Monday, March 5, 2012

Domestic Patterns for The Sun Signs with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Each Sun Sign has a different purpose for living at home. To live with a certain sun sign you should know the characteristics which follow. Insights into these could save you arguments, because you will have a better understanding of them. This would also be helpful if you plan on living with a sun sign in the future, or even have one move in temporarily.

Aries - They don't like to stay home much.
-Their home will not be kept well organized.
- They probable will want to go out and be outdoors frequently,

Taurus - They won't like people coming over unexpectedly.
- They constantly like to build things into the house.
- They most likely will not lend things from the home.

Gemini - They probably have 3 of more phones in the house.
- They love to leave stacks of papers laying around.
- They want to change change the furniture or paint the walls frequently.

Cancer: They always have a good supply of food in the house.
- Children and/or pets will be important in the household.
- They'll collect things from the past.

Leo - They'll want to entertain people.
- Their main room will be where the sun comes in the most.
- They are most likely to have the most TV's in the house.

Virgo - Don't plan on much dust in the house.
- They will not decorate the house will bizarre colors.
- They love to keep the lawn trim and plants adorn the inside.

Libra - They like to entertain people, especially to make them more comfortable.
- They love beauty and will have their share of pictures and plants.
- They like their quiet times and require this from mate or family.

Scorpio - They demand privacy and will go to all costs to get it.
- They tend to hide their most cherished valuables from others.
- They generally have to be boss in the house.

Sagittarius - They like to move a lot or have access to two homes at once.
- They can't live in a small place; they have to have physical room to move.
- They like to entertain people, so you won't be their only company.

Capricorn - They require a reserved, practical home life.
- They will want to live close to their work.
- They generally don't like far-out furniture.

Aquarius - They like to entertain in the home, but will want space or a couple of months (erratic tendencies).
- They want a lot of communication in the home which includes TV's and radios all over the place.
- Their house decor is odd and futuristic.

Pisces - People visit with problems. If you can't handle this, Pisces is not a good home mate.
- They love on-going soft music in the house and require peacefulness.
- They tend to have a house full of plants.

To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich including the Tarot, you can reach me in Troy Mi. at 248-528-2610. Check out my coupon specials at the left of the page.

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