Monday, May 28, 2012

Your June 2012 Astrology Trends with Rich Milostan Astrologer. Psychic

Your Astrology Trends for June, 2012
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

ARIES (March 21-April 19): People will find you very popular with others as the spring/summer unfolds. Different car or truck coming and it could comes as a gift! Those in sales could find the next five months stellar for making money. Romance becomes significant to your weekly plans and many Aries could be in a new sustaining relationship with someone by years end. Those of you married may find a new meaning to deepen the existing relationship. Job stress levels finally begin to decrease. Astro-Tip: Drink more water if neglecting it lately.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You're starting a 11 month cycle where you have the best opportunities of all the sun signs to make more money. This could be a job change, starting a business or seeking a promotion. Starting a part-time business is highly recommended. Work delays to get ahead over the last five months begin to lift. Romance possibilities are also now on the increase; especially if you have time weekly to have it happen. Some unusual restriction you have also begins to dissipate. Astro-Tip: Keep good posture to your neck.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Many Gemini’s are starting a year cycle where they can finally get some lucky breaks. The thing with this time frame is that you have to go out there and make things happen. The rejection frequencies of recent past have concluded. One area to focus on is in romance. Your needs there have changed and a new person could enter, but you have to be where they are available. Money improves by late summer, if you are aggressive for it. Best bet in career is to develop self-employment. Astro-Tip: Time to develop that new look image-wise.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Time to get some past matters cleared up and they could be done more efficiently than you think. Your patience level with others is on the increase. Domestic situations of any kind around home or family become less frequent. Some Cancers may be moving within the next two years and their sign is the least likely to move. Look for more free days per week to start having more fun again. Romance becomes more important to your life as the year progresses. Astro-Tip: Good time to take a weekend getaway.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Clothes worn by the Leo Sun Sign play a big part in romance and career success possibilities. Time for a little updating on your wardrobe, for many new people will begin to enter your life in the coming months. Money stresses will begin to wind down because unexpected expenses will become less frequent. If there are any family politics  going on, try to stay out of it until fall. Then they will listen to you more. A new significant person enters your life within the next four months. Astro-Tip: Purchase some new perfume or cologne.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Intensity to just about everything around you becomes less frequent. Watch any moods left with people for it could backfire. Money flow direction finally leads you to make more again in the coming months. Be more positive around people and you will find more cooperation from them. Romance can be a little slow if your expectations for it are too high. The next eight months are good for getting people in position of authority to see things more your way and also help you with any pending matters. Astro-Tip: Let more people know your skills now.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): A stagnant cycle where everything that was to come into fruition seemed slow, has come to an end. Things become more rapid to conclude. Romance plays a bigger picture in your life than it has in awhile. If you get a gut feeling about some romantic interest you have, it’s time to pursue it. This will require you to do some image enhancements with this person. Good cycle to take a small trip, even if it’s only for a weekend. Energy level on the increase. Astro-Tip: Cheating on diet gives unnecessary stress.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Some restriction you may have been trying to eliminate can be completed now for you have all the appropriate information. Try not to opinionate too many people now for it is just an energy burner. Minor diet corrections eliminate some unnecessary stress. You’re starting an unusual year cycle where money comes in. It could be a little money from a scratch off ticket, finding money on the ground, getting a deal of 75% off at a store when you least expect it, etc. Astro-Tip: Tell yourself daily “3 happy money surprises come to me everyday”.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): For the romantics looking for someone, this starts a cycle of 1 year where you could find a real potential partner. If you have a decent attitude for romance this could be a real nice year for it. More people in general enter your life now but they may want too much time of you for their goals. Your priorities are first. Many of you will join a new social or sports group to hang around with before year’s end. Insights come to work money better. Astro-Tip: Don’t be shy now to ask people for favors.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): As the spring/summer unfolds you will be doing more things outside the home than you have in the last few summers. Good time to look at your diet/exercise habits and correct them if you drifted from them in the recent past. The next 10 months are excellent for finding new work, seeking a promotion or starting a little business. Frustrations in your actual vocation the last five months begin to lift. Some nice rewards are coming soon for the efforts you did to ride through that cycle. Astro-Tips: Eliminate two junk foods.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Time to take a deep look to see if you are paid your worth for your skills, This may set you up for a job change. Check out other places. You’re starting a cycle where you will want to venture to new places for fun. Popularity increases with the opposite sex and this cycle lasts one year! Watch your temperament if talking about money issues with someone for the next five weeks. Lots of creative ideas start coming to you; put some of them into action. Astro-Tip: Limit junk food if doing a lot of fun things now.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Play the actor or actress to get some of the things you want. This could be a major answer you have been looking for. Be flexible to look for deals or different plans to some of the monthly bills you receive. Excellent time during the next 12 months to do things to enhance your homes value or if moving, a good deal could arise. Send a few messages to some romantic person you may have an interest in. Money limitations of past five months lift; pursue more money now. Astro-Tip: Time to upgrade on some of the food you it.

 Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. Fee is $40 with no time limit. You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mich.  His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is June 2nd, 2012 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mich., 48083, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bring a friend. Also, follow him on Facebook,!/AstrologerRichMilostan.

If interested in a once-a-month Astrology Trends column like this for your newspaper, web edition or newsletter you can reach me at 248-528-2610 or email me at You can also read some of my other articles if you Google Rich Milostan on your computer. For my coupon special and a look at my other Astrology Services, visit

Monday, May 21, 2012

How your Astrology Sun Sign affects interactions with others

When you go out in the world everyday and contact with people they have an Astrology chart just like you do. The more you react to people, you are reacting to their chart. So it is wise to be selective who you talk to, especially if they are going to be negative to you. Lets look at a few thoughts for each or the Sun Signs that I call You/Others.

Aries: Think before you act in trying new things.
You always want to be first.
Listen to others, they could make you a better leader.

Taurus: Watch what decisions you make, for you probably will not alter them.
You can sell a Taurus by showing them the comfort they will gain.
You're likely to hold grudges longer than the other Sun Signs.

Gemini: In conversation, avoid the tendency to contradict yourself.
You probably love to talk, so find a subject and make money with it.
The things you tell others to do is probably what you should do.

Cancer: Your most creative thinking is at night, make your calls then.
If someone from the past upsets you, let it go.
If you don't have a family, you most likely will create one.

Leo: You most likely will deal better with young people more than old.
Your fixed disposition of avoiding others could slow your life's processes.
You're most likely to be secretive to others about your family.

Virgo: You're most likely to take on the menial jobs at work.
You like to mentally accumulate, make sure you get it from positive people.
You may be an excessive worrier, so use up the mental energy by reading productive

Libra: You love to please others with your refinement.
You like to keep things in balance with others, and soft-toned clothes accentuate the
You tend to see your self worth on others approval. Create your own distinct image.

Scorpio: You shine under pressure: don't always put yourself into it.
You tend to conceal emotions and yet want power, fine line this so health is not taxed.
Of all the Sun Signs, you are the most likely to have discomfort when a group gives
you total attention.

Sagittarius: Inconsistency is your biggest obstacle to overcome with others.
In some areas of life, you love to teach others.
You're the most likely Sign to laugh at the wrong time.

Capricorn: Give yourself some credit for goals attained and your inner guide will work best for
Older people should be your best association.
You're the most likely Sign to create your own obstacles when working toward a goal.

Aquarius: You work best by taking a creative idea and pursuing it, only after an adequate plan
has been thought out.
Your most likely to do something a little different from what you are told to do.
You're one of the best signs to handle the unexpected.

Pisces: You are the most likely to protect yourself from the world. and avoid disharmonious
You tend to draw problematic people to you with your compassionate nature, be careful
of choices.
You're most likely to receive NO compliments because of a visible embarrassing look you make when given one.

To set up an Astrological and Psychic consultation with Rich Milostan which includes the Tarot in Troy, Michigan, call 248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. Also find me on Facebook.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Astrology and What You Can Do with It by Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic


There are many things that people do not know about Astrology and what it can do for you. Take a look below

NATAL CHART - Shows purpose of your life, strengths and weaknesses. What's coming up for you.

How you are changing psychologically.

RELOCATION CHART - When you move to a new location, your life can really open up, or close down.

BUSINESS CHART - Start a business and the minute you sign the papers to make it official, shows you whether it will be successful or a possible failure.

HORARY CHART - Have a particular question (lost objects etc.)? The time you have asked the question can help you find the object.

SOLAR RETURN CHART - A special chart on how your year will be showing events within a week from possible happening.

LUNAR RETURN CHART - How your month is going to be. Will you be independent, dependent on others, introverted or extroverted.

GEOGRAPHICAL CHART - Show where you can live in the world to have your greatest successes.

LOCAL SPACE CHART - From the current longitude and latitude of your current place of residence, you can find what direction from your home to get your greatest benefits. (north, east, west or south) As an example, you could go to a store northeast of your home to purchase a ticket to have the best chance to win a lottery.

COMPOSITE CHART - Take two people's birth times and create a chart to show how they work as a team and what and when they will experience certain events. They also can show how you will work with a company by using an employee's and company's birth times.

PLANET RETURN CHART - If you chart shows a difficult time coming, this chart shows how to work through it.

RELATIONSHIP CHART - This shows how one person's plants affect the other person and vice versa. What one person can and cannot do for the other.

Realize that Astrology is just another tool to help you get through your particular path of life.

To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich in Troy, Mich. you can reach him at 248-528-2610




Sunday, May 6, 2012

Your Sun Sign's Work Style with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

In your work environment, each Sun Sign employs different methods of handling work responsibilities. To the intuitive boss, understanding the work performance of the employee signs can develop a better rapport and harmony for your business. The employee's understanding of your fellow worker's habits can also have the same affect. Even in work procedures around the house, those characteristics take affect.

Aries - You can be impatient if work does not progress properly. You can become high strung, so you must find time for relaxation. Breaks should be taken to modify perfectionist traits.

Taurus - You have a gift for details, but you are stubborn toward opinions. Others will guide you to better your work. Your striving for fairness is your biggest irritation.

Gemini - You don't like confining desk work and need to know you can come and go when you want. You  can innovate ideas for work, if left alone to do it.

Cancer- You work best when you don't help others with their problems beyond your normal call of duty. Working in a lower energy consumption job is the best and with a homey decorated place.

Leo - You tend to overwork physically, demand respect, and need to be appreciated. You need leadership responsibilities and must always be "producing".

Virgo - You need to channel stresses at work; also, don't overextend yourself. You need quietness and love to do research. Attitudes are important at work.

Libra - You don't like hard physical work and you have to avoid being sacrificial to others and getting involved in their business. You'll be bored if some of your work is not creative.

Scorpio - You love tough challenges and tend to want to drive others too hard. Leadership is so strong, you don't take orders well and require recognition and rewards.

Sagittarius - You like to work routinely in a conservative approach. You need work which you can eventually teach to others and where you can listen to others' advice because it will enhance your work.

Capricorn -  You must avoid being a workaholic and you must keep priorities straight. Avoid always doing two jobs at once. Avoid work that continually would make you nervous.

Aquarius - You should become emotionally detached at work and be more logical in its purpose. You need work that involves the public. There mat be a tendency to be too traditional to work output and to hold onto employee grudges.

Pisces - Learn to be less serious about work. You are fixed on work methods. You feel, "I have to get it done", so learn to do work in increments. Don't get involved in other people's problems; instead use energy to be creative in your work.

To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation with Rich, including the Tarot, you can reach me in Troy, Mi. at 1-248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. A member of Facebook, I also send these blogs there. Press LIKE and you will get all future blogs.