Sunday, March 18, 2012

Releasing Problems by Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Life always seems to present a problem in some form for every person, When one problems is resolved another one may come Worked right, this is what gives continual growth. Some people handle problems unopinionated and flow with life; while others like to create problems to make life difficult. At different periods of time, individuals come into problems whic h they can't seem to deal with like they use to. Then they have to find a different system of though to deal with the new challenges. Usually this process will eventually give emotional muscle, with rewards to come for the lessons learned. Since everyone deals with problems, some of the Sun Signs, , at this point are dealing with them better then others. But again, your Personal chart can show a fuller picture. The key is to keep uor problems in a proper perspective and work them in a certain time frame each week. Over preoccupation (worry) is actually using energy negatively so a system of relearning them is important.

Each Sun Sign has a different method for dealing with problems. Look to your Sun Sign for a release technique.

Aries: Write it on paper. If you don't get constructive answers, throw it into a basket and think of something different, so intuitive solutions can come in. Patience is the key till they come in.

Taurus: Release it nightly at 10:00 pm and make a firm decision to work at it at a specific time the next day.

Gemini: Mentally see and end positive result. Make a firm decision of this. Don's say, I'll let it go then worry about it. Release the problem to work on the solution.

Cancer: Ask yourself if this will be important tin 2 years. if not let it go. Otherwise express it out to someone else. Talking to someone else sometimes gives you your answers.

Leo: Tell yourself the solution is coming now. Then write the problem on paper. Write the pluses and minuses of the problem and work on the positives.

Virgo: Put the problem in a time frame. Have a "solution hour" (some people interpret it as a worry hour) where you select one hour a day to work on your problems and resolved them. Use the rest of the day for a sense of control and involve yourself in other activities.

Libra: Go talk to someone about a "new problem" so then two of you are working on it. Remember, Also releasing the problem at times allows answers to come.

Scorpio: Write out 5 steps to work out the difficulty. If you can't work it out constructively, you'll need some more information from within. Take a shower and see yourself bathing free of negative blocks. Involve yourself in other things objectively.

Sagittarius: Put problems in order of priority. Take a particular problem and "let it go" for several days. Give it space to work out. Then write out solutions and start a follow through.

Capricorn: A good technique for letting go of unresolved problems is to give a written copy to a friend who is knowledgeable of a possible solution. Give him/her several days then take their answers and choose from it what you would use from it to solve it.

Aquarius: Go to a local bookstore and look under a proper set of books with possible solutions to the difficult. Their also is Internet. If you get a gut feeling of a book, purchase it. Read parts of it at night and ask for additional solutions: then make a firm decision not to think of it till tomorrow. Put on some relaxing music to clear your mind.

Pisces: If answers are not coming, at night write it on paper, put it under a pillow, and ask for solutions. Then think of pleasant childhood memories to get your mind off of it.

To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich you can reach him in Troy Mi at 248-528-2610. Read my other services at the right side of the page above my picture.

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