Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Astrology Special, Your 2014 Sun Sign Forecast with Rich Milostan Astrologer

Your Year 2014 Astrology Trends Special
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Website:  RichMilostanAstrologer.com

ARIES (March 21-April 19): If aggressive to make more money it will be a little easier to attain. Many new people will come into your life this year and some of them will help you get ahead in particular goals you have. Your clothes style will change and may dress a little more on the eccentric side. Something from the past you may be clinging on needs to be let go. The last 6 months of the year give some new work opportunities. Romance better then 2013 but will have to put a little more effort to make it become what you want.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): First six months should fine more happiness in the domestic areas. It could be a residential move, solving a family matter etc. Romance will be a big part of the year as singles could find their significant, those married could strengthen there partnership. You will have more opportunities to have more fun this year then the last one. Once you view something from the past a little differently it will go away. Trust your intuition more to do things. Money has just slight improvement.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You will be “luckier” in your communications with others in terms of asking for favors. As the year progresses you will find more happiness in the home front. Many of you find that work has been harder this last year and this will lighten up somewhat. Don’t forget to give yourself more rewards for efforts you put in weekly. Major work opportunities presented toward year’s end. Keep a good discipline on diet exercise and you will have a better sense of well being. Romance a little slow. Money year is 2015, set it up this year.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): This is a better money year, BUT, you will have to go after it or the wind will just take it somewhere else. As the year progresses you could get a different truck or car or you could find it easier to get to places you need to go. If romance has been stingy recently you should find it a little better. But temporally you might have to put a little more into it initially to make it come back. Some of you will find work by year’s end a little different then when it started but it will lead to better opportunities.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): You should have more optimism this year then last and will project a new image. Those prone to weight gain have to watch their diet. If you are money driven the last half of the year can be nice for gains but plans must be set up in the first half of the year. Excessive domestic responsibilities lighten up. Many of you will make a choice; do I want to fix up my place or move within the next 18 months. Whichever way you go you could stay there for years. Watch money, deceptions around you.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): For the first several months of the year get rid of some routines you are getting bored doing. Popularity finally increases for you as the year progresses. You will have an easier time getting your points across to people then last year. You will learn a new skill this year that could set up your long-range financial future. Try not to involve in any excessive family politics if and when they occur. Romance could have you being with someone you never thought you would want to be with.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Many of you have found you had to have a better money discipline in 2013 and this will continue in 2013 but not to such a n extreme. Goofy unexpected bills will be less frequent and several opportunities will come to make some extra cash. Keep quiet at work on goals you have for gossip could be more frequent. Romance has you wanting to be with someone different more then being in a stable one relationship. The first half of the year has you more people orientated then the second half.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): You have had more then your share of responsibilities and this will gradually lighten up as the year progresses. Try to do more things to enhance your image by developing different looks till you get to the one you like. Romance better only if your expectations of it are practical. See a child around you for what they are becoming rather then what you want them to be. For the business set, the first 6 months are stellar to get yourself at a higher position. Quit the junk food.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Many of you want more space to yourself and this will continue but not as much weekly. Excellent year to learn a new hobby if it offers potential money. Avoid negative people as much as possible for they could drain your energy. By years end expect a major new beginning in your life that makes you happy. Romance slow and it is a good year to make yourself more “independent” You will dabble in new fun things that are more relaxing in nature. Romance could see you dating someone again from the past.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22- Jan 19): Some area of life that you are shy to go into, you will and somewhat like it! You won’t be home as much as last year and will want more freedom from the home if you feel restricted there. Could receive some unexpected money sometime in the first 6 months of the year. Travel or short trips out and about quite frequent the last 6 months of the year. Many of you can attain a major goal this year but will get a little people burnout by year’s end. Will meet several new friends.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): When your intuition tells you to puree more money, follow through instead of saying I’ll wait till next week. This should be done because you have the best chances of making money then you have had in over 12 years! You will want to explore more places that you have never experienced before. Romantic opportunities are best the first 6 months of the year rather then the last half. If you ever want to get yourself established in the business area this is the year with rewards quite nice by next December.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Play the “actor” or “actress” this year in communicating with others to get what you want. Your diet must be good or your body will give you lousy feelings. Work opportunities possible the first 6 months of the year, but has to be pursued or you could lose a nice job. Romance improves as the summer unfolds with someone that could be very significant to you. Learn an additional skill this year.  Some of you could make out of state residential moves; your Sign is the most likely to.

 For a more personal detailed look at 2014 Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot, (Also phone readings). You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.  His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is Saturday January 4, 2014 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to 4pm. Bring a friend. I also teach how to read the Tarot.

If interested in a once a month Astrology Trends for the Month column like this for your newsletter, paper or online edition reach me at 1-248-528-2610.


1 comment:

  1. Great article, very interesting. If you found an interest in this as well you should go check this out as well.
