Your Astrology Trends for the April, 2012
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your Birthday month is always good to treat yourself to something special. Since this is the start of your personal New Year, the following are the trends for the next 12 months. Romance plays a major key in your life. Singles could tie the knot sometime in the next 2 years. Married folks will set a new long range goal. Those in shaky relations will end a n new one of significance enters. Money could be exceptional the next 6 months if aggressive for it. Astro-Tip: Eliminate any negative people who drain your energy.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Good cycle to rest a little more if you feel your running on low energy. Time to get some past projects complete before the summer weather really kicks in. Over the next 3 months learn a little money making skill for the next 12 months after the that is an excellent money making cycle if you pursue it. Day to day work responsibilities can be a little boring till mid June Keep your diet good till then so you don’t magnify the little irritations. Astro-Tip: Romance slow, go out with friends; benefits!
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Time to turn on the charm to get what you want. A person from the past may want to reenter your life, give them a chance. Uncompleted projects could be completed now better then you think. Give a cranky family member space the next months to resolve their own issues. Don’t feel for them. Time to evaluate if you are giving yourself enough play in your life; if not; make some changes. If you have children, try to give them more attention for the next 2 months. Astro-Tip: Good time to enhance your image with some new outfits.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Patience will be required to work with slow adapting people the next 6 weeks. Find ways to streamline your day to day home chores; this will allow you more fun things to do on a weekly basis. Romance slow the next 2 months so focus more on career and other personal interests. Someone you have some a favor for recently returns the gesture. Excellent time to analze your career and see where you want to go with it. Insights come if wanting to make a major change over the next 4 months. Astro-Tip: Only learn things this year that offer future money
LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Better sales of things you are looking for come the last 2 weeks of the month. Time to sort out the people you communicate with and make some modifications, Minor diet adjustment gives nice increase in sense of well being. Travel or short trips increase; remember to keep gas prices in mind. What you save there can buy something else that you read could enjoy. If you ever wanted a time to further your work the next 4 months are stellar. Those who are looking for a job could now find your lucky break. Astro-Tip: Time to eliminate 2 junk foods.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Stress levels will be less if you moderate your salts and sugars. Money could be a little tight the next 2 months so find ways of entertainment that are cheap. A little surprise money could come in sometime over the next 6 weeks. For the romantics you may find someone quite interesting coming into your life over the next 2 months but be realistic in spending money on them the first few times you go out. A very nice cycle to advance your work or just plain find a career is just around the corner. Get your resume ready. Astro-Tip: Play some 3 digit lottery numbers here and there this month
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): The next several months are god for getting things shored up that you may have started the last 4 months. Stay out of any politics that may occur the next 3 months. Insights come to better your energy level and you will be surprised how easy it will be. Romance opens up and you may be how eccentric this person can be. For the married your partner wants a little more freedom to do their own expression. I your negative this month you could draw in irritable experiences and if positive, more things to make you happy. Astro-Tip: Be good to your feet.
SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Time to do some fun outlets you have never done before. Watch what you do to others because it could directly come back at you for the next 6 weeks, This is a busy work month so make sure you get priorities done first. Be flexible to learn a new responsibility at work for in the long fun it could add nicely to your resume. Romance could have you looking at several new interests the next several months. Your best net is someone that allows ou your space at times. Astro-Tip: Diet corrections give better energy for you work performance.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Money restrictions will be temporary. Cycle says you have slipped a little on how you manage money. Make a list to cut corners and follow through till well entrenched. Limit the amount you spend on unnecessary home items. Your starting a 3-month cycle where you will try new fun outlets, and most will be inexpensive. Romance is finally on the upswing and you should find more enjoyment there. Remember work opportunities are better then usual to attain till the end of June. Astro-Tip: Good time to sit sown and watch a couple of movies
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): A warmer spring coming says get those projects done early for you won’t want to be home much this summer. You will want to do more fun things instead. Romance looks good for those who want it as an important part of their life. Children of yours will come into some new happier experiences and support them to it. Some speculative idea you may have been thinking about has the green light. Set some practical steps to have it realized with minimal work. Astro-Tip: Purchase something that brightens up the home a little.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Your going to embark on a 6 month cycle where you will venture into new areas of people with the same interests you have. Several new friends could emerge from this. More people then usual will visit you from now till the end of July who will be productive to your interests. Those of you looking to move could find the next 5 months giving you a much happier place in the long run. Watch out for money arguments with someone close to you of and on the next 7 weeks. Astro-Tip: Smile to more people this month.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): For those of you that have a brother or sister could find them giving you some benefits at any time till the end of June. Don’t be shy to ask them for a favor or two over this time period. Time to straighten out any money issues that may have occurred in March. Romance could find partners moody the next 5 weeks so give them a little space. For those of you looking for some fun romantically may not find it till June unless you just keep it light and not get too emotionally involved. Astro-Tip: Money improvise if you let more people know your skills or talent.
Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. Fee is $40 with no time limit. You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is April 7th at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to5pm. Bring a friend.
If interested in a once a month Astrology Trends column like this for your paper, newsletter or web edition you can reach me at 248-528-2610 or email me at You can read some of my other articles by clicking or typing in http://richmilostanonastrology.blogspot .com/. You can also press LIKE to have these monthly trends sent to you automatically every month on FACEBOOK!
Any questions call or email
Friday, March 30, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Psychic and Astrology Services with Rich Milostan
Rich Milostan, Astrologer, Psychic
1250 Glaser, Troy Mi. 48085
Info: 1-248-528-2610
Personal Chart Interpretation
5 year forecast put on tape. (Tarot are also read)
Compatibility Interpretation
Business, Marriage, Relationships of any kind.
Phone readings available
Astrology Lectures for Clubs, Organizations
Topics include trends for business, finances, romance
for each sun sign for next 1-3 years.
Home Parties – Also available for company events, graduation parties ( all night school or home parties), showers, birthdays, luncheons etc.
Astrology Classes – Beginner or advanced students
Tarot Classes - Qne hour class!
Gift Certificates – Perfect for someone with birthday coming, or a holiday gift.
Mail Consultations – Psychic Astrology readings put on tape and mailed to those with busy schedules and friends out of state.
Also available for – Astrology columns for your paper, newsletter or web edition paper
Google 'Rich Milostan' to see much more
Rich Milostan, Astrologer, Psychic
1250 Glaser, Troy Mi. 48085
Info: 1-248-528-2610
Personal Chart Interpretation
5 year forecast put on tape. (Tarot are also read)
Compatibility Interpretation
Business, Marriage, Relationships of any kind.
Phone readings available
Astrology Lectures for Clubs, Organizations
Topics include trends for business, finances, romance
for each sun sign for next 1-3 years.
Home Parties – Also available for company events, graduation parties ( all night school or home parties), showers, birthdays, luncheons etc.
Astrology Classes – Beginner or advanced students
Tarot Classes - Qne hour class!
Gift Certificates – Perfect for someone with birthday coming, or a holiday gift.
Mail Consultations – Psychic Astrology readings put on tape and mailed to those with busy schedules and friends out of state.
Also available for – Astrology columns for your paper, newsletter or web edition paper
Google 'Rich Milostan' to see much more
Thursday, March 22, 2012
What's Their Sign with Rich Milostan Astrologer. Psychic
The individual who likes to guess the Sun Signs of people may find it difficult in guessing it, This is because people will generally have physical and personality features which relate to their Rising Sign (the A.M. or P.M. time of birth)
As an example, you may see 2 Geminis standing next to each other and one has a narrower face and one is moon-shaped. The thinner-faced person may have a Gemini structure, but the other person may project a Cancer rising (round face)
So, in trying to figure a persons sign, you may look at the person and say shes a Virgo. She may disagree, but this could be the Virgo rising which gives a strong Virgo personality anyway.
Another factor to consider is the moon in the Natal Chart. I find that this shows by their sign how emotionally people see the person. As an example, a Gemini rising will love to talk and have a narrower face, with the Sun in Aries may have arched ram eyebrows and with Moon in Aquarius and may seem emotionally as cold and aloof.
In trying to find sun signs, people may say your wrong, but you may very well have picked up one of their other signs in their whole Natal chart. Look to the signs to see different features of each. Each will project somatic differently.
Aries - Arched eyebrows
Intense expressive eyes
Emulates vibration of adventure
Taurus - Squarish face
Dimples in the cheeks
Talks practically
Gemini - Narrow nose and jaw
Quick speech and heavily opinionated
Active moving eyes.
Cancer - Round face
Sympathetic protective look
Shorter nose.
Leo - King or Queen-like forehead
Sculptured cheeks
Emulates strength and talks proud-like
Virgo - A wiry face and short in height
Tend toward smaller eyes and lips
Shows an analytical disposition
Libra - Broader hips with calm looking eyes
Talks with an easy flowing grace
Somewhat of a tolerant disposition
Scorpio - Piercing eyes that can see right through you
Big boned and square chest
Pronounced eyebrows and a good head of hair.
Sagittarius - Fast walkers and longer legs then the rest of the body
Firm looking mouths
Intense attitude: either 100% positive or negative.
Capricorn - Squarish, boney face with deep-st eyebrows
Emulates a business-like personality
Doesn't smile all that easily
Aquarius - Larger head with wide set eyes
Larger bodies
Shows a vibration of suddenness when conversing or walking.
Pisces - Have a plump look around the face.
Shows a dreamy look in their eyes
Have a sensitivity around them
To set up an appointment with Rich in Troy Michigan for an Astrological and Psychic consultation please call 248-528-2610. A member of Facebook press LIKE
and you will receive all future articles.
As an example, you may see 2 Geminis standing next to each other and one has a narrower face and one is moon-shaped. The thinner-faced person may have a Gemini structure, but the other person may project a Cancer rising (round face)
So, in trying to figure a persons sign, you may look at the person and say shes a Virgo. She may disagree, but this could be the Virgo rising which gives a strong Virgo personality anyway.
Another factor to consider is the moon in the Natal Chart. I find that this shows by their sign how emotionally people see the person. As an example, a Gemini rising will love to talk and have a narrower face, with the Sun in Aries may have arched ram eyebrows and with Moon in Aquarius and may seem emotionally as cold and aloof.
In trying to find sun signs, people may say your wrong, but you may very well have picked up one of their other signs in their whole Natal chart. Look to the signs to see different features of each. Each will project somatic differently.
Aries - Arched eyebrows
Intense expressive eyes
Emulates vibration of adventure
Taurus - Squarish face
Dimples in the cheeks
Talks practically
Gemini - Narrow nose and jaw
Quick speech and heavily opinionated
Active moving eyes.
Cancer - Round face
Sympathetic protective look
Shorter nose.
Leo - King or Queen-like forehead
Sculptured cheeks
Emulates strength and talks proud-like
Virgo - A wiry face and short in height
Tend toward smaller eyes and lips
Shows an analytical disposition
Libra - Broader hips with calm looking eyes
Talks with an easy flowing grace
Somewhat of a tolerant disposition
Scorpio - Piercing eyes that can see right through you
Big boned and square chest
Pronounced eyebrows and a good head of hair.
Sagittarius - Fast walkers and longer legs then the rest of the body
Firm looking mouths
Intense attitude: either 100% positive or negative.
Capricorn - Squarish, boney face with deep-st eyebrows
Emulates a business-like personality
Doesn't smile all that easily
Aquarius - Larger head with wide set eyes
Larger bodies
Shows a vibration of suddenness when conversing or walking.
Pisces - Have a plump look around the face.
Shows a dreamy look in their eyes
Have a sensitivity around them
To set up an appointment with Rich in Troy Michigan for an Astrological and Psychic consultation please call 248-528-2610. A member of Facebook press LIKE
and you will receive all future articles.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Releasing Problems by Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
Life always seems to present a problem in some form for every person, When one problems is resolved another one may come Worked right, this is what gives continual growth. Some people handle problems unopinionated and flow with life; while others like to create problems to make life difficult. At different periods of time, individuals come into problems whic h they can't seem to deal with like they use to. Then they have to find a different system of though to deal with the new challenges. Usually this process will eventually give emotional muscle, with rewards to come for the lessons learned. Since everyone deals with problems, some of the Sun Signs, , at this point are dealing with them better then others. But again, your Personal chart can show a fuller picture. The key is to keep uor problems in a proper perspective and work them in a certain time frame each week. Over preoccupation (worry) is actually using energy negatively so a system of relearning them is important.
Each Sun Sign has a different method for dealing with problems. Look to your Sun Sign for a release technique.
Aries: Write it on paper. If you don't get constructive answers, throw it into a basket and think of something different, so intuitive solutions can come in. Patience is the key till they come in.
Taurus: Release it nightly at 10:00 pm and make a firm decision to work at it at a specific time the next day.
Gemini: Mentally see and end positive result. Make a firm decision of this. Don's say, I'll let it go then worry about it. Release the problem to work on the solution.
Cancer: Ask yourself if this will be important tin 2 years. if not let it go. Otherwise express it out to someone else. Talking to someone else sometimes gives you your answers.
Leo: Tell yourself the solution is coming now. Then write the problem on paper. Write the pluses and minuses of the problem and work on the positives.
Virgo: Put the problem in a time frame. Have a "solution hour" (some people interpret it as a worry hour) where you select one hour a day to work on your problems and resolved them. Use the rest of the day for a sense of control and involve yourself in other activities.
Libra: Go talk to someone about a "new problem" so then two of you are working on it. Remember, Also releasing the problem at times allows answers to come.
Scorpio: Write out 5 steps to work out the difficulty. If you can't work it out constructively, you'll need some more information from within. Take a shower and see yourself bathing free of negative blocks. Involve yourself in other things objectively.
Sagittarius: Put problems in order of priority. Take a particular problem and "let it go" for several days. Give it space to work out. Then write out solutions and start a follow through.
Capricorn: A good technique for letting go of unresolved problems is to give a written copy to a friend who is knowledgeable of a possible solution. Give him/her several days then take their answers and choose from it what you would use from it to solve it.
Aquarius: Go to a local bookstore and look under a proper set of books with possible solutions to the difficult. Their also is Internet. If you get a gut feeling of a book, purchase it. Read parts of it at night and ask for additional solutions: then make a firm decision not to think of it till tomorrow. Put on some relaxing music to clear your mind.
Pisces: If answers are not coming, at night write it on paper, put it under a pillow, and ask for solutions. Then think of pleasant childhood memories to get your mind off of it.
To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich you can reach him in Troy Mi at 248-528-2610. Read my other services at the right side of the page above my picture.
Each Sun Sign has a different method for dealing with problems. Look to your Sun Sign for a release technique.
Aries: Write it on paper. If you don't get constructive answers, throw it into a basket and think of something different, so intuitive solutions can come in. Patience is the key till they come in.
Taurus: Release it nightly at 10:00 pm and make a firm decision to work at it at a specific time the next day.
Gemini: Mentally see and end positive result. Make a firm decision of this. Don's say, I'll let it go then worry about it. Release the problem to work on the solution.
Cancer: Ask yourself if this will be important tin 2 years. if not let it go. Otherwise express it out to someone else. Talking to someone else sometimes gives you your answers.
Leo: Tell yourself the solution is coming now. Then write the problem on paper. Write the pluses and minuses of the problem and work on the positives.
Virgo: Put the problem in a time frame. Have a "solution hour" (some people interpret it as a worry hour) where you select one hour a day to work on your problems and resolved them. Use the rest of the day for a sense of control and involve yourself in other activities.
Libra: Go talk to someone about a "new problem" so then two of you are working on it. Remember, Also releasing the problem at times allows answers to come.
Scorpio: Write out 5 steps to work out the difficulty. If you can't work it out constructively, you'll need some more information from within. Take a shower and see yourself bathing free of negative blocks. Involve yourself in other things objectively.
Sagittarius: Put problems in order of priority. Take a particular problem and "let it go" for several days. Give it space to work out. Then write out solutions and start a follow through.
Capricorn: A good technique for letting go of unresolved problems is to give a written copy to a friend who is knowledgeable of a possible solution. Give him/her several days then take their answers and choose from it what you would use from it to solve it.
Aquarius: Go to a local bookstore and look under a proper set of books with possible solutions to the difficult. Their also is Internet. If you get a gut feeling of a book, purchase it. Read parts of it at night and ask for additional solutions: then make a firm decision not to think of it till tomorrow. Put on some relaxing music to clear your mind.
Pisces: If answers are not coming, at night write it on paper, put it under a pillow, and ask for solutions. Then think of pleasant childhood memories to get your mind off of it.
To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich you can reach him in Troy Mi at 248-528-2610. Read my other services at the right side of the page above my picture.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
"Did you Know" for the Sun Signs by Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
Aries individuals like to drive their own car or truck. They don't like being passengers.
Taurus, if you take a materialistic value away from a them, you may have a long range problem on your hands.
Geminis always get out of mischief. If someone does not believe their story, they have the ability to twist it till you do and then they are out of it.
Cancers are happiest when there is food and/or family in the home.
Leos, When they want something, they want it. If you don't, you'll never get it from them.
Virgos take more vitamins then the other Sun Signs
Libra loves to express beauty, but don't ask them about their finances. You'll never know all of it.
Scorpio want idealism in romantic gestures, but practicality for a sustaining relationship. This can be a hard role to fulfill.
Sagittarians are most likely to attract partners who are really touchy about money.
Capricorn relationships will be somewhat sour if their career is somewhat unstable. Helping to advance their career gives you more in return.
Aquarius generally needs some freedom, but tend to attract relationships that try to control them
Pisces are highly creative. They can go either way with this. To high talents or a life of problems. Think positive creatively instead of negative.
To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich, including the Tarot you an reach him in Troy, Mi at 1-248-528-2610. bove mt picture on the right you can click on my coupon Specials.
Taurus, if you take a materialistic value away from a them, you may have a long range problem on your hands.
Geminis always get out of mischief. If someone does not believe their story, they have the ability to twist it till you do and then they are out of it.
Cancers are happiest when there is food and/or family in the home.
Leos, When they want something, they want it. If you don't, you'll never get it from them.
Virgos take more vitamins then the other Sun Signs
Libra loves to express beauty, but don't ask them about their finances. You'll never know all of it.
Scorpio want idealism in romantic gestures, but practicality for a sustaining relationship. This can be a hard role to fulfill.
Sagittarians are most likely to attract partners who are really touchy about money.
Capricorn relationships will be somewhat sour if their career is somewhat unstable. Helping to advance their career gives you more in return.
Aquarius generally needs some freedom, but tend to attract relationships that try to control them
Pisces are highly creative. They can go either way with this. To high talents or a life of problems. Think positive creatively instead of negative.
To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich, including the Tarot you an reach him in Troy, Mi at 1-248-528-2610. bove mt picture on the right you can click on my coupon Specials.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Some More Astrology Tidbits with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
People usually feel the lowest one month before their Birthday.
Aries will have there leadership recognized more by taking specialized education.
Romney is an Aquarius.
When Taurus gets stubborn, you can still convince them to your side of the story.
People who love to help people should take Astrology classes of at least learn the Tarot.
Geminis need to fuel their body properly to balance because of using so much mental energy with their intellect and opinionated level.
Going to a reader, send someone else there first to check them out for accuracy
Cancers in general out lived all the other 11 sun signs.
Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces tend to get the most nervous when a bad thunderstorm is going on.
When Leos want something, they get it. If you want something from them when they don't want to give it, forget it.
If you have 2 Aries married to each other next door you better make your home a little more sound proof.
Virgos can project a good intelligence but also do the same with criticism when pushed the wrong way.
Taurus married to a Capricorn in general make the best married match. But, it is best to see the whole astrology chart to get your most compatible mate.
Libras needs to have a mate that gives them more peaceful times at night for they require quietness more frequently.
If you like good food have a companion who is a Cancer.
Scorpios have strong likes and dislikes. Staying on their good side will not bring out a negative shift.
Sagittarius will walk more miles in life then all the other sun signs if they live to the same age.
Those of you born between 6am to 6pm tend to be more public orientated. Those born between 6pm and 6am tend to be more introverted.
Capricorns tend to thing money first, love second.
More people are requesting a Relationship Chart which combines their 2 birthdays to see how they would work as a team.
Aquarius are considered the advances thinkers of the Zodiac. Think twice before judging them wrong.
For those of you who are always asking people what sun sign they are you may have had a past life as an Astrologer.
Pisces are the most pickiest of what shoes they wear.
To set up n Astrological and Psychic reading including the Tarot you can reach Rich in Troy, Mi. at 1-248-528-2610. A complete of his Astrological services can be found by clicking on http://bitly/zchv2M.
Aries will have there leadership recognized more by taking specialized education.
Romney is an Aquarius.
When Taurus gets stubborn, you can still convince them to your side of the story.
People who love to help people should take Astrology classes of at least learn the Tarot.
Geminis need to fuel their body properly to balance because of using so much mental energy with their intellect and opinionated level.
Going to a reader, send someone else there first to check them out for accuracy
Cancers in general out lived all the other 11 sun signs.
Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces tend to get the most nervous when a bad thunderstorm is going on.
When Leos want something, they get it. If you want something from them when they don't want to give it, forget it.
If you have 2 Aries married to each other next door you better make your home a little more sound proof.
Virgos can project a good intelligence but also do the same with criticism when pushed the wrong way.
Taurus married to a Capricorn in general make the best married match. But, it is best to see the whole astrology chart to get your most compatible mate.
Libras needs to have a mate that gives them more peaceful times at night for they require quietness more frequently.
If you like good food have a companion who is a Cancer.
Scorpios have strong likes and dislikes. Staying on their good side will not bring out a negative shift.
Sagittarius will walk more miles in life then all the other sun signs if they live to the same age.
Those of you born between 6am to 6pm tend to be more public orientated. Those born between 6pm and 6am tend to be more introverted.
Capricorns tend to thing money first, love second.
More people are requesting a Relationship Chart which combines their 2 birthdays to see how they would work as a team.
Aquarius are considered the advances thinkers of the Zodiac. Think twice before judging them wrong.
For those of you who are always asking people what sun sign they are you may have had a past life as an Astrologer.
Pisces are the most pickiest of what shoes they wear.
To set up n Astrological and Psychic reading including the Tarot you can reach Rich in Troy, Mi. at 1-248-528-2610. A complete of his Astrological services can be found by clicking on http://bitly/zchv2M.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Domestic Patterns for The Sun Signs with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
Each Sun Sign has a different purpose for living at home. To live with a certain sun sign you should know the characteristics which follow. Insights into these could save you arguments, because you will have a better understanding of them. This would also be helpful if you plan on living with a sun sign in the future, or even have one move in temporarily.
Aries - They don't like to stay home much.
-Their home will not be kept well organized.
- They probable will want to go out and be outdoors frequently,
Taurus - They won't like people coming over unexpectedly.
- They constantly like to build things into the house.
- They most likely will not lend things from the home.
Gemini - They probably have 3 of more phones in the house.
- They love to leave stacks of papers laying around.
- They want to change change the furniture or paint the walls frequently.
Cancer: They always have a good supply of food in the house.
- Children and/or pets will be important in the household.
- They'll collect things from the past.
Leo - They'll want to entertain people.
- Their main room will be where the sun comes in the most.
- They are most likely to have the most TV's in the house.
Virgo - Don't plan on much dust in the house.
- They will not decorate the house will bizarre colors.
- They love to keep the lawn trim and plants adorn the inside.
Libra - They like to entertain people, especially to make them more comfortable.
- They love beauty and will have their share of pictures and plants.
- They like their quiet times and require this from mate or family.
Scorpio - They demand privacy and will go to all costs to get it.
- They tend to hide their most cherished valuables from others.
- They generally have to be boss in the house.
Sagittarius - They like to move a lot or have access to two homes at once.
- They can't live in a small place; they have to have physical room to move.
- They like to entertain people, so you won't be their only company.
Capricorn - They require a reserved, practical home life.
- They will want to live close to their work.
- They generally don't like far-out furniture.
Aquarius - They like to entertain in the home, but will want space or a couple of months (erratic tendencies).
- They want a lot of communication in the home which includes TV's and radios all over the place.
- Their house decor is odd and futuristic.
Pisces - People visit with problems. If you can't handle this, Pisces is not a good home mate.
- They love on-going soft music in the house and require peacefulness.
- They tend to have a house full of plants.
To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich including the Tarot, you can reach me in Troy Mi. at 248-528-2610. Check out my coupon specials at the left of the page.
Aries - They don't like to stay home much.
-Their home will not be kept well organized.
- They probable will want to go out and be outdoors frequently,
Taurus - They won't like people coming over unexpectedly.
- They constantly like to build things into the house.
- They most likely will not lend things from the home.
Gemini - They probably have 3 of more phones in the house.
- They love to leave stacks of papers laying around.
- They want to change change the furniture or paint the walls frequently.
Cancer: They always have a good supply of food in the house.
- Children and/or pets will be important in the household.
- They'll collect things from the past.
Leo - They'll want to entertain people.
- Their main room will be where the sun comes in the most.
- They are most likely to have the most TV's in the house.
Virgo - Don't plan on much dust in the house.
- They will not decorate the house will bizarre colors.
- They love to keep the lawn trim and plants adorn the inside.
Libra - They like to entertain people, especially to make them more comfortable.
- They love beauty and will have their share of pictures and plants.
- They like their quiet times and require this from mate or family.
Scorpio - They demand privacy and will go to all costs to get it.
- They tend to hide their most cherished valuables from others.
- They generally have to be boss in the house.
Sagittarius - They like to move a lot or have access to two homes at once.
- They can't live in a small place; they have to have physical room to move.
- They like to entertain people, so you won't be their only company.
Capricorn - They require a reserved, practical home life.
- They will want to live close to their work.
- They generally don't like far-out furniture.
Aquarius - They like to entertain in the home, but will want space or a couple of months (erratic tendencies).
- They want a lot of communication in the home which includes TV's and radios all over the place.
- Their house decor is odd and futuristic.
Pisces - People visit with problems. If you can't handle this, Pisces is not a good home mate.
- They love on-going soft music in the house and require peacefulness.
- They tend to have a house full of plants.
To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich including the Tarot, you can reach me in Troy Mi. at 248-528-2610. Check out my coupon specials at the left of the page.
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