Sunday, July 29, 2012

Your Astrology Trends with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Your Astrology Trends for the August, 2012
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Unexpected daily irritations become less frequent. You’re luckier then usual to get favors from others if you ask them. Purchase will be made to give you an additional comfort in your home. You will have more opportunities to play weekly and it has been awhile. Romance gives more opportunities, especially for those who have had it stagnant there since January. Let an unresolved matter slide for awhile and get busy doing things for the future. Astro-Tip: Time to turn on your charm.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): This starts a cycle of one year where you have the best opportunities to make more money than the rest of the Sun Signs. But, you have to make initiatives for it or it will pass you by. Your daily communication experiences with others give more favorable outcomes than in recent past. Good time this month to get some uncompleted home projects done, for you will be busier then usual after this point doing other activities. Keep a good diet for better moods and energy at work. Astro-Tip: Do the affirmation “ More happy money comes to me daily” for a month”

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You're starting a 12-month cycle where you could have more than usual happy beginnings. It could be money, romance, or career progression. Popularity will increase and don’t be shy to ask people periodically for a favor. Let more people know interests you have. Check out the website Romance can improve, but you will have put a little more effort to make it happen. Your needs there are changing and one of them is you have to have a team player for your goals. Astro-Tip: Time for self-employment.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Time to give yourself a little image boost and purchase a few clothes. Good time to write down six or seven ways to better manage how you leave lights on, phone usage, air conditioning etc. for financial purposes. Could be a minor home repair, but most likely you can fix it yourself or a neighbor could. If you have been procrastinating getting a situation resolved, now is very favorable time to finish it up. Romance is a little on the slow side so focus more on personal interests. Work stresses become lighter. Astro-Tip: Watch excessive salt if you have mood swings.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Birthday month is always good to treat yourself to something good. Since this is the start of your personal New Year, the following are your trends the next 12 months. Very likely to learn an additional job skill that could make you more money by the end of the cycle. Romance could be okay but you won't put much emphasis there. Could be a nice financial progressive year if you push for it more. This month could find a new friend enter your life. Increasing social popularity a good bet. Astro-Tip: Make more people happy this month with your smile.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Weekly money stresses have seemed to be quite frequent with little opportunity to fix it since January. The cycle has shifted now so some chances will be available to make more but it requires you have a positive outlook. Go to sleep every night and say to yourself  “I will be led to more money tomorrow.” Then call one person a month and say you are looking for some part time work to do. It is a good time to streamline your daily home activities to allow more free time to do other things. Make a list. Romance is just for fun now. Astro-Tip: Eat better, time to be good to your stomach.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Setbacks have been frequent for the Libra so far this year but now the energies have changed so that you can now get some nice results you have been hoping for. Many of you will start eating more energy foods and many Libra has a thing about drinking water. Corrections in this area will give more optimism to get results going again. Try not to get involved in family politics the next three months. It is time for personal interests to get accomplished. You may try to rekindle a relationship from the past. Good time to take a happy trip. Astro-Tip: Give self more rewards for efforts done now.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): You're in a cycle where you want more space to yourself, but people around you want your time for their needs which some, they could do themselves. Learn to say more now and stick to your priorities first. This is an excellent time to pick up a non-fiction book of some kind and learn a new skill. Avoid romantic tendencies with someone who is really not available. You could get some surprise money any time over the next three months and it could happen several times. Astro-Tip: Time to buy shoes or slippers that make your feet feel better.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Your starting a year cycle where romance could give you some nice benefits. If single and looking for someone special, put yourself out there where you can be found. A surprise gift to you is very possible in the next 30 days. Many more people will enter your life in the coming months. Some will become new friends but watch the others that may take up too much of your time. Many of you will get a major goal you have accomplished in the next year. A person with considerable money could enter your life also and could be generous. Astro-Tip: Watch posture when lifting things.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Work enthusiasts could find this next 12 months a banner time to get ahead. Put some resumes out there the next six weeks and you will see some opportunities. Those self-employed could hire an exceptional employee who really could be driven. Romance finds others more cooperative to your goals. Those of you who are interested in a new diet/exercise program could find nice results quicker then you think. Money improves for most of you in the work force within the next four months. Astro-Tip: If knees are bothering you, try some new shoes for better cushion.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Time to check on your financial resources just to see if your are getting the right amounts to you. You’ll begin to go more out of your way to have more weekly fun and romance could pop up on the way when you least expect it. If you have smaller children, now is the time give them a happy new beginning at something. If a miscommunication occurred with someone a little closer to you in July, now is the time to clear it up. Those in legal situations can begin to resolve them. Astro-Tip: Those selling homes now should put the price up a little.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Those of you considering moving in the next 12 months could find a lucky break and a happier place to live. Family becomes unusually cooperative to your goals. Those of you married could find mate getting nice career opportunities before years end. If you have been speculative about doing something, now is the time to explore more into it. Time to tweak your diet/exercise routines. Over the next six months romance becomes more important to your goals. If single, get assertive to an interest that appears. Astro-Tip: Check your receipts this month when making purchases.

 Rich Milostan is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. The fee is $40 with no time limit. You can reach him at 248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is August 4, 2012 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bring a friend. Member of Facebook. LIKE this for future articles sent to you.

If interested in a once-a-month Astrology Trends column like this for your newspaper, web edition or newsletter, you can reach me at 248-528-2610 or email me at You can also read his other articles if you Google Rich Milostan on your computer. For my Astrology services including a coupon special, type in

Monday, July 23, 2012

Astrology - Where to Expand your Goals Now

According to Astrology the planet Jupiter is in Gemini now for 1 year. Look to your Sun Sign to see where you can make the most favorable change over the next 12 months!.

Aries: Classes taken give productive results. Good time for a new or used car to purchase. More days then usual being lucky shopping.

Taurus: Good time to invest, start a side business or ask for a promotion/raise.

Gemini:  Excellent for singles looking for love, career shift or residential move. Your sign has the most lucky breaks this year,

Cancer: Finishing up old projects will be better then starting new ones. You need to create space. One year from now is major new beginnings.

Leo: All goals started will show gains. You may meet a new friend who will play an instrumental part.

Virgo: Perfect time to make a major career change. People in authority unusually help to your interests.

Libra: Any legal situations should work out favorably. Travel could be best in years.

Scorpio: Good time for practical gambling, financial gain or winning a lottery (small amounts)

Sagittarius; A new relationship will introduce you into a new set of productive people and new monetary opportunities.

Capricorn: Expansion within the work you do and health improvement when effort is put forth.

Aquarius: You'll feel in love, could get satisfaction from a child and excellent cycle to planning a child, if it is a goal.

Pisces: Nice time to consider all forms of real estate transactions, Family gives unusual support to yuor goals.

Some different thoughts of things.

Aries - Must properly finish up their training before giving up and going on to something else.
Taurus - Are often tempted to over-indulge in their physical appetites.
Gemini - Need to pull their duel minds into one cohesive unit to attain success.
Cancer - Are easily swayed by the emotions of those closest to them.
Leo - Thrive when you show appreciation to them.
Virgo - Have to be careful not to get caught up into tiresome and boring details.
Libra - Will never stay long in a discordant situation.
Scorpio - Are most likely to contact highly places persons in international society.
Sagittarius - Live a life of boring physical work, but living in fantasy with high dreams.
Capricorn - Least likely sign to tire.
Aquarius -  Generally are put through the most "tests"  in life.
Pisces - The 'fish' must try to always go "upstream".

Google Rich Milostan to read more of my articles.

To set up a reading with Rich including the Tarot in Troy ,Mi you can reach me at 248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. A member of FACEBOOK.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Astrology-The Flowing Stream of Life with Rich Milostan Astrologer

Life's processes are like a flowing stream. What I wish to show you is the different cycles of life that many individuals experience in the course of their lifetime. When we are born, we are like a trickle at the top of a mountain. We eventually come down the mountain into a fresh stream. Our eventual aim is to reach the ocean. Going through life we eventually come to a dam; all kinds of situations seem to put us on hold. (Scorpios are in this cycle now.)
By finding a new outlet, we again find fresh movement. Flowing along you come to a cycle where you may want to be alone so the stream goes underground.(Libras are starting this cycle). During this cycle you just do priorities and avoid the "heat" of others. It's a good time to rest and regain forces. Eventually the stream of life comes up like a fountain, above the earth, energy increases, and you may go in all directions (This is Aries for the next several years).
The stream created through regrouping and knowing your goals now gos out to pursue them. Then the stream comes into a dense forest and the stream flows in and around the trees. (You're under the control of others). Your new teachers will be showing you wisdom and it is wise to listen. (Gemini is starting this cycle for awhile).
Sooner or later the stream finds a clearing from the forest, but is quite sensitive and flows through a canyon where it has direction, but still puts up a barrier. (Taurus the next 18 months).
As the stream flows and adjusts, it goes into a peaceful lake: this is known as a nice time in life. Things seem to go good, but many people set themselves up to stop this. This can be done by excessive spending, extra-marital affairs, get rich quick goals, etc. (Capricorns are starting this).
So the lake branches back to the stream and becomes rapids, a time of looking for adventure. It is a time to be careful in setting practical goals This applies to Aquarius, Taurus and Sagittarius the next several years. If the stream goes at too fast of a pace (you may lose your center), you may eventually reach a cliff and have hit the great falls and hit rock bottom. With a planned realistic direction, you may avoid this. (This also goes for Cancer, Leo).
If you hit bottom, you'll probably seek people to get the flow back and Virgo and Pisces will be looking for advice from others.
So the stream goes through city mazes and twists and turns. It is a cycle where you should be selective of your consultations and don't be afraid to change if your present ones are not helping. Soon you will find a sense of direction and you are tired of problems. The stream gets thinner and you need energy. (Somewhat for Libra Scorpio and Sagittarius).
As you see by the cycles of life people go through many changes. Astrology can be a tool to help you work with the flow of the stream, but the ultimate in guidance to reach the ocean (a place of peace of mind) is to trust your Higher Power and seek the kingdom from within by asking "What should I be doing now"

                                                        Enjoy Your Journey.
                                                        Rich Milostan
To set up an Astrological and Psychic Consultation, including the Tarot, you can reach me at 248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S.
  Google Rich Milostan to read future articles or go on Facebook (Press LIKE) You can also press "join this site" on the lower right corner of this page.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Astrology Medical Thoughts

Aries rules the head. Ariens may have headaches, sinus problems and migraines. The kidneys may also be sluggish. Vitamin C is important to the Ariens's Diet.
Operations should be planned four days before or after the New Moon.
Taurus rules the neck area including the tonsils, larynx and the adenoids. Keeping warm is essential for Taureans and they should avoid constipation.
Avoid surgery, if possible, when Mercury or Mars is in Retrograde.
Gemini rules the hands, arms, shoulders and the nervous system. It also rules the lungs. Avoid smoking and excessive air pollutants.
Avoid operations when the Moon is transiting the Sign which rules the body part.
Cancer primarily rules the stomach and digestive system. Avoid heavy foods, spicy foods and eat slowly.
A Void-of-course Moon day is bad for surgery.
Leo rules the heart and upper back. Avoid high cholesterol foods and have a regular exercise program.
Meditation, exercise, walks in nature, a quiet hour, a day to yourself are important to health maintenance.
Virgo rules the pancreas and the intestinal tract. They are also sensitive to drugs. Avoid acids foods.
People born between 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. generally have to deal with stresses to the public.
Libra rules the kidney and daily water intake helps to prevent toxic build-up and subsequent sluggish feeling.
People born between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. usually hold stress inward and should have positive emotional outlets.
Scorpio rules the prostrate gland and reproductive system, It also governs the colon. High fiber diets help.
Bran helps with constipation,
Sagittarius rules the thighs and sciatic nerve. Proper posture is important to their well being.
Changing of attitude can be better than taking extra vitamin C to deal with stress.
Capricorn rules the bones and the knees. Arthritis could eventually occur and warm climates may be required.
Holistic healers can be helpful, but a medical doctor should be consulted if your gut feeling tells you to.
Aquarius rules the calves, ankles and influences blood circulation. Sugar, salt and caffeine greatly affect this sign,
Many Astrologers are leaning toward chiropractic care for proper spine alignment. A misaligned body, when under stress, feels it five times more then the average person.
Pisces rules the feet and lymph glands. Weakness is a common symptom. Fresh air will help straighten levels.

To set up a reading with Rich Milostan call 248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S,