Monday, March 30, 2015

April 2015 Astrology Trends plus Psychic Fair Satruday 4/04/2015 with Rich Milostan

April 2015 Astrology Trends Plus Psychic Fair 4/04/2015
by Rich Milostan Astrologer

For details of Psychic Fair Saturday see details at end of article.

Email these Trends to your Friends.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Birthday month is always good to treat yourself to something special. Your general theme the next 12 months is better opportunities for romance, having more fun then usual and some increase in money only if you push for it. For the month this is a good time to make a little money for your personality can be charming now. A romantic restrictive cycle of the last 5 months ends. Insights come to work your existing money better. Patience required more now when going places when you’re in a hurry, leave earlier. Astro-Tip: Less junk food, less stress!

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Good month to get some uncompleted projects done. You will want a little more space to yourself this month so use the time to enjoy some quiet fun activities. This is a good time to do some image enhancing, with some new clothes, minor diet corrections and trying a new hairstyle. You could receive some unexpected money that doesn’t have unhappiness attached to it. It will be a small amount though. Situations around the home could become more pleasant for you. Astro-Tip: Keep good posture for less neck stress.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Dress your best this month for it will help in attaining some of your goals. Friends will be more helpful to projects you have to take care of. Energy improves if not too opinionated about what people are doing. Could have an unusual amount of contact with people from the past for the next 3 months. Romance a little on the slow side. Money could be better over the next 6 months then in the last five. If a thought comes in to start a small business spend some time developing it. Astro-Tip: A person critical of you could be giving you good advice.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Your sun sign now has the best chances of financial improvement for the rest of the year then the other ones. But, it has to be pursued or its opportunities will just fly right by, Romance is in an evaluation cycle the next 4 months where you will redefine what you want out of it. The end result will have you wanting romance that gives you more balance weekly, while you are pursuing more personal goals then usual. Those in position of authority in business more cooperative to you at this time. Astro-Tip: Be lighthearted around young people.

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22): You will feel more optimistic about everyday life then you have had for awhile. You should find less problematic weekly situations and more free time to achieve some goals. You will start to change some of your fun interests you do for balance, more quiet relaxing activities. If you take a good look at your monthly bills, a few of them, you could be paying less a month if you explore other ways. As an example, see if you can’t pay less for a phone bill etc. Talk to different people. You will put more miles on your truck or car doing more things now. Astro-Tip: Shift to more shopping where sales are.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sept 22): Some work the boss may have been giving you daily will not be as strenuous as in recent past. Romance improves if practical in expectations. Could receive a gift this month that makes you quite happy. For the travel enthusiasts the next 3 months could have you doing more of it then usual.  An unresolved situation from the past can be mended anytime starting in mid month.  You will begin to see more people now then usual and be around those that want to get ahead. If looking for career advancement get those resumes going. Astro-Tip: Get rid of a chair if it bothers your back.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22): Money could be a little tighter the next 4 months but at the end of the cycle you will have found new ways to work your existing money much better and this will be a plus. A healthier diet will make you body feel much better. Romance can be full of surprises for the next 6 months. If single and looking you could go out with someone you never thought you would. Don’t lend money out to anyone if possible the next 3 months, you may never see it again. Join a group that you have an interest in. Astro-Tip: Call a person from the past.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21): The spring months are good to start having more fun. There will be less unexpected responsibilities so enjoy life more. Over the next 6 months you will change your style of how you communicate to others. You will be more lighthearted and with more eye contact when conversing with someone. Good time to set up your spring/summer diet for you will be using more energy doing things. Excellent cycle through August to seek a job advancement, start a business or change your career. AstroTip: Purchase some new work clothes.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21): You will not want as much space to your self now. You will learn something new this year but will involve working with a number of people. Be good to your feet by wearing proper shoes. You will want more freedom from domestic duties and delegate some of them out to a family member if possible. Romance will become a little more important to you but what you put into it is what you will get back. Career stays about the same till summer when you can do some advancement in it. Astro-Tip: Stay out of work politics.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19): Good time to get some spring home projects done early for you will spend a lot of time doing some business things by early summer. For those into investing money could find the start of a real nice cycle if practical in what you want to do. The next 4 months are good for doing more personal goals rather then burning up energy doing group activities where money is not made. Romance could be on the upswing if not too preoccupied with work. A friend you know has them going in a different direction then you. Astro-Tip: Isyour mattress getting old? Change!

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18): Your starting a cycle where you will change some of the people you like to socialize with. You will be attracted to new people where you can learn new things. Minor home repair possible but will not cost much. Someone you know could probably fix it. Romance could give you someone quite significant if seeking it sometime with 3 months. Time to look at your career and see if there are any changes you want to make. The timing for the shift will not start till August. Astro-Tip: Let go of something that may have bothered you 6-7 years ago.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20): Time to restructure how you work with your money monthly. You will be meeting some new people that may find you by the end of the year in a considerable lifestyle change and it will be positive. Good time to purchase something to brighten up your home. Opportunities open up to advance your work within a certain department you may work in. A good diet/exercise program could give you some nice quick results. Family could be unusually nice to you the next 4 months with no deception attached. Astro-Tip: Go for walks more when possible.

Rich is available 6 days a week for a private consultation. His readings include an astrological update and the tarot.  For information call 1-248-528-2610. His next Psychic Fair is April 4th at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr Troy, Mi 48083. 10am to 4pm. The Center is located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver Rd off of Rochester Rd on the east side.

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