Friday, September 28, 2012

Your October 2012 Astrology Trends with Rich Milostan

                             Your Astrology Trends for the October, 2012
                             with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Work loads increase if self employed. Any diet exercise program started now gives almost immediate benefits. Romance possibilities on the increase if looking for someone. Time now to take all your bills and find ways to make them less; you will be surprised in what you can save. People at distances become more important to attain some of your goals. Let some past matters slide for awhile if possible. Astro-Tip: Dress you best this month, people are watching you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Romance becomes more significant to your goals over the next several years. Weak relationships will end and new one enters. For the single set the next several years give you your best opportunities in quite awhile. Watch impulsive spending the next 2 months. Better deals come toward the end of that time frame. Someone a little on the negative side around you has to go, for they are not productive to you. Astro-Tip: Eat better foods for more energy.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Try not to scatter into too many directions; money first. Good time to make some purchase though that can give you an additional comfort in the home. Try to have more fun now inexpensively. Many of you will be making some new career directions at anytime over the next 18 months. Whichever way you decide you will come out ahead in the long run. Also, it is a good time to develop better diet, exercise, better posture habits etc. Astro-Tip: Avoid moody people now.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Someone from the past may try to reenter your life now. Give them a second chance. Those in sales can get very productive results the next 2 months. Good time to throw a small family party. Romance becomes more important to your goals now. Very likely to do more fun things with them then you have had in awhile. The next 6 months some of you may move. After that if you haven’t you’ll probable stay there quite awhile. Astro-Tip: Make a list of 20 new fun things to do

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Push for more money now, it could in a little easier. More people will start contacting now and several could be exceptionally nice to help you with some goals you have. Starting now and for the next 2 years, you will look at your real estate. Do you want to move to a better location or remodel your present residence. Many of you will see changes sometime within 2 years. All you decisions whether career changes, romance shifts and money motivations will lead to that end result. Astro-Tip: Watch lending money now.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Now is the time to turn on the charm to get what you want. You may try a different hairstyle or purchase some new clothes. Insights come when you least expect it to find ways to improve money increases. If you don’t like some of the new job responsibilities you have bee n given lately you will embark on learning some new skill. That new skill could eventually be your bread and butter for years to come. Watch moods with a family member. Astro-Tip: Quit cheating on your diet.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): The heavy responsibility cycle you have been under the last 2 years concludes. You will have more “free” time weekly to start pursuing some new interests.  Since this is you Birthday New Year, the next 12 months trends follow. You’re likely to focus more on making additional money. Learning an additional job skill is very possible.  Romance is slow if you focus to much on self. Travel increase and the last 6 months of the cycle give nice job opportunities. Astro-Tip: Try to relax more when driving.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Good time to get some past matters cleared up. Rest a little more to rebuild energies, watch excessive volunteer work. As time goes on after the next several month’s responsibilities could increases. Just handle what is given to you and it could turn into a nice accomplishment cycle. Watch impulsive spending the next 6 weeks. Stay away from a family member who has too many conflicts going on. They can resolve them on their own. Astro-Tip: Watch more positive TV shows.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Energy improves but so could the moods. If cranky, try to exercise them away. Opportunities finally come to make a little more money. Cycle calls for you to meet some new people so you finally feel your going to get ahead. Check out the Webster A new person you may have met the last 4 months should try to be cultivated more. Good time to charm the boss for possible career promotion. Forget the past now if it was negative. Astro-Tip: Take a friend to lunch.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Capricorn’s born Dec 21st to the 29th have experienced many changes and your life will settle down now. For the month, write down 7 ways to cut corners and you will give yourself a pay raise! Be more assertive when wanting something from someone. Could time the next 3 months to learn a quick new skill. New people that enter your life the next 12 months could become permanent. People in authority helpful to you now. Astro-Tip: Be good to your knees, wear good shoes.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Time to take a better look at all your money matters, Just don’t assume now that everything is OK. For the single set, someone now or very soon will develop an interest in you. Ask them out if you get a good “vibe”. Could receive some surprise money sometime in the next 5 weeks. If you know anyone that lives out of state and is planning to move back within 6 months, that person could become very beneficial to you. Excellent time to start a part time business. Astro-Tip: Pursue a goal you gave up on.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Something you have been shy about for a long time you will overcome in the within the next 6 months. Watch out for a major purchase the next 3 weeks, you may return it. Romance could become unusually nice to you. Don’t get suspicious, just enjoy them. Some surprise money comes within 2 months. More learning necessary if you really want o get ahead the rest of the decade. Of all the sun signs you’re the most likely to move out of Michigan within 2 years. Astro-Tip: Time to start drinking more water if lacking.

 Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. Fee is $40 with no time limit.   You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.  His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is Saturday October 6, 2012 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to5pm. Bring a friend.

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