Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Your December 2012 Astrology Trends with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

                                        Your Astrology Trends for December, 2012
                                            with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

ARIES (March 21-April 19): A very active month with people, more patience required with the slow movers. You will spend more time away from home between Christmas and New Years visiting people. You could get a little more then usual gifts this season. Any of you feeling romantic strains lately will find them easing up. Work could find you making more decisions in your everyday responsibilities. Someone from a distance gives you very happy news. Astro-Tip: Time to call an old friend.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Some uncompleted project needs 30more days of information to come to successfully take care of it. More money will be coming to you soon. Time to be around the more positive people you know. Some surprise money could come to you this month that is not Christmas related. Romance could be good this year by just putting a little more effort into it. Insights come to make your work run more smoothly. Astro-Tip: Make a copy of all your cards in your wallet; good to have.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Time to look at everything that is going around you and you will find a deception and you will take care of it. Good money year coming up next year, set up the plans now to make it happen. Keep your disciple with diet/exercise this holiday season, you’ll enjoy it better. Romance improves if you’re seeking it. Watch impulsive spending, Remember the bills come in January. Work stresses ease. More people will help you with favors you ask of them. Astro-Tip: Buy yourself a Christmas present!

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Needs in romance are changing, will want them to help you more toward your goals which are changing. Time to give a little more attention to your kids. Avoid some people now who seem to be a little cranky. Time to write out a diet/exercise program to practice for the winter months. Uncertainty is some of your career directions will lift in February; just flow till then. If taking a holiday trip make sure you check twice what you need to take with you. Astro-Tip: Purchase something new to keep you warm.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Since one of Leos purposes in life is to make people happy, now is the time to make some child feel better with a Christmas present. Family obligations will be little more frequent now, just work with day to day and you will be fine. Play a couple 3, 4, or 5 digits lottery tickets off and on till he end of the month. Use your intuition for the numbers. Romance will be nice if you allow more time for it. Finances pick right after he first of the year. Astro-Tip: Purchase several new healthier foods you have never tried before.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Your meeting a lot of new people coming up, so now is the time to join a new interest group that you may be thinking about. Time to clean a little bit up in each room and you may find something you may have been looking for. Make a list of some new fun things to do and this may get you out of a rut you may be feeling. Romance well if expectations of them are practical. You’re very likely to learn a new job skill soon. Finances could accelerate once you learn it. Astro-Tip:  Good time to find a deal on a second car or truck.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): A 2-year “heavy” cycle has ended. Don’t use what ifs or yah-buts as a mask for doing things now. Good time to go all out and make your Christmas a better one then you have had in years. Money improvement is coming soon, and keep a discipline with it. You could get an unusual gift from someone that could make you quit happy. If romance is slow it is only of your choice for some is out there. Purchase small luxury for your home. Astro-Tip: Send more Christmas cards or emails to friends.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): The image you project determines much of how you will be received by others this holiday season. Dress your best and project an optimistic personality. Good time to look at how you handle your money weekly. Insights will come to make money better, write down the changes you want to make. Patience will be required of you on the road this month. Diet could be given you some moods now, watch excessive sugar, salt intake. If flexible, romance improves. Astro-Tip: Purchase a good non-fiction book.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Birthday month is always good to treat yourself to something special. Of all the Sun Signs your is the most likely to spend the most this holiday season. Anew significant person will enter your life soon who will help you with your interests. If dating someone don’t analyze them till February, it may turn out better then you think. If married now is the time to set some new long range goal. Money can improve if you stop doing everything for everybody else. Astro-Tip: Purchase a good book that can make you relax.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Energy improves but so could the moods. Be very businesslike l in your communications this month. Let some home projects slide till January and enjoy the Holidays more. New work opportunities are coming, they will present themselves when ready. The first 2 weeks of the month are a time to reset some of your priorities. More fun can be found now in social settings more then in the one on one romantic. Anew significant male person will enter your life soon. Astro-Tip: Purchase some business clothes.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Check your monthly bill to see if you are being overcharged for something. Time to visit a new restaurant you have never tried before. Make a list of 20 new fun things to do and you’ll be surprised how many you will enjoy. Now is the time to set your prestige you want in the world, make plans. Popularity increases, the best in several years. Some acquaintances you know a little will go on the wayside. Watch any angers this month, it noticeably decreases energy. Astro-Tip: Take a friend out to lunch for the holiday.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Good month to accomplish something that you have been postponing. People who live more then 500 miles from you give nice benefits for the coming holidays. More people want your time from you then Normal, your priorities have to be first. What you can do to make your life a little more independent this month gives you your greatest satisfaction. Finances will start to slowly see an increase as the months go on. Make purchase coming to your home make you happy. Call someone with  “D” in their name, nice surpise! Astro-Tip: Purchase a small gift card for someone.

Next Month Your Year 2013!  For a more detailed look at it come down to my Psychic Fair December 1st, directions below.

 Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. Fee is $40 with no time limit.   You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.  His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is Saturday December 1, 2012 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to 4pm. Bring a friend.

If interested in a once a month Astrology Trends column like this for your newspaper, web edition, or newsletter, you can reach me at 248-528-2610 or email me at You can also read my other articles if you Google Rich Milostan on your computer. For a coupon special and a look at my other Astrology Services click or type in


Friday, November 23, 2012

Psychic Fair with Rich Milostan 12/01/12

Astrology and Psychic Fair 12/01/2012
With Rich Milostan

Saturday December 1, 2012
10am to 4pm
Troy Masonic Center 1032 Hartland Dr Troy, Mi. 48083
Located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver Rd off Rochester Rd on the east side
Astrology, psychic readings available all day
Admission $5 Readings $20 (15 minutes) $30 (full reading)
Info: Rich Milostan Astrologer 248-528-2610

Email your friends

To set up an Astrological/Psychic Consultation, including the Tarot, with Rich in Troy Mi., you can reach me at 248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Some New Astrology Thoughts with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Read the thought on credits cards toward the end of the column

Aries are the least likely to stay at home, probably have a picture of them hanging somewhere, and will have little food in the refrigerator.

Taurus are natural farmers, most likely to have wine in the home and are very possessive of there belongings.

Gemini run up the highest phone bills, , always feel they’re right and get bored with detail.

Cancers are the most likely to study history, the easiest to sell plants to, and will stay home the longest of all the Sun Signs, before going out on their own.

Leos are the most likely to be a morning person, love homes with big windows and love being the center of attention at a party.

Virgos are the best secretaries, dislike wild colors and find it hard to sit back and relax.

Libra dislike washing dishes the most of all the signs, drink the least amount of water and are not apartment dwellers because the require peace in the habitat.

Animals are born under signs too! A dog born under Gemini will frequently bark or make other noises. The best watchdogs are born under Aries. The most domesticated pets are born under Cancer.

Scorpios are happiest when they carry a secret, have fences around their home and have control of a relationship.

Sagittarius don’t like small backyards, generally like 2 homes or 2 places to travel back and forth to, and usually cook more then they can eat.

To all the Sun Signs, your best energy period each year is between 8 and 10 months after your Birthday.

Capricorns are the most likely to run their life by the clock, always feel a need to be achieving a goal and are traditional in their home furnishings.
Aquarius is the most likely to eat exotic food, wear the wildest colors in clothes and ignore their neighbors.

Pisces are the most likely to have family problems because they are too compassionate to others, are natural musicians and are most affected by damp weather.

Thought for the week: For every card you carry in your wallet or purse you should make a copy of it and keep it safe at home This way if you lose your wallet you immediately have everything that has to be replaced. Every week I will give you a new thought to better your life.

Rich is available 7 days a week for a private reading. Call 248-528-2610. Gift certificate also can be purchased for a Holiday gift.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Becoming Happier by Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

People have different viewpoints of what happiness means. One person is the happiest when they have a mate. Another may be happy when their career is going well; while another is when their health is good. When a reader tells a Cancer that they are coming into a good year, the client has to realize it will go favorably, but not always viewed as happiness. By examining the Natal chart, the "good" areas could be pinpointed. There is a general trend that can be seen in each Sun Sign showing how to use your energies each year in order to feel a sense of accomplishment, self-worth and happiness.

Aries - Try to find goals each year that will challenge you. One should be by expending physical energy. Avoid long drawn out projects, which will tax your patience. Being independent; you should find time to use your originality and inventiveness to create.

Taurus - Happiness can be felt when you are increasing your financial values. Also, you must be able to spend some of your money earned on articles to beautify your home or appearance. Goals that can give you periodical times of quietness and allow you time to rejuvenate your energies are important.

Gemini - When you have people around you who you can have conversations with helps to calm your nerves. You have a need to be around social contacts, so it's important that you have goals in these areas - even in a marriage. In you spare time you should have hobbies to occupy your time and keep you from getting bored.

Cancer - You will feel the best when you are nurturing others. It is therefore important that you keep close contact with your family members. A savings account that is put away helps you feel domestically secure no matter how much is in it. So, monetary needs should be kept in good order. You need to retreat to a quiet place to enjoy thinking of the good times of the past.

Leo - Having goals of being around entertainment is important to you. Being in "control" is important, so you should always be projecting leadership abilities. Domestic home life should be serene for that ids your "lions den". Playing a sport so where you can always improve is good.

Virgo - Involving yourself in intellectual pursuits helps keep your "high thinking energy" in proper perspective. You should always have a goal where you are perfecting something. Being health orientated, a good health program should be faithfully followed.

Libra - Setting a goal with a relationship to achieve mutual gain will create a sense of happiness within you. You need to set goals that will create quietness and peacefulness. Most happiness comes to the Libra that rewards themselves for efforts in work.

Scorpio - Many Scorpios seem to be happier when they have a project that can be "secretly" explore or research. Also when their passions are being fulfilled they feel well being. Involving in creative projects and psychotically goals are also important.

Sagittarius - When shay can be taught or are teasing the "archer" satisfies a need to be philosophical expending. When they know they have dome freedom to travel and have some goals set is important to them. They need freedom every week to be outdoors for relaxation.

Capricorn - You always seem to be happiest when you are achieving a goal. For balance, it's important that you find an hour a day for yourself whether it be watching a fire, reading a book or looking out a window and reflecting. A career that is prerogative always help you.

Aquariums - Doing your own thing or something that can be your own way gives self-satisfaction. Involving in new age thinking hobbies or educational pursuits is relaxing. Inviting in a group which agree with your unusual interests is important.

Pisces - Meditating is very common with the double fish as a means for feeling happy. Being with beauty whether working in the garden, involving in art or listening to peaceful music is helpful. Also, helping someone else gives a sense of happiness.

Rich is available for an Astrological and Psychic Consultation in Troy Mi. I can be reached at 248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can make a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. As a member of Facebook, by pressing LIKE you can read my new weekly articles.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Health Habits in the Winter with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

                                                    Health Habits in the Winter
                                                    with Rich Milostan Astrologer

November through March are considered to be the peak months for neglecting sound health habits. It is during this period, that the health plan should be followed to help you fell your best for the summer months. The following are a few habits you may need to modify. Concerning your sleeping habits, if you sleep too little, it could run you down and increase your chances for the flu. Also, lack of rest doesn’t allow your body sufficient time to rejuvenate its energy. Too much sleep, on the other hand, acts like insufficient energy; 7 hours is a good norm. Poor nutritional habits like a diet high in animal habits, leads to cholesterol levels that can turn high. So avoid these if possible. During the winter months, you may exercise less often, but it is important to exercise 2 or 3 times a week. Slacking in exercise can affect your digestive system and lead to weight gain; a well-balanced meal is a better substitute. Drinking in excess can deplete your energy level. And smoking definitely increases chances of ill health, as well as those around you.
   These most common evils will seem harder to break, but by working a goal to avoid them from November through March you will develop a trigger habit, so when the next year comes you’ll “automatically” desire to avoid these nuisances.
   Each sign has a tendency toward a negative health habit and by being aware of them you can start a different habit to obtain better health.

Aries – Avoid the nibbling habit of junk food being you’re an impulsive Sun Sign. Take along vegetables to munch on. Try to relax your body before you go to sleep by taking 10 minutes to go to a peaceful seen you remember and clear your mind of the days stresses, you will sleep much better.

 Taurus - Since Taureans have a tendency toward obesity try to watch foods high in fat. Excessive red meat should be avoided: try to eat more fish and fowl. Also, watch the gourmet foods, which you love to eat; your diet should contain more essential foods rather then sauces.

Gemini: You may involve in too many mental pursuits and not get enough exercise during the winter months. Remember, mind and body need equal time. One possibility to be a quiet walk in a park or neighborhood which will give you the exercise you need to clear your mind.

Cancer – Sweets may be your problem during the winter months; try to stick to natural treats like fruits or juices. Exercise is important so home exercise equipment is not a bad investment.

Leo – Your sign rules the heart, so daily make time for relaxation. This is important along with avoiding smoked filled environments when winter finds most windows shut.

Virgo – Sound sleep habits help to rest your tendency to overtax your fine intellect. Too many intellectual pursuits, while waiting for summer, can make you mentally tired and moody.

Libra – Drink a certain amount of water each day to keep your system and kidneys clean. Although, you need to avoid excessive liquids that have caffeine or high sugar content.

Scorpio – Repressing feelings and letting emotions build are common during the winter months for you. Have that person you can talk to and get your exercise in.

Sagittarius – A person who has to physically be on the move, it’s important to fuel your body along the way. Confinement of winter should make an exercise bike part of your home furnishings.

Capricorn: You have a tendency to become too serious with your goals during the winter and stresses should increase. Find time for run and get your rest in.

Aquarius – Your circulatory system has to be catered to, so between meals, snacking should be avoided during this inactive time of the year. Also, sweets should be avoided since Aquarians are greatly affected by the sugar surge followed by a temporary low cycle. Try oranges raisins etc.

Pisces – You are the least likely to exercise of all the Sun Signs. Its important for you to be involved in some type of activity to help you diminish your tendency to worry which is highest in the winter. Meditation is a fine substitute.

To set up an Astrological and Psychic consultation, including the Tarot with Rich in Troy, Mi. you can reach me at 248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S.