Thursday, May 19, 2011

Every sun sign has a plus by Rich Milostan

Here are a few thoughts on each sun sign when you are working positive with yours. Aries: Sometime and somewhere in life you will be a leader to some people. Project your best image. Taurus: You love your money so always look for ways to make more. Good motto is every week say to yourself some happy surprise money is coming to me. Gemini: You have the gift of selling anything. Learn to barter for things you need from others, and some of you already do this! Cancer: The best chefs of the zodiac. Cancer woman have the best chance of living longer then any other sun sign male and female. Cook for the man to get to his good sides. Leo: One of your purposes in life to to make people happy. Try to do this once a week. Attracts more happiness to you. Virgo: Very intellectual. Good for making money. Be of service to someone weekly is part of your purpose in this life. Libra: The better you are at making decisions daily the farther you can go in career and happiness with romance. Scorpio: Best bet is to tell someone, give me a project, leave me alone to do it and you will get a good return. Sagittarius: Your born to teach somewhere in life. Get a skill, teach it and money will come in. Capricorn: Best business person in the zodiac. Can do well in work if it has chances of advancement If not start a business Aquarius: Best advances thinkers in the zodiac: Give self more credit for what you do. People won't because they may not appreciate you till 5 years later and your long gone. Pisces: Very good at making people feel better when your positive. Always try to be up everyday. People sometimes rely on you to be there. To R.F. You mentioned you are a Libra interested in an Aries. Remember that the sun sign that is opposite yours, your strengths are his weaknesses and his are the opposite. With a certain maturity, this can be one of the best matches to be in! You can set up an Astrological reading including Tarot with Rich at 1-248-528-2610. I am also available for phone readings and tape readings to anyone in the U.S. with no shipping charge

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