Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Astrology Special, Your 2014 Sun Sign Forecast with Rich Milostan Astrologer

Your Year 2014 Astrology Trends Special
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Website:  RichMilostanAstrologer.com

ARIES (March 21-April 19): If aggressive to make more money it will be a little easier to attain. Many new people will come into your life this year and some of them will help you get ahead in particular goals you have. Your clothes style will change and may dress a little more on the eccentric side. Something from the past you may be clinging on needs to be let go. The last 6 months of the year give some new work opportunities. Romance better then 2013 but will have to put a little more effort to make it become what you want.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): First six months should fine more happiness in the domestic areas. It could be a residential move, solving a family matter etc. Romance will be a big part of the year as singles could find their significant, those married could strengthen there partnership. You will have more opportunities to have more fun this year then the last one. Once you view something from the past a little differently it will go away. Trust your intuition more to do things. Money has just slight improvement.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You will be “luckier” in your communications with others in terms of asking for favors. As the year progresses you will find more happiness in the home front. Many of you find that work has been harder this last year and this will lighten up somewhat. Don’t forget to give yourself more rewards for efforts you put in weekly. Major work opportunities presented toward year’s end. Keep a good discipline on diet exercise and you will have a better sense of well being. Romance a little slow. Money year is 2015, set it up this year.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): This is a better money year, BUT, you will have to go after it or the wind will just take it somewhere else. As the year progresses you could get a different truck or car or you could find it easier to get to places you need to go. If romance has been stingy recently you should find it a little better. But temporally you might have to put a little more into it initially to make it come back. Some of you will find work by year’s end a little different then when it started but it will lead to better opportunities.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): You should have more optimism this year then last and will project a new image. Those prone to weight gain have to watch their diet. If you are money driven the last half of the year can be nice for gains but plans must be set up in the first half of the year. Excessive domestic responsibilities lighten up. Many of you will make a choice; do I want to fix up my place or move within the next 18 months. Whichever way you go you could stay there for years. Watch money, deceptions around you.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): For the first several months of the year get rid of some routines you are getting bored doing. Popularity finally increases for you as the year progresses. You will have an easier time getting your points across to people then last year. You will learn a new skill this year that could set up your long-range financial future. Try not to involve in any excessive family politics if and when they occur. Romance could have you being with someone you never thought you would want to be with.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Many of you have found you had to have a better money discipline in 2013 and this will continue in 2013 but not to such a n extreme. Goofy unexpected bills will be less frequent and several opportunities will come to make some extra cash. Keep quiet at work on goals you have for gossip could be more frequent. Romance has you wanting to be with someone different more then being in a stable one relationship. The first half of the year has you more people orientated then the second half.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): You have had more then your share of responsibilities and this will gradually lighten up as the year progresses. Try to do more things to enhance your image by developing different looks till you get to the one you like. Romance better only if your expectations of it are practical. See a child around you for what they are becoming rather then what you want them to be. For the business set, the first 6 months are stellar to get yourself at a higher position. Quit the junk food.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Many of you want more space to yourself and this will continue but not as much weekly. Excellent year to learn a new hobby if it offers potential money. Avoid negative people as much as possible for they could drain your energy. By years end expect a major new beginning in your life that makes you happy. Romance slow and it is a good year to make yourself more “independent” You will dabble in new fun things that are more relaxing in nature. Romance could see you dating someone again from the past.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22- Jan 19): Some area of life that you are shy to go into, you will and somewhat like it! You won’t be home as much as last year and will want more freedom from the home if you feel restricted there. Could receive some unexpected money sometime in the first 6 months of the year. Travel or short trips out and about quite frequent the last 6 months of the year. Many of you can attain a major goal this year but will get a little people burnout by year’s end. Will meet several new friends.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): When your intuition tells you to puree more money, follow through instead of saying I’ll wait till next week. This should be done because you have the best chances of making money then you have had in over 12 years! You will want to explore more places that you have never experienced before. Romantic opportunities are best the first 6 months of the year rather then the last half. If you ever want to get yourself established in the business area this is the year with rewards quite nice by next December.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Play the “actor” or “actress” this year in communicating with others to get what you want. Your diet must be good or your body will give you lousy feelings. Work opportunities possible the first 6 months of the year, but has to be pursued or you could lose a nice job. Romance improves as the summer unfolds with someone that could be very significant to you. Learn an additional skill this year.  Some of you could make out of state residential moves; your Sign is the most likely to.

 For a more personal detailed look at 2014 Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot, (Also phone readings). You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.  His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is Saturday January 4, 2014 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to 4pm. Bring a friend. I also teach how to read the Tarot.

If interested in a once a month Astrology Trends for the Month column like this for your newsletter, paper or online edition reach me at 1-248-528-2610.


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Psychic Fair 2014 with Rich Milostan

Astrology/Psychic Fair 1/04/2014 with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Saturday January 4, 2014
10am to 4pm
Troy Masonic Center in Troy to GPS or Mapquest
1032 Hartland Dr, 48083
Located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver rd, off Rochester rd on the east side
Astrology, Psychic, Tarot readings available all day.
Admission $5 Readings $20 (15 minutes) $30 (full reading)!
Info: Rich 248-528-2610
Web site: RichMilostanAstrologer.com.
Rich also available for private readings on other days.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Astrology, Part 1 of 2 Setting Goals to Keep New Years Resolutions with Astrologer Rich Milostan

                       Astrology, Setting Goals to Keep New Year Resolutions Part 1 of 2
                                      with Rich Milostan Astrologer
                               Website: RichMilostanAstrologer.com

How many times do you make resolutions for a New Year only to have them doomed to failure? Usually this is because resolutions may not be made with a plan of action.

   Goal setting, on the other hand, implies setting up strategies for achievement. Astrologically, each sun sign has a little different approach to goal achievement. I first recommend you have a standard method. This can be found on many books on success.

   Then by looking on your sun sign, additional clues can be found to help you attain your particular desire. Naturally, because so many other factors make you a unique individual, having your own chart done gives you the best individual picture.

   Read this goal format which follows then the Sun Signs in my next article for additional insights. Then try the method on your chosen goal.

                                 Achievement Method

 1. Write your goal on paper. List directly below it the benefits you can think of which come from achieving the goal. Find a picture of it, if possible, or create a composite that expresses it on poster board. Writing it down and looking at it daily fixes it firm in your mind.

2. On the same piece of paper list the things you need to do, or get, in order to attain your goal. Set down the steps needed such as taking classes, setting aside a nest egg, joining appropriate groups, buying proper equipment or rearranging your schedule. Even having more spiritual faith can help.

3. List the things you need to eliminate which may sidetrack you or cause a conflict in goal achievement; ex. less interesting or conflicting side-interests, wasteful spending habits, or people who discourage you (if this is not possible, a side goal would be learning ways to diffuse their influence).

4. Say daily, "I am achieving this goal" (affirmation). Before retiring, spend some time reviewing the benefits to be gained and picture yourself as having achieved your goal also. Set up what you would do toward it the next day. Program your mind before sleep for a successful day to follow. DO NOT permit yourself to go to sleep with negative thoughts, for that could be your mental preparation.

5. Consult with trusted, positive people only. Entertain productive people only. Work with people who have same energy goals. Eliminate energy draining people.

6. Do not tell everyone your goals; it drains the psychological energy required for attainment. You must ignore people who say you can't do it.

7. Examine your progress periodically. If your not making gains, some information may be missing or your steps may need some revision. DO NOT CRITICIZE YOURSELF.

8. Watch out for people who just tell you to visualize the end result and it will come. If you want a new car, you have to the money first.

9. Remember to be realistic. Their will always be delaying cycles; use them to tidy up your planning. Fit your goals to your interests and abilities, not someone else's expectations. Some goals take more time then others to achieve, plan for it. It's only on TV that setbacks are resolved in a half hour. Don't destroy on the way. If a new weight goal is your way, be practical in expectations.

10. Most important is "attitude of gratitude" for yourself as well as others. Express appreciation to those who set the example you chose to follow. Say thank you to all who help and encourage. To yourself give pats on the back - "Good job, (your name)!" You won't need to brag. Your satisfaction in a job well done will be duly noted, and others may seek your advice on how to do it.

To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich including the Tarot for your year 2014 I can be reached at 1-248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Astrology, More Ideas for Christmas with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Astrology, More Ideas for Christmas
with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Website: RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Aries (3/21–4/19): It will be hard to buy for them because they’ll buy it quick if they want it. Colognes, out-of-state trip tickets, gifts for the car, sports equipment (tennis, golf, baseball, etc…), and sportswear. Give a hat to an Aries woman, also jewelry, perfumes cosmetics. They enjoy exercise bikes or other exercise accessories. When buying clothes purchase something in red. Self-improvement gifts of gifts that pertain to a project they’re doing now are thoughtful gifts.

Taurus (4/20 –5/20): Anything in gold will catch their eyes. Things that are nice for the home (lamp, kitchenware). Taurus loves money, wallets and purses. Anything in antiques is fine. Pictures for the wall are nice but fit one into their practical personality. They love sentimental gifts that remind them from something for the past. Also something for their car fits their likes.

Gemini (5/21- 6/20): They love to communicate you’ll get them a portable TV, radio or new phone. They love to use their hands so any kind of gloves is nice. Subscription to a favorite magazine, books are appreciated. Purchase a briefcase with some supplies in it. They love to put things on their skin so colognes, perfume a good supply of nice hand soap is good. Also new age clothes seem to be their interest.

Cancer (6/21-7/22): Anything that decorates the house is for Cancers. Potted plants, decorations for the living room, drapes, blankets for the bedroom they would like. Certificates to a favorite restaurant are hinted. Appliances for the kitchen are nice. Anything that makes their home more comfortable, (rugs, lamps) or warms the body (sweaters, gloves, hats). They will enjoy a picture of a loved one or a Lazy Boy chair to sink in.

Leo (7/23-8/22): They love things that are colorful and sparkle. They love clothes that enhance their public image. For woman it could be hats, scarves and boots; for men coats, shoes and gloves. Gift certificates to a play show or concert would be appreciated. All shirts must be professional in look. Certificates to a hair salon are nice. Tickets to a future sporting event are also a nice gift.

Virgo (8/23-922): Checkbook or wallet calculator is popular. Bookshelves or anything they can place on them like books or collectibles are nice. Visit their home and see what you can add to it. Clocks and watches are good ideas. A gift to a health food sore or spa would be enjoyed. Tiny detailed jewelry, a copy of a favorite movie they always liked and tape recorders fit them well. Anything with crafts fits their fancy. Consider a garden tool.

Libra (9/23-10/22): They like peaceful things around the house like pillows, scenic candles and candle holders and cuddle up blankets. Women like things that enhance their beauty (cosmetics, hair curling items or jewelry). A certificate for a facial or manicure would be appreciated. They would enjoy for things that satisfy their musical interests. For the man, something for the car, cologne or a set of tools.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21): Buy them things that will start them on a hobby. They love books or games like Scrabble, Chess etc. Purchase tickets to a movie, concert of a favorite food basket. They’ll enjoy a subscription to a magazine that will help them attain their goals. Cameras or other film equipment are nice. Tool sets are high on there interest to have. Purchase a gift certificate to a store that they seem to want to go to often.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21): Something to enhance their office is nice. Tennis shoes, slippers and boots are well received. Any apparel that fits their travel interests will be enjoyed. Find something that will add to a hobby they have. Sweaters, shirts belts, and ties are nice but must be sporty. Consider tickets to an athletic event or purchase a book to their favorite “philosophy”. A comforter to have on when watching TV will definitely be used

Capricorn (12/22-1/19): A briefcase, office supplies that further their work interests and conservative clothes for work. Comfortable evening clothes for relaxing and footwear are also good ideas. Look into additional conveniences for the car. A clock or watch is well received. Purchase something they can build in the house from a hobby store or buy a workbench for the basement. Look into getting them a daily planner for the year.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18): Computers, computer software and anything electronic will fill their fancy. Some of these sign likes home entertainment games. Comfortable evening clothes for relaxing and footwear are also good ideas. Pocket radios, digital clocks, watches are good gifts. Any bright colored clothes would be a welcomed addition to their wardrobe. A subscription to a book club or holistic health magazine would make a great gift. Purchase something that would make their work easier whether for there job or doing something around the home.

Pisces (2/19-3/20): Anything that would apply to the arts such as paintings, a musical instrument, tickets to a concert or an art show would be nice. They love comfortable footwear. Candy is definitely on their wish list. Mediation books or tapes are a nice enhancement. Cameras are also well received. Give them a pet only if they are looking for one. Add on a collectible to something they seem to like to accumulate as a hobby.

 Purchase a Gift Certificate for a reading for a Christmas  Present to someone you know to get a reading from Rich are available. Call number below to have one sent to you.

Rich is available for an Astrological and Psychic consultation. You can reach me in Troy Michigan at 248-528-2610. I also read the Tarot. Phone readings are available and I can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. I also teach how to read the Tarot.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Astrology, Gift Certicates for Christmas Present with Rich Milostan

                             Astrology, Gift Certificate for Christmas Present for a Reading
                                          Website Rich Milostan Astrologer.com

This is the time of the year where people like to go to readers to see what is coming up for the coming year. I will be putting up a 2014 Astrology Trends for the Year for all the Sun Signs in late December 2013. But, in being limited to several paragraphs it will be hard to say everything for people at age 20 who do things differently then those at 50 plus. So I offer several options below.

1) Several people asked me if I sell Gift Certificates for readings so they could give one to a family member or friend as a Christmas Gift.

If interested in a Christmas Gift Certificate mail $45 (check or money order). This offer only good through 12/31/2013. Send to
                                          Rich Milostan
                                          1250 Glaser
                                          Troy, Michigan 48085

Make sure you include your phone number if I have to reach you.
2) I also can send a taped reading of your year 2014 to you. Just fill out the form on the right side  on my blog site with $45. Rich Milostan on Astrology.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Astrology, Christmas Shopping with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Astrology – Christmas Shopping
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Web Site RichMilostanAstrologer.Com

Email this article to your friends!

The following are ideas for each Sun Sign, Gift cards are a standard nice thing to give to all of the below.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Anything that keeps his head warm in the winter. A convenience item for his car. Some form of exercise or sporting equipment.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Jewelry is the big thing, watch, etc. A coat for the winter that keeps their neck warm. Good money book.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Anything that involves music. Tools for the garage. Gloves whether for warmth or for general purposes where gloves are needed.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Food basket where you handpick them into the basket; not pre made.  Purchase some appliance for the kitchen. Something they can where that reminds them of you. Could be something both can wear; matching outfit.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Gift card to some concert or sporting event. Some clothes that are bright in color or an electronic device that entertains.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Good non-fiction books to an interest they have. A gift pass to a spa or dance lesson 10 week block. A new cordless phone.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Some form of dress apparel that shows beauty in its colors. Some walking or running shoes. Gift certificate to get 2-hair stylings done somewhere.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): A metal detecting instrument but could be expensive. Something for the home that makes them relax better. Could be a massager for the back, feet etc. Cologne or soap they use regularly.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): A weekend paid getaway pass to somewhere up north. A sports outfit to wear in an outdoor interest they have. Purchase another pair of there favorite tennis shoes they wear.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Something that enhances their business life; possibility some clothes. Good books to further manage their money better or a book to learn a quick new skill. Some little luxury to have when they are watching TV.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Definitely something electronic. Tickets to a movie coming up. Something they wear that is getting old and should be replaced.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Something where music is concerned, a radio?  A meditation book to relax with reading. Something that keeps their feet warm in the winter.

Now is an excellent time to get a personal in-depth reading to work 2014. You can also purchase a Gift Certificate for someone as a Christmas Gift. Send $45 to Rich Milostan 1250 Glaser Troy, Mi 48085 to have it sent to you.

 Call Rich for a private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. No time limit for the reading.   You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. Don’t forget to refer me to someone.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Psychic Fair Saturday 12/07/2013 with Rich Milostan

Astrology/Psychic Fair 12/07/2013 with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Gift Certificates  for a reading available at Fair for a Christmas Present for someone you know, see Rich

Saturday December 7, 2013
10am to 4pm
Troy Masonic Center in Troy to GPS or Mapquest
1032 Hartland Dr, 48083
Located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver rd, off Rochester rd on the east side
Astrology, Psychic, Tarot readings available all day.
Admission $5 Readings $20 (15 minutes) $30 (full reading)!
Info: Rich 248-528-2610
Web site: RichMilostanAstrologer.com.


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Your December 2014 Astrology Trends with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Your December 2013 Astrology Trends
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
Website:  RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Psychic Fair Saturday December 7, 2013! Details at end of article.

Purchase a Gift Certificate for a Christmas present for a reading for a friend or family member. Mail $45 remittance to Rich Milostan 1250 Glaser Troy, Mi. and I will mail it to you.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your life begins to go forward again without all those irritating roadblocks coming up all the time. Domestic situations or problems will turn more in your favor. Money will not be as tight as in previous months if you assert yourself to make more. Romance can improve also but requires you put a little more effort to make it worthwhile. Good month for travelers if going out of town and even could pick up a business idea when on it. Astro-Tip: Dress your best this month.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Some situation from the past that has been bothering you has enough information now to resolve it. Very likely to meet more people then usual the next 4 months of which some are quite productive for you. Watch moods at work. Just ignore “opinionated coworkers”. Romance will be a bigger topic for you in the coming weeks. Weak partnerships will do a slow drift and a new significant one enters this winter. Astro-Tip: Gift cards good to give for the Holidays.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Things you are not using in the home would be good to sell the first 2 weeks of the month. Try to put a little more fun in your weeknights if you may have not been doing this lately. Give yourself a few more little rewards in efforts you put in weekly at work. You could eventually get a promotion or an easier job as the first of the year progresses for all the hard work you have been doing lately. Could get some surprise money this month. Astro-Tip: purchase a new warm hat.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Many of you will feel like purchasing a whole new wardrobe in the coming weeks. Those prone to weight gain should write reminders to watch their diet. Be selective to which family members you associate with the Holiday season for a few may be moody. Work may be a little busier the usual and remember to do the priorities first. Career could put you in a new direction soon. Watch how many Christmas lights you put out for bill will follow. Astro-Tip: Get rid of some “tight” clothes.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Break free now of some things that tend to restrict you. Watch moods on the road now. Shop more away from the rush hour cycles. Domestic responsibilities may be a little higher for you lately; delegate some of them out to others if possible. Romance will finally go on the upswing for you. Work pressure will ease and if you keep a good diet you will even notice it more. Start researching a speculative idea you have to make more money. Astro-Tip: Your TV interests are changing away from the negative programs.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Watch impulsive spending this coming season. Make a list of what you want to spend and stop there. Rewards on the horizon for all the efforts you put in communicating with others the last 6 months. Research into learning an additional new job skill to start after the first of the year. You probably will want a little quieter Holiday season this time around. Money flow finally begins to open up and very soon. Keep romantic expectations practical. Astro-Tip: Use good posture when heavy lifting.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Energy improves to get some past projects completed. Keep a good discipline in working your money matters and you will eventually be rewarded with more opportunities to make more. (Hint: 2014 has more of them then 2013).  Family members can be unusually nice to you this month. You can stabilize a close relationship now that you have been questioning.  An authority person makes you happy very soon. Astro-Tip: Send out some Christmas cards to those you have not sent out to in awhile.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Your probably happy November is done so start focusing on goals that pop up in your mind now. You must project your best personality at this time to help get some of your needs met. This also includes dress code. Insight comes to cut down on a monthly bill you get. The next 3 months be flexible to take on “different” day to day work responsibilities. It could eventually impress your resume. Wherever you at in romance have it staying about the same. Astro-Tip: Give a small gift to someone whose recently did you a favor.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): You will begin to feel now like you want to project a new image. Many of you though feel you want more space to yourself lately, don’t do excessive things daily to not allow this, like excessive volunteer work etc. Money can improve now but requires you go beyond the “tired feeling” to do this. Don’t let any family members give you guilt trips this month. More fun opportunities present themselves. Could get more gifts then usual this coming Holiday. Astro-Tip: Buy yourself 3 Christmas gifts then stop spending.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22- Jan 19): The 30 days before your Birthday is normally a little bit of a rest mode where you finish up some small projects and just take time to slow down and enjoy each day. During the coming holidays though, you will want to do some things a little away from the family traditions and celebrate it differently. You’re about due to have a new significant friend enter. No different money changes other then those who make their money now and could be a little slimmer. Astro-Tip: For the romantics purchase them a gift to remember.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Read contracts thoroughly if you make major holiday purchases. You’ll expand your social circle a little more then usual the next 30 days. Romance will be a little more prevalent then in past Christmases. Give some child a little extra to give them a good memory tape. Business people can make some good reputations with their bosses now. Remember to keep a good diet so you won’t have to make New Year resolution to get back to it. Astro-Tip: Smile more/

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): You will want to do more calming activities as the month progresses. Insights come to begin working and making more money for the coming year. Write down ideas on paper. Romance possibilities could come now and especially when you least expect it. Excellent time to purchase a different computer or phone if you think yours is getting out dated. Accept outings with friends for they could turn out to be quite nice. Surprise your boss with a small gift. Astro-Tip: Listen to more soft music.

 Now is an excellent time to get a personal in-depth reading to work 2014.

 For a more personal detailed look at 2014 Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot, (Also phone and taped readings). You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.  His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is Saturday December 7, 2013 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to 4pm. Bring a friend. I also teach how to read the Tarot.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Astrology, Love and Career Insights with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Astrology – Love and Career Insights
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Web Site RichMilostanAstrologer.Com

Email this article to your friends!

Here are just a few thoughts on Love and Career. Next month (December) I will do an extensive look at each Sun Signs year 2014.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): LOVE: They love to be talked about. CAREER: Pick up a good book now on managing people.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): LOVE: Love presents that give them additional comforts. CAREER: Start being around more money people.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): LOVE: You can win a Gemini by being a Jack-of-all-trades. CAREER: Send out 3 resumes for the heck of it over the next 3 months. 

CANCER (June 21-July 22): LOVE: Love when someone makes them a meal. CAREER: You’ll make brownie points more when working extra with the boss the season.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): LOVE: Love to be entertained by taking them to a movie or bring a video over. CAREER: Keep quiet to fellow work employees on future goals.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): LOVE: Love to hear compliments on something they like to keep in order in their life. CAREER: Learn from your competition.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): LOVE: Love to do quiet things at night with someone else. CAREER: No rewards the next 3 months, move on!

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): LOVE: Love it when you don’t want to know too much about their personal life. CAREER: Take an idea you have now and market it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): LOVE: Love quick-witted conversation. CAREER: Stick with what you have and make it better.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): LOVE: Love those with strong business heads. CAREER: Don’t take personal problems into work.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): LOVE: Love off-the-wall conversations. CAREER: Work alone as much as possible the next 3 months.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): LOVE: Love conversations with another who’s future dreams are similar. CAREER:  Just plain pursue ore money the next 4 months.

Now is an excellent time to get a personal in-depth reading to work 2014. You can also purchase a gift certificate for someone as a Christmas Gift.

 Call Rich for a private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. No time limit for the reading.   You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. Don’t forget to refer me to someone.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gift Certificate for 2014 Astrology Reading with Rich Milostan

  Working Your Next 12 months (2014) Coupon for you.

Also send a reading as a gift for Christmas to someone.

Or you can just send $45 and a Gift Certificate can be mailed to you to send to them.

Mail Consultations
Psychic Astrology Readings recorded on tape and mailed to you

Purchase an Astrology taped reading for $45
Print this form out, fill form and mail out.
Send check or money order payable to Rich Milostan
Please send with the following information:

Month______ Day_______ Year___________
Time of birth___________ 
Country _________________

Return address
Your Name _____________________
Address ________________________
City ________________ State__________ Zip____________

Phone number (for questions)__________________________

Send to
1250 GLASER, TROY, MI 48085
INFO: (248) 528-2610
Email: rfmilostan@yahoo.com
 Visit my Website RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Astrology, Some Things to Think About with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Astrology, Some Things to Think About
With Rich Milostan Astrologer

Did you ever tell an Aries what to do before age 35. (Sometimes their whole life). Good luck.

Don’t present Taureans with a lot of changes, they’ll literally turn into the bull. You can sell them jewelry though.

Eight out of ten men don/t believe in this stuff. How can I do this for 38 years if there wasn’t some sense to it.

Geminis are the most likely to make their mate feel unreliable to them. But if you need something from someone the Gemini has the gift of gab to get it for you.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo have to work with others to get ahead this winter.

Ever notice Cancers sneaking on their diet lately. They are all complaining of work at this time and their diet isn’t helping their physical and emotional reactions to work responsibility/

Many musicians are “cusp” people born on the 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st.

Its strange that people will go to a “psychic” or a “clairvoyant” because they think they won’t get their death, traumas, etc. while some sense the “Astrologer” might do this. The Astrologers purpose is to set up a potential plan to enhance your life and not play God.

Leos may feel a little insecure with their home life at this time of winter coming, but will be much better as 2014 unfolds

Most Virgos will not interpret the opposite sex like they do now, like they will at the end of 2014. They will see them in a more realistic perspective.

Take a marriage of a Taurus and a Scorpio and you’ll have a moneymaker!

For the single set, a Libra will most likely to admired from a “distance”. Then any other sign. They are the slowest to initially get close.

Scorpios are the most likely to drive the oldest cars next year and they don’t have to. They also tend to have the bushiest eyebrows of all the signs.

Sagittarians need a lot of windows in their home. If you’re looking for love keep that in mind to have the Sag be closer to you.

Capricorns are most likely to display any trophies won.

Aquarians have the most unusual hairstyles. This also would pertain if you have an Aquarian parent.

Have the best intuitions or psychic off aa the sun signs

Check out my Website at RichMilostanAstrologer.com. (Coupon special for reading)

To set up an Astrological/Tarot consultation with Rich in Troy Mi. call 1-248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Your November 2013 Astrology Trends with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Your November 2013 Astrology Trends
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
Website:  RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Psychic Fair Saturday 11/02/2013. Plan Your Year Ahead. Details at end of article.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): If you financial picture has been strained the last 6 months, this will begin to lift by mid month. Work stresses will be a little less if you keep a better diet. Eating junk food can make you feel lousy and when you go to work it magnifies the stresses. Excellent time to start exercising again if you have been neglecting it. A situation you have from the past finally resolves. Astro-Tip: Time to buy an extra pair of gloves to keep in the car.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): More information coming to resolve an issue you have. By the third week of the month you have enough data. Romance will be quite a bit on your mind. Singles could find someone and if involved with someone conflicts will clear up. Try to do more fun outlets to get your balance back. Money stays about the same. For the travel enthusiasts, you could be going on a nice trip within 3 months Astro-Tip: Treat someone to a nice lunch.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Insights come to work your money better. Watch moods around family members; remember Christmas is around the corner. Good time to look for work if you have not found any lately. Minor diet correction enhances sense of well being. Could get some surprise money sometime over the next 6 weeks but don’t get overly excited about the amount. Give yourself more rewards for efforts you do at work. Astro-Tip: Meet 3 new people this month.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Patience required communicating with others this month and this includes your time on the road. You will have more opportunities for fun and romance could finally go more your way. Major career advancement possibilities don’t open up till January. Try to learn something this winter that can make you some more money up the road. If you don’t need to do this at least read several non-fiction books to get some useful knowledge. Astro-Tip: Watch a good movie.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Forget the past and live in the Now for awhile. This is a month where you could spend more money or find a way to make more. Before you spend, ask yourself “Do I really need this”. A domestic situation you have can be worked out now. If moods are on the negative side quit watching TV programs that just keep feeding it for awhile. Work responsibilities will be better now. Astro-Tip: Treat yourself to a nice meal you haven’t had in awhile.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Energy improves to get a lot of things done, make a priority list. You will start to communicate with many more people in the coming months that you have never met before. If you have a family irritation that is not under your roof, let it slide for awhile. You will start to have more fun then you have had in the previous 3 months. Romance better if you put a little effort to make it that way. Astro-Tip: Purchase something warm for the coming winter.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): This is a good month to get a better perspective of your money. Most money issues you will take care of will turn in your favor. A family member could give you a surprise gift. Energy improves if you break the habit of worrying too much about something you think could happen. Creative thoughts come in the next 3 months that could make you more money for 2014. Astro-Tip: Visit a person from the past.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Birthday month is always good to treat yourself to something special. Your next 12-month cycle shows lighter responsibilities to things, a new image will emerge from you and better opportunities to advance work. For this month, purchase some new clothes, put on the charm to someone you may have an interest in and go to more group situations in things you like to do. Astro-Tip: Flip mattress around if back irritates you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Many of you are wanting more space to your self lately and that is good if you do more peaceful things in that particular time. Rid yourself of anybody who has been irritating you especially if longer then 5 months. You can make a little more money now if you put some effort to make more. Some issue in the family can be completed. You will be busier at work, leave it there when you drive home. Astro-Tip: Throw away old shoes.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22- Jan 19): You will do various things to enhance your image over the next several months. Someone you are shy to talk to will be overcome. Over the next 6 months you will not be home as much and doing more fun things. Popularity increases with others and some may help you with some goals you have. Money improves through the boss within 6 months. You will communicate more with people at far distances. Astro-Tip: Pursue a major wish you have.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Call a person from the past, you may be surprised how nice they are. Watch contract signing the next 5 weeks. Read all the lines carefully if you must. Career can give you more work then you like but will be temporary. If looking into a business, after the 15th is no better time to put it into action. Romance slow so pursue more individual interests. Don’t cheat on diet, it will wear on you eventually. Astro-tip: Watch sugar intake.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Most of the month will be spent restructuring your money habits. Make a list of all your bills, some corrections or phone calls to them could save you some money by months end. If you dream of any numbers, play the lottery with them but be practical in what you spend on it. Romance stays about the same and career gets better after the first of the year. Astro-Tip: Limit high spiced food.

 Read all the Astro-Tips to see if some will help you.

 Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. Also phone readings available You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.  His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is Saturday November 2, 2013 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to 4pm. Bring a friend. I also teach how to read the Tarot.

If interested for this column once a month for your newspaper, web edition or newsletter email me at rfmilostan@yahoo.com


Friday, October 25, 2013

Psychic Fair 12/07/2013 with Rich Milostan

Astrology/Psychic Fair 12/07/2013 with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Saturday December 7, 2013
10am to 4pm
Troy Masonic Center in Troy to GPS or Mapquest
1032 Hartland Dr, 48083
Located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver rd, off Rochester rd on the east side
Astrology, Psychic, Tarot readings available all day.
Admission $5 Readings $20 (15 minutes) $30 (full reading)!
Info: Rich 248-528-2610
Web site: RichMilostanAstrologer.com.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Astrology, A General Look with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Astrology, A General Look
with Astrologer Rich Milostan
Website: RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Aries (3/21 –4/19): The Aries teen is the most difficult to handle in their teens.

Usually people who marry the same sun sign as theirs never give in easily in disagreements.

Taurus (4/20 –5/20): Your sign wears the most jewelry of all the rest of the sun signs

In 10 years you’re likely to rent a drone to check up on somebody you know but will be very expensive.

Gemini (5/21- 6/20): Use more skin lotion then any other sign.

Watch a special light come on your car automatically if someone is driving to close to you.

Cancer (6/21-7/22): Have the highest food bill per year then all the other signs in general.

In the not too distant future you will be able to talk and see the person you may want to date online. (Of course they have to answer your request)

Leo (7/23-8/22): Love life really picks up for the Leo in the next several years.

Virgo (8/23-922): Will analyze things more deeply then most other signs.

In general, twins are most likely to be born in June or November.

Libra (9/23-10/22): Are most likely to attract in a relationship what they lack. They have the least percent of divorces.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21): They make the best “policemen” and “detectives”. Although some Scorpio’s do hire a detective to check someone out before they date them.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21): Are considered to have the strongest legs.

Nice careers to look into are beauty fields and Etiquette Coach.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19): Always wants to “structure” something. In 2014, developing a new job skill very likely.

New non-alcohol relaxation drinks coming soon loaded with vitamins that soothe a person.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18): Have to watch how much they spend on any travails 200 miles or more from their home in 2014.

Pisces (2/19-3/20): Likely to go through 2 distinct career changes in their lifetime.

Rich is available for an Astrological and Psychic consultation. You can reach me in Troy Michigan at 248-528-2610. I also read the Tarot. Phone readings are available and I can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. I also teach how to read the Tarot.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Astrology, Working your Career in 2014 with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Working your Career 2014
with Rich Milostan
Website RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Each Sun Sign has a different way to work their career. Some signs advance up the ladder, but others seem to shuffle along with no advancement. Two areas must work together to get ahead. Area one is your drive, going after promotions and the other is to streamline your daily routines.
  First though, lets look at the energies for the next year. Only Aries will put a concentrated push to elevate their career status while the other Sun Signs will focus on other issues. If you use your energies right, you will gain in your career, buts issues must be dealt with first.
  Taurus is in a higher learning cycle, take productive courses. Gemini will deal with others money, don’t be so preoccupied you forget about work. Cancers focus on relationships; however if too much attention is paid you will suffer financially. Leo will streamline daily work procedures or change jobs to build status up. Virgo may get too wrapped up in love (or a child) and forget their career. Libra may get too involved in family problems, while Scorpio will learn how to communicate to get ahead. Sagittarius will restructure their budget, and Capricorn will change their image. Aquarius may take a whole new road through company instruction and Pisces will focus on friends, eliminating some, and finding new ones. Now that we see the areas of concentration for 2014, lets look at each sign and get an insight to developing in life a rewarding career.

Aries (3/21 – 4/19): Get to know top management people in your particular field. Have a specialty that is perfected and unique.

Taurus (4/20 – 5/20): Get out of comfort zones and enjoy change. Work in an environment that has harmony and not subject to quick-decision making.

Gemini (5/21 –6/20Realize you wait for external influences to push you. Get to know “creative people”. Don’t get wrapped up in peoples problems: just do your work.

Cancer (6/21 – 7/22): Know people who are physically active and show much self-leadership. Don’t scatter energies and think that the other side of the fence is where it is at.

Leo (7/23 – 8/22): Know money people and plod in one career till you are the best. Work alone as much as possible to “rise above” the rest of them. Learn management.

Virgo (8/23 – 9/22): Get to know people who talk a lot about getting ahead. Quit being indecisive about switching careers if a good offer comes along.

Libra (9/23 – 10/22): Women will expand you more then men throughout your life. Listen to them. Don’t work excessively in your normal routine. You won’t have a chance to promote to a higher position (with more responsibilities that gives you more pay).

Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21): Enhancing your personality is your major factor for enhancing career. Project the image even if you feel it isn’t within you. Learn to delegate, when possible, don’t lose patience learning more responsibilities to advance yourself.

Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21): Learning a “specialty” and promoting it till you advance is a must. But don’t scatter your energies. You may make more money in your life with “products” rather then “ideas”. Jack-of-all-trades doesn’t make as much as a master of something.

Capricorn (12/22 – 1/19): Will succeed best when you can refine or balance something better. Develop a talent that will project that end result. Quit trying to know it all before you advance. Take a talent and communicate ot to all sources.

Aquarius (1/20 –2/18): Advancement comes when you can psychologically convince authority what you have is a material gain to them. Work best with loner employees and let them PR you. Play the role.

Pisces (2/19 – 3/20): Opportunities come when you teach others. Dress “wealthy” and show showmanship.

Check coupon special on my website.

Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations in Troy Mi. You can reach me at 248-528-2610. The Tarot is included. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Astrology, A Thought and Coming Winter with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Astrology, A Thought and Coming Winter
with Astrologer Rich Milostan
Website: RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Aries (3/21 –4/19): Most likely sign to explode if inhibited by daily routine and a sedentary life for too long. This coming winter Aries is getting their bodies into better shape to make a nice financial push the last 7 months of 2014

Taurus (4/20 –5/20): You have incredible endurance especially if there is money to be made. This winter you will find someone to teamwork with to make more money starting next spring.

Gemini (5/21- 6/20): You have too much emphasis of what people think, moderate this. This winter keep diet clean after 6pm, Also, new income possible starting a little side line business.

Cancer (6/21-7/22): Can be evasive when confronted with something. Tend to hide in their shell. As the cold weather comes in, focus more on work and making money if love life tends to be eluding you.

Leo (7/23-8/22): Your sign is the most convincing to have others do things for you. Over the winter get your home in order to how you want it to be. You will be too busy doing other things after that.

Virgo (8/23-922): You need to communicate. At their best they succeed with the practical logical order. If too intense, they get critical and go through temporary burnout. The new people you meet this coming winter determines you future in many ways. Be around go-getters.

Libra (9/23-10/22): When discord arises quickly in a situation they become indecisive. The n next 5 months make a firm decision to make ore money.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21): You have the best healing power of all the signs. (When they are a positive mode). Over the coming months project your best image. This will help eventually with money and love life.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21): You’re considered the outdoors-man and need a lot of room to run your life. This winter quit helping everybody else and focus on your goals.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19): Usually are slow to develop, but reach a plateau by “middle age” and stay at that level the rest of their life. In the coming winter focus on a major goal you have. If contacting the right people it can be attained!

Aquarius (1/20-2/18): You love to express yourself more through sizable groups then one-to-one contact. Pursue a major career goal this coming winter. If older, your likely to find a part time supplement income

Pisces (2/19-3/20): You can’t understand this sign through pressure or logic or they will retreat. For the next 5 months, learn a new skill though a class or the purchase of a non fiction book.

Rich is available for an Astrological and Psychic consultation. You can reach me in Troy Michigan at 248-528-2610. I also read the Tarot. Phone readings are available and I can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. I also teach how to read the Tarot.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Astrology and Psychic Fair 10/05/2013 and Some with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Astrology/Psychic Fair 10/05/2013 and Some with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Saturday October 5, 2013
10am to 4pm
Troy Masonic Center in Troy to GPS or Mapquest
1032 Hartland Dr, 48083
Located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver rd, off Rochester rd on the east side
Astrology, Psychic, Tarot readings available all day.
Admission $5 Readings $20 (15 minutes) $30 (full reading)!
Info: Rich 248-528-2610
Web site: RichMilostanAstrologer.com.

Remember Mercury Retrograde? October 21st to Nov 10th 2013. Time to finish things and plan, but no new beginnings. Ex. Don’t sign papers, start a new job or buy major items etc. Difficulty could be attached to them in the future.

Next full moon is October 18th in Aries. People can be romantic or demanding and moody.

Those of you born between 8am and 2pm have the highest social IQ. They can say things without ever thinking it and be right!

Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo generally have thicker hair longer in their life.

Need a private reading any day of the week. Call Rich at 248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Your October 2013 Astrology Trends with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Your October 2013 Astrology Trends
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
Website RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Psychic Fair October 5, 2013 Details below!

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Good time the next 2 months to do things to enhance the comfort you want in your home life. It could be making a purchase or just rearranging things to be more convenience for you to get when you need them. A family member can help you with something if you ask them. Give employees a little space this month for they can be a little moody. More patience required when doing your daily work responsibilities. Romance improves. If female, you have to pursue them. Astro-Tip: Keep diet good

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You’re a little luckier to get some things you want when communicating a need to others. Try do more fun things weekly to get balance back. This is normally your month to set up your diet/exercise patterns for the next 12 months, make small list to adjust it. Romance will be a big topic for you the next 12 months. Someone significant could enter, a shaky relationship end, to be replaced by a better one. No big money changes yet. Astro-Tip: Be more flexible with children

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the coming winter your sign has the most opportunities to make extra money. Let more people know your skills. Time to get any yard things put away before it gets to cold. A child around you needs a little confidence boost here and there from you. More discipline is needed in diet/exercise to maintain good energy at work. Many of you have been working hard with little rewards, but they will come soon. Romance slowly improves. Astro-Tip: Time to throw out some old shoes.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Those prone to weight gain need to watch their diet the next 6 months. Many of you will begin to develop a new look sometime before Christmas. People may tax your patience the next 2 months so avoid those who tend to test it. Time to purchase something to make your home a little warmer for the coming winter. The fun things you like to do between 6pm-11pm are changing. You will do more outlets around people then in the past. Your money year is 2014! Astro-Tip: Get car maintained for winter.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Since clothes make a determining factor to your success chances in business and romance it is time to make some changes in what you wear. You will start communicating with more people now then you have done in the last 3 months. If dealing with more family responsibilities then usual this area will begin to lighten up. Big decision coming up is where do you want to live by 2015. Do you want to fix your place or move. Watch lending money. Astro-Tip: Use more eye contact with others.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Watch impulsive thinking, think twice before acting. Energy level improves, exercise away if it periodically gets to high. Time to set up a written budget on how you will work your coming utility bills for the winter. Lights will be used more as well as heating costs. Many of you will learn a new job skill over the coming winter
which would be a plus to your financial future up the road. Romance slow so
focus more on personal goals the next 2 months. Astro-Tip: Time to seek a new friend.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Your Birthday coming is a time to plan you next 12 months. Treat yourself to something nice on your special day. For the next 12 months the emphasis will be on financial improvements and nice opportunities to expand on work interests. Romance slow if you have an attitude about it. For this month, there is minor diet corrections, new creative ways to do your daily work that you will have time to do other things and improved energy levels. Astro-Tip: When watching TV at night watch more positive shows.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Many of you will develop a new look over the next 3 months. You also will become more optimistic about daily things if pessimism has been ruling you in the recent past. Giving yourself more rewards for efforts of things you do help build energy level. You will socialize with more people then usual now. You will fell more stable about your money by month’s end. Good time to get some old projects taken care of. Astro-Tip: Patience, you can attain a goal you have.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Time to turn on the charm to help get some of the things you want. Many of you are feeling you want more space to yourself lately. This just where you are at and should enjoy some quiet times. Don’t give excessive service to the family, you won’t be rewarded for it. Try doing some new fun things you have never done before in its place. Sometime in the next 4 months you could get some happy money you were not expecting. Boss is moody now. Astro-Tip: Purchase a meditation book.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22- Jan 19): Seems you sign is always busy doing business goals. This is the time where romance could be exceptional for you, but you have to have the time for it. You will want freedom from domestic responsibilities for the next several months, don’t ignore everything. A major wish you have could be attained sometime this winter. Set up a written plan and go forward with it. Stay out of any work politics if and when they occur. Astro-Tip: Smile more.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Time to look at your structure of your finances, don’t assume everything is up to par. You’re beginning a 6 month cycle where you want to meet “different” people. You will an additional skill at work over the winter that can be a good plus for you in your resume. An employee around you can be very helpful to some goal you are trying to attain. Weight gain likely if prone to it, make necessary adjustments with diet. Romance becomes more important to you. Astro-Tip: Contact an old friend.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): You will become more creative in some of the goals you wish to attain over the coming winter. Slight changes coming in how you handle your monthly bills. Write down ways you can cut down on the amount in all your bills. You will do more fun thing now then you have done in the recent past. Stay away from moody people the next 2 months. Romance can improve, but you must pursue it. People at distances become more important to you. Astro-Tip: Upgrade phone if you haven’t recently

 Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.  His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is Saturday October 5, 2013 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to 4pm. Bring a friend. I also teach how to read the Tarot.

This column is available for your newspaper, web edition or newsletter. Email me at rfmilostan@yahoo.com if interested.


Taped Psychic/Astrology Reading Coupon Special with Rich Milostan

$45 Taped Psychic/Astrology Reading Coupon
“Working Your Next 12 Months”

Mail Consultations
Psychic/Astrology Readings recorded on tape and mailed to you.

Purchase a Psychic/Astrology taped reading for $45!
Print this form out, fill out form and mail out
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Please send with the following information

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Note: Can still do reading if you don’t know your time of birth.

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Send to:
Rich Milostan
1250 Glaser
Troy, Mi 48085
Info: 248-528-2610
Email rfmilostan@yahoo.com Web Site: RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Astrology, Check These Thoughts Out with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Astrology, Check These Thoughts Out
With Astrologer Rich Milostan

Website: RichMilostanAstrologer.com

The Aries teenager I the most difficult sign to handle in their teen years.

Usually people who marry under the same sign never give in easily to disagreements.

Never buy an Aries something that they cannot use immediately.

Taurus wears the most jewelry of all the signs.

Watch for more exotic foods to be available in trucks to serve people at various locations coming very soon.

Geminis use more skin lotion then any other sign.

Cancers will get more serious in relationships through 2014.

Leos throw a great party as long as they are the center of attention.

Look for some real good deals in certain food items this coming winter (Jupiter in Cancer).

Virgos love to analyze people, Don’ lose touch with your personal goals.

Email this article to a friend if they are into Astrology.

Libras are the most likely sign to attract in a relationship in what they lack. They have the least percentages of divorce also.

They are most law officers under Scorpio then any other sign.

Sagittarians are considered to have the strongest legs.

If you call someone and they dump on you the first 20 minutes of the conversation you need to become a Tarot reader.
Capricorn always need to “structure” something. In 2014 it is a new set of friends.

Aquarians are the most likely sign to walk around the home barefoot.

Pisceans generally will go through 2 distinct careers in their lifetime.

3 things are good for being in a relationship. 1) 6pm-11pm evening play compatibility. 2) 11pm-8am physical needs and emotional closeness needs. 3) A general compatible long range vision. Taurus, Gemini and Cancer sun signs will be thinking a lot about this the next several years.

To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation, including the Tarot call Rich in Troy Mi at 248-528-2610. I can also mail out taped readings or do it over the phone.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Astrology, “Astro Trivia”
With Astrologer Rich Milostan
Web Site: RichMilostanAstrologer.com

- Did you ever see an Aries sit in the back seat of a car and keep quiet, let alone be there.

-- Taureans generally have the broadest shoulders of all the signs.

- The average person is 28 years of age when they go to their first reader.

- Businessmen who start a business that requires heavy public contact should register for it between 10am to 2pm at the City County building.

- Geminis love to talk and should avoid smoky rooms which will tax their lungs.

- Your psychic if you get a gut feeling of something and follow through with it. I call these pop-up thoughts that when they occur frequently, you should follow through if they are positive in nature.

- The best way to feed a Cancer to do something is by feeding their stomach.

- Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio will read more books in coming winter of 2013=14 then all the other signs.

- Generally you will find your energy level at its lowest the fourth month after your Birthday and highest the tenth month after your Birthday.

- Normally when a marriage mate tells you to quit work, you should change jobs; but keep working. Pisces and Aries may be experiencing this at this time.

- Virgos are the least likely to “expand” their income throughout their life.

- Libra women usually wear the least makeup of all the Sun Signs.

- Geminis are the hardest kids to raise. They are the most opinionated.

- Take a marriage of a Taurus and a Scorpio and you got a money maker.

- For the single set, a Libra will most likely be admired from a “distance” then any other sign

Rich is available for private Astrological and Tarot readings in Troy, Mi.  Taped readings can be also sent out. Reach me at 248-528-2610

Pass on to your friends this article.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Astrology Questions You've Asked with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Q. I am a Cancer and work with 2 people who are Aries. Our boss is giving them both a hard time and they in turn are giving me a hard time, any suggestions?

A. You being a Cancer, pick up impressions very quickly from others. A test in life, at this time, is a time to work alone as much from fellow employees as possible. Don’t even react to them since this is a lesson to be learned. Aries will have communication problems with a boss for 6 more months, so realize that is their problem. You just have to stop reacting to it.

Q. I am an Aquarius and my boyfriend is a Leo. How can we better relate?

A. In your Sign, Aquarius, avoid negative friends (they will be more of a detriment than an asset in their opinions of romance) for the next year. You should build a better foundation in career. You need to teach him more about love and this process will take about 6 months. Show him little gestures like a love note in his car, or stick one in his pocket. Take him to dinner or pay for a show. You’ll have to show more physical gestures to him than he will give back, but he will eventually reciprocate.

 Q, What is the benefit of dating someone whose Sun Sign is opposite of mine?

A. Aries-Libra, Gemini-Sagittarius are examples of opposites. If you can’t get something done, ask them to do it and it could be realized.  If they can’t get something completed, they should ask you and you could get it accomplished. Nice teamwork combinations are your opposite sign.

Q. I have a Pisces daughter that is lazy and doesn’t listen to anyone else’s ideas. What can I do?

A. Pisceans are going through a period of difficulty relating to authority. They like to be the fish who goes with the stream no matter what turn it takes. They need to become more centered and concentrate on a goal. Make some firm decisions for them for 5 months till they learn their lesson to listen to authority, Then they will eventually listen.

Q. How many things can you see in an Astrology Chart?

A. Approximately 2,400 different topics. You can tell about your career, money, your third child etc.  People who don’t know their a.m. or p.m. time of birth to obtain a Natal chart can use their husband's, brother's, or sister's chart to tell about you if they know their time of day born.

Q. When is the luckiest time of day to be born to make good money.

A.  8-10 a.m. or 8-10 p.m.

Q. Why are card readers so popular compared to Astrologers?

A.  Some people think you will see some bad things with an Astrology reading, but cards have a certain excitement to hear about your neighbor, etc…  This misconception is only diffused if you get an Astrology reading. The wealth of knowledge there is immense.

Q. Where do you find the best Astrology teacher.

A. When they have considerable experience doing personal consultations they tend to be better in tune to people.

Q. What is ahead for Scorpio, it has been tough for me lately.

A. Scorpio lesson now is to handle responsibilities more frequent then usual. As you do things give yourself rewards for efforts done. A year from now you will be much tougher than now and will love it!

Q. If I went to 2 different reputable Astrologers, would I get a different reading?

A. If they are good, the same reading, but in different words.

Q. When is the best time to get an Astrological reading?

A. Around your Birthday, or either a month before or after it.

Q. What about reading my children?

A. I recommend getting their chart read if before the age 10. The knowledge given is very valuable. Most people's lives are programmed by that age in many areas. How they see teachers, money, playmates, romance tools, etc.  are formed in their first 10 years. Some kids will have natural talents by age 10 and some will have to be programmed from scratch.

When I do my readings for people I do their Astrological chart, Tarot cards and playing cards. If I see the same trend in all 3, it is going to happen. To set up an appointment call Rich at 248-528-2610. I also mail out taped readings. Check out RichMilostanAstrologer.com for the form.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Astrology, Some Good Ideas for Fall 2013 with Rich Milostan

Astrology – Good Ideas for Fall 2013
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Web Site RichMilostanAstrologer.Com

Email this article to your friends!

Through the coming fall 2013 months these are some good tips to do to get the most going for your coming new season.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Read a good money book for you are dealing quite a bit with your finances. Read “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Read a good Relationship book. Join Plentioffish if looking for someone. It’s a free to join.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Working on better health habits. Purchase some new exercise piece, especially those long rubber bands to strengthen the legs

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Purchase a book with a 100 fun things to do. You’re learning new fun outlets that will last years.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Purchase a good book on cosmetic ways to enhance the value of your home.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Purchase a self-help book on how to communicate with new people. Your starting a cycle of meeting more elevated people to grow from.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Purchase good book on achieving prosperity. You’re learning new skills to make more money over the next several years.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Read some magazines on imaging enhancing whether clothes or learning new self talk techniques.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Purchase a new book on meditation or learning new relaxation skills. Your present system of distressing is not as effective as it use to be.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Best growth this fall is joining a new interest group to learn things from. Look at Meetup.com. Free sites with every imaginable place to meet people whether married or single.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Purchase a book on starting a business. This is your best cycle in years for it.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Good cycle to learn an additional skill to some field you are already in. Take a specialty course to develop it.

 Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. Fee is $40 with no time limit.   You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. Don’t forget to refer me to someone.

For my coupon special got to RichMilostanAstrologer.com


Friday, August 23, 2013

White Light Rope Technique with Astrologer Rich Milostan

White Light Rope Technique
By Astrologer Rich Milostan

Many people have asked me to put on blog on the White Light Technique. I have passed this on to many clients with very good results when they need to do this. I received this idea from a psychic I know who is 96 now and is probably the most intelligent woman I have ever met: and I have met many people from all walks of life.

This is the technique: Remember the movies where you would see someone wrapped up in a mummy rope. Use that visual to wrap up a person.
   That rope is the "White Light Rope of Christ (or Your Particular Higher Power) only Good Goes Through It".

Just image it around someone and it is done.

Let me give you some examples. This gentleman came over and was worried about getting his green card from the immigration officer in 5 days. I said wrap that person up when you go there (His Higher Power is Allah). He receives his green card in 2 weeks.

Another person felt she wasn’t getting better with the doctor she had over the last 2 years after an auto accident. I said call up a new doctor imaging the White Light Rope around the secretary when you call. They could not take her. She called another doctor and the secretary said to come in. Then I told her to White Light Rope the doctor.  She went in and felt much better after 3 months. That doctor was helping her as a channel from above with The White Rope Technique.

I have see some lawsuits won by wrapping up everyone in the courthouse.

If purchasing a car or home etc, when call wrap up the person you contact!.

Many people just put it around themselves. You must do this to whoever you feel uncomfortable that you have to talk to also. Example would be calling someone on the phone and trying to negotiate a bill you have. 

I have given this Technique to office managers who have a testy employee to surround them with it giving stellar results.

If you put this Rope around someone you have to meet after a lovers quarrel, Your Higher Power will channel through that person to whatever is to be the best for you.

Finally, have you ever had a night where to tossed and turned and you picture someone who is irritating you in life. This adds to the sleeplessness. Image them completely wrapped up in the White Light Rope including their face. It may have to be done several times during the night if their face appears again but you will see the difference. The anger subsides.

Try this technique and see it work for you.

                                                   Good Luck,
                                                   Rich Milostan 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Astrology, Some Things About the Sun Signs with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Astrology, Some Things about the Sun Signs
with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Aries (3/21 –4/19)  -The most likely sign to lose out in love and business because if their anger spells.
- Love of luxury keeps some of them broke.
- Many like to be leaders at any cost.

Taurus (4/20 –5/20) – Scorpio and Pisces are good companions; but the best for love are Capricorns and Virgos.
- Make excellent workers requiring discipline for long drawn out projects.
- Will be mad if someone steps on their partner.

Gemini (5/21- 6/20) – They seldom lack the ability to get their points across to others.
- Take more aspirins then the other Sun Signs.
- Have a high intellect, but will move to different work if imaginative traits can’t be used.

Cancer (6/21-7/22) – Most thrifty of all the Sun Signs.
- The best signs to work with when teamwork is required are Scorpio, Pisces and Capricorn.
- Most homebound of all the Sun Signs, and when traveling like to go to the same place every year.

Leo (7/23-8/22) – They excel in outdoor activities.
- Good at optimistically leading others, but not themselves periodically.
- Least likely sign to have fences around their home or shades drawn in their house.

Virgo (8/23-922) – Most likely sign to be loaded with negative energy.
- In general have the highest IQ of all the signs.
- They obtain a higher level of success be delegating out some of their responsibilities, which is, hard for them to do.

Libra (9/23-10/22) – Will associate at one time in their life with an influential circle or at least have access to them.
- Their desire for balancing things can overtax them with subsequent moodiness.
- Tend to procrastinate repairing cars that need some service.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21) – Are the best sign to manage alone in a business.
- More likely sign to be a fisherman
- Will give birth to or take care of a very sensitive child.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) – Least likely Sun Sign to quit a job when things go bad, they will make necessary adjustments.
- Have an inner urge to explore the unfamiliar. 
- Tend to exaggerate trivial situations.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19) – The most likely sign to be tight with money.
- Feel best in warm weather because of arthritic tendencies.
- Have the best posture habit or potential of all the sun signs.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18) – Like to left alone to make their decisions.
- Most likely sign to have a hangout to meet equal interest people.
- Most likely sign to eat junk food.

Pisces (2/19-3/20) – Quickest Sign to aid someone who is suffering.
- Tend to choose a partner who will try to emotionally hurt them, especially before the age of 30.
- Most likely sign to have two homes at once in theor lifetime.

Rich is available for an Astrological and Psychic consultation. You can reach me in Troy Michigan at 248-528-2610. I also read the Tarot. Phone readings are available and I can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. I also teach how to read the Tarot.

Check out my web site RichMilostanAstrologer.com. Also watch the Youtube part in my web site.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Astrology, Check This Out with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Astrology, Check These Out.
with Rich Milostan

Website: RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Here are some thoughts to think and check the Sun Signs of those you know around you.

Aries (3/21 –4/19)  -The most likely sign to lose out in love and business because of their periodical angry spells.
- Love of luxury could keep some of them broke.
- Many like to be leaders at any cost.

Taurus (4/20 –5/20) – Scorpio and Pisces are good companions; but the best for love are Capricorns and Virgos.
- Make excellent workers requiring discipline for long drawn out projects.
- Will get mad if someone steps on his or her partner.

Gemini (5/21- 6/20) – They seldom lack the ability to get their points across to others.
- Take more aspirins then all the other sun signs.
- Have a high intellect; but will move to a different work, if imaginative traits can’t be used.

Cancer (6/21-7/22) – Most thrifty of all the sun signs.
- The best signs to work with when teamwork is required is Scorpio, Pisces and Capricorn.
- Most home bound of all the signs and when traveling, like to go to the same place every year.

Leo (7/23-8/22) – They excel in outdoor activities.
- Good at optimistically leading others but not themselves periodically.
- Least likely sign to have fences around their home or shades drawn in their home.
- Love to eat the most expensive food of all the sun signs.

Virgo (8/23-922) – They can attain a higher level of success by delegating out some of their responsibilities, which is hard for them to do.
- Most likely sign to tell you what they think, be positive!
- Have to eat good food to avoid stomach discomforts.

Libra (9/23-10/22) – Will associate one time in their life with an influential circle or at least have access to them.
- Their desire for balancing things can overtax them with subsequent moodiness.
- Tend to procrastinate repairing cars that need some service.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21) – Are the best sign to manage alone a business.
- Will give birth to or take care of a very sensitive child.
- Most likely sign to be a fisherman

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) – Least likely sign to quit a job when things get bad; they will make necessary adjustments.
- Have an inner urge to explore the unfamiliar.
- Tend to exaggerate trivial situations.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19) – The most likely sign to be tight with money.
- Feel best in warm weather because of arthritic tendencies.
- Have the best posture habit or potential of all the signs.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18) – Like to be left alone to make their decisions,
- Most likely to have a hangout to meet equal interest people.
- Watch the news more then a lot of the other signs.

Pisces (2/19-3/20) Quickest Sun Sign to aid someone who is suffering.
- Tend to choose a partner who will try to emotionally hurt them, especially before age 30.
- Most likely sign to have access to 2 homes at once in their lifetime.

Rich is available for an Astrological and Psychic consultation. You can reach me in Troy Michigan at 248-528-2610. I also read the Tarot. Phone readings are available and I can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

$45 Taped Astrology Reading Coupon

  Working Your Next 12 months (2014)

Also send a reading as a gift for Christmas to someone.

Or you can just send $45 and a Gift Certificate can be mailed to you to send to them.

Mail Consultations
Psychic Astrology Readings recorded on tape and mailed to you

Purchase an Astrology taped reading for $45
Print this form out, fill form and mail out.
Send check or money order payable to Rich Milostan
Please send with the following information:

Month______ Day_______ Year___________
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Phone number (for questions)__________________________

Send to
1250 GLASER, TROY, MI 48085
INFO: (248) 528-2610
Email: rfmilostan@yahoo.com
 Visit my Website RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Astrology Partner Qualites They Should Have for You with Astrologer Rich Milostan

Astrology, Partner Qualities They Should Have For You
with Astrologer Rich Milostan

When seeking or being in a relationship there are certain qualities they should have or develop to give you a harmonious relationship. You might read some Sun Signs other then yours to pick up more ideas of what you want. If you are in a relationship, read their sign to see what they want. By developing some of their needs, it could strengthen your relationship with them! Down load this article and keep it where you can see it.

Aries (3/21 –4/19)  -They must be a good decision maker
- Gives you a certain amount of freedom each week.
- Is by your side when ill or unhappy.
- Someone who is not opinionated about every trivial thing.

Taurus (4/20 –5/20) – Must have someone where they progress financially every year.
- You need someone who isn’t in a hurry all the time.
- If they chase you it most likely won’t be your ideal.
- Has to be sensible and down to earth, not a show person.

Gemini (5/21- 6/20) – They must try new horizons.
- Is responsible to their family
- He definitely has to smile a lot.
- Must have the same intellectual interests as you.

Cancer (6/21-7/22) – Need someone who promotes your ambitions.
- Should have someone quite domesticated.
- They should like to express their feelings.
- Must like to cook.

Leo (7/23-8/22) – Has quality to dress sharp.
- He should have a lot of friends you can interact with.
- They must like to eat better quality food.
- They don’t get jealous when you’re around other people.

Virgo (8/23-922) – Avoid someone who tends to criticize.
- They are little more on the shyer side.
- Has incredible strength through adversities.
- They should have a good memory.

Libra (9/23-10/22) – Have a mate that likes to work teamwork.
- Have someone who likes a peaceful home.
- Find someone who likes to balance or finish what you start.
- Find someone who likes a lot of closeness.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21) – They should have keen interests of what you need without asking.
- If they are loyal to their friends it could be a good match.
- Avoid someone who likes to play psychology on you.
- They should have projects they do by themselves.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) – Your ideal mate should be quite talkative.
- A quality you will require is someone who likes to sit with you and people watch and talk about your philosophies.
- They should be somewhat athletic.
- They should have a sense of humor.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19) – You require more security then others so you need a person who is successful or successfully working on their career.
- They have to have practicality in their character.
- They must be conservative in their household furnishings.
- They expect you to be a good cook.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18) – They must project a higher intelligence.
- Has to have a better diet, not just daily junk food.
- Someone who likes to give you happy surprises.
- They must have a quality to relate to all kinds of different people.

Pisces (2/19-3/20) – They should have creative hobbies.
- Make sure they are a doer not a dreamer.
- Must have gentleness in their character.
- They should be a good listener.

Rich is available for an Astrological and Psychic consultation. You can reach me in Troy Michigan at 248-528-2610. I also read the Tarot. Phone readings are available and I can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. I also teach how to read the Tarot.

Check out my web site RichMilostanAstrologer.com. Watch the Youtube click there.

Psychic Fair at Troy Masonic Center 4/05/2014 10am to 4pm Call Rich for details.248-528-2610

Friday, July 12, 2013

Astrology Born on the 18 - 22 of the Month with Rich Milostan Astrologer Psychic

Astrology, Those Born Between 18th and 22nd
With Rich Milostan Astrologer

If you are born on the cusp 18 to the 22 of the month you have some unique quality that separate you from others. Look for yours below to see what they are.

Aries - Taurus (April 18-22) Use your Aries drive to stick with determination to solve a problem or sustain to a goal of making money (Taurus). You’re a great achiever.

Taurus - Gemini (May 18-22) Use your gift of gab to make money (Taurus). Also consider painting or drawing.

Gemini – Cancer (June18-22) Struggle between wanting to socialize and secluding in the home can be solved by finding projects that you can work fast and then have space to rest. Stay away from high sustaining pressure situations.

Cancer – Leo (July 18-22) Need for security (Cancer) conflicting with the need for center-of-attention (Leo) can be resolves through having a solid home, family and children base.

Leo –Virgo (August 18-22) Use your leadership inheritance (Leo) to give a service of specialty (Virgo) to others.

Virgo – Libra (September 18-22) Use your high intellect (Virgo) and creativeness of Libra to work toward things that bring harmony. Avoid worry by fluctuating back and forth trying to make a decision.

Libra – Scorpio (October 18-22) A need for a relationship (Libra) and a desire for some privacy causes conflicts with relationships. Have someone who helps toward your goals, keep career a high priority to give you a sense of space (Scopio).

Scorpio – Sagittarius (November 18-22) Use your determination (Scorpio) to accomplish your goals and with your need to learn (Sagittarius) you’ll attain all of them.

Sagittarius – Capricorn (December 18-22) Try to make more money (Capricorn) too eventually have a freer life (Sagittarius) to travel and socialize.

Capricorn – Aquarius (January 18-22) Sometimes it is difficult to attain goals because you want freedom to move (Aquarius) which conflicts with (Capricorn) a need for long standing security. Try to work in areas where you innovation can be recognized. Be in a career where you can improve situations and be paid for it.

Aquarius – Pisces (February 18-22) The most unusual personality; avoid isolating yourself (Pisces) or being the rebel with people (Aquarius) to attain goals. Pisces needs to give a service to the world and combine improving life’s conditions (Aquarius) in life’s purpose.

Pisces – Aries (March 18-22) Your creativity ((Pisces) combined with determination can make you a genius in a field. Avoid depression (Pisces) to make being a first (Aries)

To set up an Astrological/Psychic consultation with Rich in Troy, Mi. call 1-248-528-261. Check out my web site at www.RichMilostanAstrologer.com for my other Astrology services and watch the Youtube clip there.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Astrology, Here and There with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Astrology 2013, Here and There
With Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Sagittarians have the best chance of winning the lottery in the months from July till April 2014. Play the small games just once in awhile.

Best time to plant crops is between the New Moon and the Full Moon

Mercury goes retrograde (for those who know about it) from June 26 to July 2013. Watch contract signing etc. This will mostly affect Cancers, Gemini, and Virgos.

Capricorns have the best luck this year to borrow money.

Taurus folks should join a new club this year.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) has the most trouble training animals in general.

Cancers have the best chances of gaining the most weight the rest of the year.

Taurus and Scorpio people will not be happy in a relationship unless they are always working toward a financial objective.

Gemini people tend to attract relationships that give them an ongoing tension with them.

Aquarians should definitely expand their career through spring 2014.

Virgos tend to always over analyze a relationship.

Libra people should push someone to higher education. It will eventually help their pocketbook.

Leos tend to be the most in doldrums in their night hours.

Sagittarians may be a little introverted through the rest of the year. They just most space for themselves now.

Single Capricorns have the best chance for romance the next March 2014.
Best person for you to send if you want to a make a purchase where you have to bargain with them is a Gemini!

Aquarians tend to be the most non-routine in there eating hours.

Pisces folks can play the best music if talented to play an instrument.

Rich is available for Astrological/Psychic consultations, including the Tarot, You can reach him in Troy, Mi at 248-528-2610. Check out my web site at www.RichMilostanAstrologer.com. Check out my Youtube video on it.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Astrology, Some Things to Think About with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Astrology, Some Things to Think About
With Rich Milostan

- Gemini and Cancers have the best chances of making the best money through spring 2014.

- Do you know a Taurus? They love their money.

- Libra teenagers will have the hardest time dealing with high school teachers and Aries adults with college teachers. Aquarius teenagers have the best chance of being the teachers pet and Leo will have the best rapport with college level teachers.

- If you were born around 6am you get bored easily and want to frequently go on to something else.

- Put an Aries in the back seat of a car and drive somewhere. See what happens.

- From what I heard, Morris the cat was a Taurus and couldn’t even spend his money.

- Gemini is the most likely sign to get claustrophobia.

- Associate with a Cancer and you most likely will gain weight. They make the best chefs.

- Go to a party where the host is a Leo and you will see an elegant party.

- Ask a Virgo about a person they know and you will get an in depth analysis.

- Have any dirty work to do that requires a phone call? Get a Libra; their soft sell approach will let you win.

- Sign most likely to look away when questioning them about themselves is the Scorpio.

- In a 26-mile marathon, Sagittarius will be the most likely sign to participate.

- Over the dinner table, Cancers will talk more about their feelings then career accomplishments.

- Aquarians will usually wear the widest spectrum of colors in their wardrobe.

- Ever need a helping hand during a crisis, ask a Pisces.

- Did a lecture one time where there were 54 ladies and 2 men. Hmm.

- Over 2013-14 Aquarians will be home the least and Leos the most.

- If you go to an Astrologer who tells you, as an example, a compatible sign for you is a Gemini, you really can’t approach someone and say ‘Are you a Gemini”? But you can find a talker with a Gemini quality.

- Capricorns are seen as the most responsible sign to get ahead in life.

Psychic Fair with Rich 7/06/2013 Troy Masonic Center in Troy 10am to 4pm.248-528-2610

To set up an Astrological/Psychic consultation, including the Tarot with Rich in Troy, Mi call 248-528-2610. Check out my web site for other services at www.richmilostanastrologer.com. This web site also includes a Youtube.com clip to tell you a little more about Astrology.