Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Astrology Psychic Fair with Rich Milostan October 1, 2011

Come on Down To the Fair on October 1, 2011

Troy Masonic Center 1032 Hartland Dr Troy, Mi

10am to 5pm Readings available all day

Bring your friends

Need any information call Rich Milostan at 1-248-528-2610

Click on the page on the left for more information

Monday, September 26, 2011

Astrologer Rich Milostan October 2011 Trends

Your October 2011 Astrology Trends

With Rich Milostan Astrologer

ARIES (March 21-April 19): This is a good time to finish up some uncompleted summer projects. Money making opportunities begin to pick up again in mid November. Since your Sun Sign has the best chances of making good money over the coming winter, now is the time to brainstorm some ways to make additional money over the Christmas season. You will start having more fun doing things then you may have had over the last 6 months. Romance is stellar over the winter but you must pursue it. Many new people are coming into your life soon. Astro-Tip: Take a friend to lunch; benefits!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Time to get some fall chores done earlier for you could be having more fun the coming holidays then you may had for a long time. Work may find you working harder then usual but this will be temporary. Those of you wanting to start a business will find this a good time, but you will have to put in a lot of energy into it for 6 months then the rewards begin to show. This is normally the time of year for Taurus to reevaluate their diet/exercise habits and write out a new written plan. Astro-Tip: Make a conscious effort to buy Michigan product during the month.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Many more people will want to have more contact with you the next 3 months. Some of the people may get on your nerves. Associate with those that are more positive in nature. Now is the time to make a list of fun things to do to get your balance back and energy going again. You’re likely to take on an additional responsibility at work some time before the end of the year. That new responsibility learned will eventually lead to a better resume and future money. Astro-Tip: Make someone smile once a week for the month and rewards will come from one of them.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): The next 3 months are excellent to make additional money if assertive for it. Or, you make get on an impulsive spending kick and regret the bills in January. Some exceptional deals will be places you go but keep it moderate. Good time to enhance a comfort for your home that allows you to keep the heating bill lower. Responsibilities higher in the home over the winter but will be temporary. If family tries to burden you with their work, give it right back to them. No major career or romantic moves till November. Astro-Tip: Purchase something this month to enhance your image.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Energy rapidly improves to get some goals going again. Put some time in learning an additional money skill for next year. This can be done by purchasing a new book to develop the skill or taking a class somewhere. This is especially recommended if you don’t like the day to day work responsibilities given to you. Good time to find a deal on something to brighten up your home. Set up a new long range goal with someone close to you avoid a slow drift. Career advancement coming, have patience. Astro-Tip: Insights come to cut down a phone bill with the same services.

VIRGO (Aug 23- Sept 22): Many Virgos are learning a new money discipline and if worked correctly the next 6 months you won’t regret it for years to come. Excellent time to read some positive self help book. This will set up a more positive tone for the coming months. Those of you in any sales field can use you charm now to make some good money over the next 4months. Eliminating a couple of junk foods can really enhance your well being. Romance will stay about the same with that area opening up in November. Astro-Tip: You could pick up a real deal at a, garage sale, show, etc.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Birthday month is always good to treat yourself to something special. Science this is the start of your personal new year, the following are your next 12 months trends. Things will ease up from all the heavy responsibilities the last 18 months. Some new person will enter your life that will be in touch to help you with your needs. Money can improve from November through next June assertive to make it. Romance improves if you are a good decision maker once they enter. Astro-Tip: More time opens up weekly to have more fun, get back to it!

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Time to get some uncompleted projects done in the first 2 weeks of the month. The second 2 weeks is good to do some image enhancing. Insights come to better work your existing money and also ideas come to you to make more money. Write them down and keep a pad ready for them. Any politics appear in the family stay out of them, they eventually lead to you having more power with the family. The boss gives you more work but is temporary and they will reward you later. Astro-Tip: Dress your best this month, your appearance can give you some need you have fulfilled!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Be clear in your communications with others or there could be delays in some of the things you want to do together. You’re at a time in life the next 4 years that you want to become more financially independent. If you persistent to make money the next 6 months you will keep it on a roll beyond that for money is available to make now. Romance will only improve if you are more flexible to see their needs in the near future. A new significant friend coming into your life soon. Astro-Tip: Someone from the past contacts you. Give them a second chance.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): If any criticism is given you the next 2 months it is just to refine your personalirty a little and it will make sense early nest year. Be practical in any money decisions you make the next 3 months. Good time to impress the boss if you are considering rising up in the company over the coming years. Friends can be beneficial to you now to help with an interest you have. Romance improves more toward the coming holidays. Be flexible with any events that happen around the family, freedom coming. Astro-Tip: Time to make some new contacts where large amount of people attend.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Romance is on the upswing if you have an interest in the area. Some people around you will be a little moody the next 6 weeks. Just give them a little space. Good time to learn a quick skill to make some future money. If looking for work this is an excellent time to get some responses back if practical in your expectations. More people will enter you life over the next 5 months and try to be around those who want to get ahead. You will put more mileage on your car then usual the next 3 months with some positive outcomes. Astro-Tip: Purchase some new apparel for work.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Work stresses a little higher for 2 months. Your reaction to them will be less if you keep a good diet and exercise a little more. Some unexpected money could come in sometime in the next 7 weeks. Insights come in left and right the next 5 weeks that will make your life run more efficiently. If married more money could come in through him sometime in the next 3 months. Romance could strengthen if you just put a little effort into it. Let go of a negative past issue. Astro-Tip: Communicate with someone out of state more.

Rich, is available Monday through Saturday for a private Astrological update including the Tarot. Fee is $40 with no time limit. You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610. Phone readings or mailing you a taped reading are also available. Check and click on my coupon special at http://bit.ly/qb5g9N His next Astrology/Psychic Fairs is Saturday October 1st and November 5th, 2011 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to5pm.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Special! 10 Predictions and 10 Recommendations to Work next 12 Months with R Milostan

Print out this page and mail out form below, or send your Birth data and Address to send for your 10 predictions and recommendations to work the next 12 months.

10 Predictions and 10 Recommendations
to Work your Next 12 Months for only $15

"The Perfect Birthday Gift"

Please send remittance with Birth Data ($15).

Birth Month:______Day________Year:_______

Time of Birth:_________AM___________PM

Fill in your mailing address below to mail to:
Your Name:_____________________Note: If you wish these Prediction be sent by email
please put in your email address here_____________________

Your Address:___________________

Phone Number if I have to reach you: ___________________________

Mail with Check or Money Order $15 to Rich Milostan
125o Glaser,Troy, 48085
or for more infornation call 1-248-528-2610

Also available for private consultations including the Tarot!

To reach me by email: rfmilostan@yahoo.com

Also available for phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you know in the U.S.

There is no shipping charge!

Please copy this and share with a friend!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Workng a Second Marriage Part 2 of 4 with Rich Milostan

Continuing our look at further Sun Signs on second marriages,

Libra: In choosing a second partnership, don't live on dreams of what he or she should be. Realize that everyone has faults. Set goals to enhance each other's strengths and overcome weaknesses. You require peace in your relationship so avoid high strung types and set goals that can give quiet times in different environments. Project spontaneousness to your partner and not hesitancy. If an argument arises, follow through to solutions Seeking another man or woman only presents the problem again.

Scorpio@; Your sign is known as the most physically oriented of all the signs, and this may have been the mistake the first time around. Set goals with a new partner to develop more emotional depth which means communications support of each other's goals. Try to be less intense in the new partnership and flow with transitory upsets. Avoid marrying someone on the rebound. Also. an excessive, secretive nature will not work.

Sagittarius: You like to be free. Will a marriage make you fell trapped? Allow goals in a relationship which will give you some time to yourself to feel independent. This could be separate vacations with certain friends, with mutual consent, of course. You're rather philosophical so find someone who is also searching to enhance his or hers personal values. You are probable physically active so set goals with someone who has the fondness for sports also.

To set up an Astrological consultation with Rich Call me at 1-248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. The Perfect Birthday Gift. You can also reach me at rfmilostan@yahoo.com

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Working a Second Marriage Part 2 with Rich Milostan

Looking at some further Sun Signs on working a second marriage.

Cancer: Marriage a second time around has better chance, if you think of things other then home. You're drawn to security but promote your partners needs also, especially their career. You love to nurture people but don't seek a relationship that is weak. When an argument comes, try not to brood to long. You might have a tendency to carry moods to long, sometimes for weeks. If you partner gets moody. don't join them, try to give emotional support. Watch for the tendency to marry only for money.

Leo: Probably you learned the first time around that you always can't have it your way. Remember to give and take. Avoid the type who flatters you but has nothing to offer. You need a a partner who shows respect for you while in public. Realize that every year in marriage can't be dramatic and theatrical. You love to be adored but also adore your partner. Set up yearly goals to do things of entertainment since you require so much of it.

Virgo: In all probability you are in god health, so you require someone who has the same philosophy. When your down or going through a low time you need a person who is supportive. Try to get yearly health goals together and see that they are carried out. Try not to nag a partner. No male or female should be a strict perfectionist to their partner. You love intellectual pursuits, so set goals that will fulfill that need. It could be a book that fulfils both your needs or taking a class together.

To set up an Astrological consultation with Rich including the Tarot call him at 1-248-528-2610, or send an email to rfmilostan@yahoo.com. I am also available to do mailed taped readings to anyone you may know in the U.S. Check out my coupon special at http://bit.ly/qb5g9N

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Working a Second Marriage Part 1 of 4 with Rich Milostan

The high divorce rates today point to a seemingly obvious conclusion that partners don't really have a good structure to stay in a relationship year after year.

Going a step further, the children of today's divorced parents aren't having a system built.There aren't two parents from whom to take a role model. When an argument comes in a marriage, one or the other does not know what to think to handle the situation, so accumulated problems end marriages.

There is no fool-proof method to guarantee a marriage will last. In Astrology, your chart shows your particular needs which must be met to satisfy your life. Knowing your partners or potential partners chart will show if his or hers are compatible to yours. Those who have learned from their mistakes in the first marriage have a better chance in the second. If you have what you want, have goals to where you are going, then you can find a partner who can help quicken the fulfillment of some of your goals.

If you wish to make a successful second marriage or start a productive relationship with someone, it will involve somethings to avoid and some things to do. Look at your Sun Sign or your partner for a little better glimpse on what he/she may need to have a lasting relationship.

Aries: Being a fire sign, it's best to find someone more earthy or stable, but not a slow plodder. You may have married on impulse the first time, so be careful in your second choice. Patience is the key in any relationship, so watch your temper. If boredom sets in with your partnership, try to find things to do together that are adventurous to ride through through times. Aries is a "me" person but learn to compromise. Your drawn to beauty but make sure it is not a shell.

Taurus: Since you are a person who likes to get ahead materially, you should have a partner who can help satisfy that desire. Any partner that is wishy-washy about money will not last with you. You're more of a traditional person, so find someone with a similar background. If you were stubborn in the first marriage, you know that trait will not work in a second one. Seek someone who will give you emotional security in the home you will surely provide.

Gemini: You are drawn to looks but seek a relationship that offers more of a intellectual plane. You may be highly opinionated but use that on work, not on your mate. Don't find someone who has you make all the decisions. You border on the high strung side so find a more serene relationship; then set goals that modify your nervous energy. It''s important that you express your needs in black and white because one day you want to do something and the next day you don't. This could tax your partners nerves.

Next time we will look at more sun signs. Sometime it is highly recommended that you get theit chart done. You find out a lot about them when you first start going out with them

To set up an Astrological Consultation with Rich Milostan you can reach me in Troy, Mi at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at rfmilostan@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Purchase an Astrological Consultation Taped Reading with Rich Milostan

Purchase an Astrology reading with Rich Milostan ($45) that will be taped and mailed to you. Also I can send a taped reading (The Perfect Birthday Gift) to anyone you may know in the US. Read my future blogs on various Astrology topics write on this blog site. Any questions you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at rfmilostan@yahoo.com Visit mt Website at http://www.com/AstrologerRichMilostan

Monday, September 5, 2011

Conclusion: working with Teenagers with Rich Milostan

Capricorn: As long as you can show them a gain, you can ask them to do about anything. They have a knack of being responsible, but may see playtime as something grim. You need to show them the importance of fun occasionally. They are good organizers and can be ambitious, but lack imagination. Try to help them develop this into the daily routine. If they get pessimistic about a situation, point out to them it is a learning situation.

Aquarius: They love to be original in their thinking, but they need to be discipline to it's conclusion. They can be highly nervous and should have proper outlets of which sports help. Some Aquarius can tum rebellious and go against all norm. This is where you will have to tone them down and show them benefits of a new direction. They have a need for pubic show, so promote them into positive constructive groups. Look at the disposition of their friends, they will reveal how your teenager is doing.

Pisces: If your teenager is a daydreamer you may have to sit down with him and show him some goals in black and white (paper). They need creative outlets along the musical or artistic lines. If they show personality swings, discipline them with a more logical approach. If they have a depression persist, have them talk it out. Make sure they watch their choice of friends, they need not to be taken for granted or advantage of. Consult then with kid gloves: they don't like strong discipline.

To set up an Astrological consultation, including the Tarot with Rich Milostan in Troy, Mi. you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at rfmilostan@yahoo.com. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you know in the US. That is the Perfect Birthday Gift! Look for my coupon special at http://bit.ly/qb5g9N 10 Predictions and 10 Recommendations to Work the Next 12 Months!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Form for Getting a Taped Astrology Reading Mailed to You by Rich Milostan

I have had many requests for a taped Astrological reading mailed to them. The Perfect Birthday Gift, taped readings can be mailed to you or anyone you may know in the U.S.

Form for Taped Reading

Readings are $45

Birth Date____________

Time of Birth_____AM _____PM

City/State/Country of Birth____________________

(If several people want readings, please put their additional birth information on the sheet you mail me)

Please fill in your address below, with your remittance, where to mail taped reading to.




Phone Number if I need to contact You____________

Please mail this form or your own sheet of paper to:

Rich Milostan

1250 Glaser

Troy, Michigan 48085


Please call me if you have any questions. Also, you don't necessarily have to have a time of birth to get this done.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Working with Teenagers Part 3 with Rich Milostan

Continuing our look at more sun signs

Libra: Watch for their tendency to be overly hesitant about making decisions. In their teenhood they are presented with many new decisions and should be made to be more spontaneous with decision making. You should also notice their choice of friends. They may have trouble with negative tag-alongs. Remember the Libra would rather compromise with them than say no. They have an artistic flair and your positive feedback will surely help them build the talent. If they get lazy, allow them some quiet time; but don't forget to delegate/

Scorpio: They tend to be dramatic in describing certain situations. Point out to them the important versus the unimportant. They also can be quite secretive, so you better keep an extra eye ontheir activities. They like to explore things alone and see the underneath of everything. Let their curiosity be satisfied. They need to learn tools of relaxation at an early age. A book or cd as a gift will not hurt.

Sagittarius: They like to dream and think big. You must show them practical skills to reach their goals. Tell them they can't always be on top. They like to go from one thing to the next and they never seem to enjoy their accomplishments. Point out to them the need to enjoy rewards. They love to exaggerate, so show them where their values should be. They have a fondness for study, but make them apply it into experience.

To set up for an Astrological consultation with Rich in Troy, Mi. you can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 or email me at rfmilostan@yahoo.com. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading, the perfect Birthday Gift, to anyone you may know in the U.S. For my coupon special click on http://bit.ly/qb5g9N