Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Astrology Special, Your Sun Signs Trends for 2015 with Rich Milostan

Astrology Special, Your 2015 Personal Forecast
by Rich Milostan Astrologer
Website: RichMilostanAstrologer.com

Psychic Fair 1/03/2015 details end of article

ARIES (March 21-April 19): A financially restrictive cycle of the last several years has ended. Now is the time to pursue making more money. If you can develop some further moneymaking skills, that would greatly enhance the year. The first half of the year is good for having more fun in romance. The second half gives more opportunities in work to further income. Your image will change and you will become more  “eccentric” in how you project yourself. Many new people come into your life that will help further your ambitions. Your motto for the year is “Just Do It”

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): You will restructure how you work with your money this year. Insights come into working your bills so that they will not be so expensive. You will become much more money motivated. The first half of the year has you remodeling or possibly moving and the last 6 months are good for doing some new adventure in romance. You will be doing some releasing of things from the past that have irritated you. Dramatic changes can occur in what you like to learn. Your theme for the year is being around more positive people.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You’re making like a personal debut into the world where many new people will enter your life. The thing is though that this is a time to also focus on working with a close relationship or making a new one. Sometimes I have seem energy levels will be a little lower if you scatter into too many directions, thus the need for priorities. It may not be an exceptional money year, but it can improve if you team with someone. The first half of the year is making new contacts with people and the second half will be a little more domesticated.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): A very good year for making more money only if you go out and pursue it. You will work harder this year than in previous years and many of you will feel that you have finally started your right career. Good time to start a business even if part time. You will become more diet/exercise conscious and will do this for better energy purposes. Romance will not be a big priority and not much time will be spent there. Closer to the end of the year there will be better chances of enjoyment with someone. The last half of the year gives more people helping you with your goals.

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22): You will feel more optimistic about doing things more than in 2014. Make sure you do more fun things weekly to build more  positive attitudes. This can be a better financial year, if, you outline a written plan to make more with some skill you have. The better money cycle starts in June. Your needs in romance will change over the next 18 months. You will want someone helping you with goals more than just having fun with them. Children will require more attention, just give it to them. Learn more work skills until 2017, a major work change year. Develop a reward system for efforts you do.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sept 22): The first 3 months of the year are good for finding more free time in your daily routine. Eliminate things unnecessary that you still do. As you year progresses you will feel more optimistic. Tweaking your diet/exercise habits can accelerate this. 2016 seems to be a better money year than this year for improvements. More can be made this year, though, by not procrastinating till tomorrow going for money. It will be necessary to learn several new work skills this year. Romance will have you looking for someone quite different than what you normally want.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22): You will go out and about more this year than last. You will meet a new level of people that could change your lifestyle quite a bit in several years. Money will not be so hard to come by. So spend more time making more money through the year. Avoid any politics in the family if and when they occur. They could hinder your goal achieving. Romance will be limited if too preoccupied with your own interests. Give someone some time. If you don’t like work delegated by your supervisor learn some new skills. You are only going up the ladder eventually somewhere

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21): The next 2 years is all about money. You will structure your existing money better and become more preoccupied to make more. You will have to work harder to attain it but rewards come with a disciplined effort, People in positions of authority will be more helpful to your interests than usual. Romance stays about the same but you will do some new creative outlets with someone. Career can give you some new position you may want especially in the first half of the year. Joining a new social group the last half of the year can give you much satisfaction.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21): You will come out of a restricted 2-year cycle and begin to do many new things. Responsibilities could be more frequent but so could your new accomplishments. The biggest thing is that you will develop a new image to your new experiences so that area must be worked with. Since you will be doing so many different things don’t lose your financial structure. Spend time keeping that intact. Romance improves if you let them in and could be significant. Could receive some surprise money the first half of the year.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19): You will want a little more space to yourself this year to reevaluate what you have done over the last 10 years and should take it! It is a good time to study something new for future money. You will make changes to your home so you won’t feel like you are ruled by it. Some investing could pay off the first part of the year. Travel to quiet outlets likely in the last half of the year. Romance will not be your preoccupation so work  allows you  more freedom for your own endeavors. Your next big career push is 2016, set it up this year.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18): Your sign can accomplish the most in 2015. It could give you rewards for career efforts of recent past. On a monetary level, just don’t assume everything is all right. Watch out how a company may sneak hidden charges on your monthly bills and read contracts before signing them. If you push for it, you could find two job advances this year. New friends enter your life that could become life long. Romance will give renewed satisfaction and singles could find a nice mate, especially the last half of the year.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20): Money restrictive cycles become less frequent. You will be able to buy more things that please you. You will have more time to develop a new skill or read other topics of things that interest you. Romance good the first half of the year and the second half focuses on getting ahead in career to increase your income. Those with children can see them making some nice gains. You will develop a new financial structure as the year progresses, which will also help you to have fewer worries. People at distances become more important to you.

Look for weekly Astrology articles at RichMilostanAstrologer.com

For more of a detailed look at your 2015, Rich is available 6 days a week for a private consultation. His readings include an astrological update and the tarot.  For information call 1-248-528-2610. His next Psychic Fair is January 3rd at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr Troy, Mi 48083. 10am to 4pm. The Center is located north of Big Beaver Rd off of Rochester Rd.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

                       Astrology and Psychic Fair 1/03/2015
                                   With Rich Milostan

                          COME PLAN YOUR YEAR!

Saturday January 3, 2015
10am to 4pm
Troy Masonic Center in Troy to GPS or Mapquest
1032 Hartland Dr, 48083
Located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver rd, off Rochester rd on the east side
Astrology, Psychic, Tarot readings available all day.
Admission $5 Readings $25 (15 minutes) $35 (full reading)!
Info: Rich 248-528-2610
Web site: RichMilostanAstrologer.com.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ideas for Christmas for the Sun SIgns

                               Ideas for Christmas for the Sun Signs
                                           by Rich Milostan

                             Website. RichMilostanAstrologer.com

I want to give a Christmas idea. If you want to buy something for a elderly person who has just what they need like Appliances etc. try this technique. When my parent was older, I would get a big box. Then I would go to a Dollar store or other places and purchase a tooth brush, Kleenex, straws, etc till I had 20-25 things. I would wrap each one individually and put them in that box with a ribbon on it. She could spend a half-hour opening up each item and she said that was her favorite present to open up every year till she passed on.

Here are a few tips if looking for something for a particular Sun Sign you may know when doing your Christmas shopping.

Aries: It may be hard to buy for them because they will buy it quick if they want something. Colognes, plane trip tickets for out of state, gifts for the car, sports equipment (tennis, golf, baseball, etc;....) and also sportswear. Give a hat to a Aries woman, also perfumes, jewelry and cosmetics. They also enjoy exercise bikes and other exercise accessories.

Taurus: Anything in gold color will catch their eyes. Things for the home are nice (lamp, kitchen wares). Taureans love wallets and purses. Anything in antique is fine, Pictures for the wall are fine; but fit one to there practical personality. A comforter or electric blanket is nice.

Gemini: They love to communicate so you will want to get them a portable TV or radio. They love to use their hands so a ring could be a nice gift. An answering machine is useful and they will never reject an extra phone for the home. Subscriptions to  a favorite magazine or books to a favorite topic they talk about are fine. Also travel items like a briefcase, loaded with travel supplies.

Cancer: Anything that decorates the home is for Cancers. Potted plants, decorations for a room in their home would be well appreciated. Also certificates to a favorite restaurant are hinted. Appliances for the kitchen are nice. Anything that makes the home more comfortable or warms the body (sweaters, gloves or hats) will make them think of you when they use them.

Leo: They love things that are colorful and sparkle. They like clothes that enhance their public image. For women, hats, boots and scarf’s; for men coats, shoes and gloves. Gift certificates to a play or shows are nice and will be appreciated. All shirts must be tailored or at least tapered. Certificates to a salon for hairstyling is not a bad idea. Tickets to a future sports event or a concert are also nice.

Virgo: Checkbook or wallet calculator is popular. Also new cell phone.
Bookshelves or anything they can place on them like books or collectibles are nice. Go to their home and find out what you can add to it. Clocks and watches are also good ideas. A gift certificate to the health food store would be enjoyed. Tiny detailed jewelry, DVD’s like Yoga make nice gifts.

Libra; They like peaceful looking things around the home. TV pillows, scenic pictures, candles and candle holders and cuddle up blankets. They like things that enhance their beauty (cosmetics, colognes, and hair curling items and jewelry). A certificate for a facial or manicure would be appreciated. Anything that makes them more comfortable (appliances that quicken the time)

Scorpio: Buy them things that start them on a hobby or add on to a hobby they have. Books (mysteries, novels) games (Trivial Pursuit, chess and Scrabble) Tickets to a movie or a favorite food basket. A gift card for gas. They would enjoy a book that would help them attain their goals. Cameras or a new cell phone are enjoyable gifts. Also tool sets are practical.

Sagittarius: Something to enhance the office or garage that quickens the process. Tennis shoes, slippers and boots are nice. Any apparel, which fits in there travel interest. Find something that will add in to their favorite hobby. Sweaters, shirts, belts and are good but should look sporty.

Capricorn: Briefcases, office supplies that further work interests, conservative clothes for work. Comfortable evening clothes for relaxing and footwear are also good ideas. Any additional convenience for the car or truck is well received.. Other ideas are clocks, watches and a wallet. A picture of them put in a frame would be nice.

Aquarius: Computers, computer software, home entertainment games, video supplies are great ideas. Also a pocket radio, digital clock or a watch is good. Any bright colored clothes would be welcomed addition to their wardrobe. Also a subscription to a book club or holistic magazine would make great gifts.

Pisces: that would apply to the Art such as a painting, musical instrument, tickets to a concert or art show or museum is nice. Art supplies, writing supplies, Meditation tapes for relaxing would be well received. Comfortable footwear is another idea. Jewelry and a ring is nice. Also a new home phone. Candy hits a sweet spot with them.

Rich is available in Troy, Mi for an Astrological update to see how your coming year will be. You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610.

Also, I do sell Christmas gift certificates for getting an astrological and psychic reading including the Tarot. This is popular gift every year to give to someone as a Christmas Present. Give me a call.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

               Astrology, Gift Certificate for Christmas Present for a Reading
                          Website RichMilostanAstrologer.com

This is the time of the year where people like to go to readers to see what is coming up for the coming year. I will be putting up a 2015 Astrology Trends for the Year for all the Sun Signs in late December 2014. But, in being limited to several paragraphs it will be hard to say everything for people at age 20 who do things differently then those at 50 plus. So I offer several options below.

1) Several people asked me if I sell Gift Certificates for readings so they could give one to a family member or friend as a Christmas Gift. Yes!

If interested in a Christmas Gift Certificate mail $45 (check or money order). This offer only good through 12/31/2014. Send to
                                          Rich Milostan
                                          1250 Glaser
                                          Troy, Michigan 48085

Please send complete mailing address.
Make sure you include your phone number if I have to reach you.

I also can do a full taped reading for your 2015 if you request that. Price is the same $45.

Note: I can email you the Gift Certificate.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Astrology. Your Teachers for 2015 with Rich Milostan

                                 Astrology, Your Teachers for 2015
                               with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

                               Website: RichMilostanAstrologer.com

In working 2015 everyone is going into new horizons. Somewhere along the line you will need a new teacher to help you get there. Read your Sun Sign below to see what person of knowledge you will be best to learn from. This could be learning from books of knowledge or a mentor person.

Aries (3/21 – 4/19): Your best teacher will be those that help you learn better an existing skill to make future money.

Taurus (4/20 – 5/20): Learn from someone who can help you to learn your monthly bills better.

Gemini (5/21 – 6/20): Seek knowledge from someone who can teach you better relationship skills for this is a big part of your year.

Cancer (6/21 – 7/22): Learn from others better health habits. Also learn from someone who can promote a new work shill you have to put out there.

Leo (7/23 – 8/22): Learn from others on how to have more fun in romance.

Virgo (8/23 – 9/22): Learn from someone on how to work your family better. Also working your real estate better to get future financial benefits from it
Libra (9/23 – 10/22): Learning from someone a brand new work skill.

Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21): Seek others who can teach you to make more money, Also someone who can motivate you to push for increasing your income.

Sagittarius: (11/22 – 12/21): Seeking teachers who can help you develop a new positive image.

Capricorn (12/22 – 1/19): Seek someone who can teach you new ways to relax more.

Aquarius (1/20 – 2/18): Learn from someone who can teach you new goal achieving methods.

Pisces (2/19 – 3/20): Learn from someone on how to promote your present career more.

To set up a private Astrological and Psychic Consultation including the Tarot you can reach Rich in Troy Mi at 248-528-2610. Read my other Astrology services on my Website Rich MilostanAstrologer.com. I also teach how to read the Tarot.

Psychic Fair is January 3rd (Saturday) at the Troy Masonic Center. Time is 10am to 4pm. Held at 1032 Hartland Dr in Troy, Mi 48083. More info call Rich at 248-528-2610. Astrology, tarot and psychic readings available.