opposite yours, your strengths are his weaknesses and his are the opposite. With a certain maturity, this can be one of the best matches to be in! You can set up an Astrological reading including Tarot with Rich at 1-248-528-2610. I am also available for phone readings and tape readings to anyone in the U.S. with no shipping charge
General Astrology
In our continued study of Astrology, I find many people have misconceptions of what Astrology really is.Some people judge it before they have said the whole word. It is not something to take word for word. I have seen some people not make a move without first reading the Astrology column. In that case, more reliance should be put on inner guidance. According to some articles I have read, I would have had 10 romances and 8 businesses in one year. Possible? Yes! Probable? No! My goal is to show you the practical sides of Astrology. If someone you know shuns Astrology, leave him or her alone. They are in their own time and space. If there is something here to help your individuality blossom, take it It's your gain. Astrology is a excellent tool for better self-understanding. When you have a complete chart done, it shows your strong points, weak points, (and how to strengthen them), your lessons to be learned, areas where your greatest successes lies and much more. In short, it specializes in developing your uniqueness. When you wish to consults an Astrologer, ask your inner guide to lead you to a good one, there are many charlatans out there. In the next article we will show each sun sign and what lessons they are learning at this time. To L.A. Moving somewhere to the mid west is your best bet by your AstroCartograph. That map shows where you would live best in the state or out of Michigan. To set up a personal Astrological consultation, including the Tarot with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi. you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at I also am available for phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you know in the U.S. There is no shipping charge.
Things you can do with Astrology
Someone asked about some things you can do with Astrology other then your Birth Chart. The following are a few just a sample of what can be done by the xpereinced Astrologer. Obviously the Birth chart is number one. This is made up from a birthdate, time of birth and place of birth. This is a list of others. 1. A chart of how your year is going to be. 2. A chart of how your month will be 3. A compatablity chart taken from two people showing how they work as a team. 4. An Astromap graph showing where you would best live in Michigan, or the US, or elsewhere in the world. 5. A chart drawn up where you ask a question to find missing items, career decisions, financial decisions etc. 6. A chart drawn up for you where it shows what someone else can do for you by there birht information. 7. A chart drawn up when you exchange wedding vows, showing how the marriage is going to work. 8. When you sign papers to start a business. the time you do it shows how your company will either succeed or not. And there are others but the above are the main ones. To C, J. you asked what is one of your most popular requests and one of them is parents wanting a reading for their child to find some insights to help raise them to become successful. To M. K. You asked how two Geminis can work together. Born under the sign of the twins, it will be like 4 people trying to be a couple. It is workable but it is best to see the whole natal chart for one will have to be more passive to make it work. For a personal Astrological Consultaion plus the Tarot you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610. I also do phone readings plus can mail out a taped reading to anyone in the U.S.. There is no shipping charge.
Understanding and working with Astrology. How I started.
Back when I was in high school in the early 1960's I was always asking people in school what sign they where. I knew no one that would lead me to asking them. Out of school I heard of this Astrologer in Grosse Pointe who did readings because my curiosity of the subject only increased. After getting the reading she told that I should take some classes because she said I was nurturing type of person. This came from being raised with a Cancerian parent. After 2 years of taking classes and purchasing books on the subject I started doing readings part time and built a business to do it full time starting in 1976. Taking the Birthday, time of birth and where they where born gives a natal chart of the individual and tells what the trends are coming up for the person. In my 33 years of doing this and reading thousands of people it has great justification as being a tool for anybodys life. In future Blogs I will show you the many different charts that can be done including what direction you should best move from your present home if planning a residential move. Should it be north. east, west, or south. It could be in the state you live, or anywhere in the United States. Many people I know don't really believe in Astrology but they sure call be about Mercury Retrograde which happens for 3 weeks 3 times a year. For now let me leave you with a brief look at the sun signs trends for the rest of the year. Aries: Time for romance it will become more important to your life, good cycle if looking for it Taurus: Major changes around work, New career is your bread and butter years with money. Gemini: Starting of more fun after 7 years of restrictions. Cancer: Setting up the next 2 years where you want to live for years to come. Leo: Learning a new small skill to make future money. Virgo: Developing new money disciplines which will last for years to come. Libra: Sarting a whole new way of living, major lifestyle changes. Scorpio: Taking a breather from the hectic pace. Time more alone to relax Sagittarius: A major wish you have fulfilled, go after it. Capricorn: Letting more people know your skills and talents. Aquarius: Polishing up some existing skill or talent you have. Pisces: Pursing more money to not rely on others too much for it. In future Blogs I will give you tools and techniques to help enhance your life based on your Sun Sign. If you have any comments or questions on Astrology, contact me at 1-248-528-2610. I do personal Astrological consultations plus the Tarot. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone in the U.S There is no shipping charge.
Psychic Readings,
Rich Milostan Tarot
Hello From Rich MIlostan Astrologer

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
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Friday, May 6, 2011
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