Saturday, January 28, 2017

Your February 2017 Astrology Trends plus Psychic Fair 2/04/2017 with Rich Milostan

                             Your February 2017 Trends Plus Psychic Fair 2/04/2017
                                     by Rich Milostan Astrologer/Psychic
                             Web site

                       See details of Saturdays Fair at end of column
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Energy high to get a lot of projects done with priorities first. There will be more emphasis on doing some image enhancing including exercising more to shape up for the coming spring months. Romance stays about the same, but could improve if more assertive for it for the next 3 months. More people will want you to do more things with them. It could be a better financial cycle in a couple of months if you set up your plans now. Astro-Tip: Give a casual smile to one person a day for a month.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): More emphasis will be put on career this month but at the end of the day you will want more space then usual for yourself. Some people from the past may try to get you to do things for them. Think twice before committing. You will be more sensitive then usual eating junk foods now so make some minor corrections. Could see a little surprise money at anytime during the next 30 days. Very likely to learn a new work skill before the end of June, its future money! Astro-Tip: Wear more colorful clothes.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Try to keep your immunity up by less reacting to things that bother you.  Someone wants more time with you weekly and set up your daily schedules to allow this. Insights come to you to better manage your monthly bills. Follow through with some of them. You will be on the road more then usual the next 2 months, do several chores on each time out to conserve gas. Joining an interest group can find several people you meet becoming very productive in helping you with some future goals you have. Astro-Tip: Get more “fresh air” daily.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Be flexible to take on some new daily work projects given to you, they will lead into future opportunities. Slight tweaking of you diet, especially food eaten after 6pm, does wonders for your energy level the following morning. Romance looks good, especially if you can teamwork each other’s goals. Be conservative on any spending for things for your home for the next 2 months, more deals will come shortly. If career is giving you some uncertainty at this time, things will work out within 3 months. Astro-Tip: Do you pillows need changing?

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22): Some of you will be making some romantic decisions sometime over the next 6 months. Whichever way you go, its only going to be better. If any of you are dealing with a child issue, focusing them into a new interest will do wonders for the growth. You will be trying some new fun outlets the next 5 months that will improve your energy levels. Be careful in signing contracts the next 6 weeks if you get a gut feeling something is not right. For you travel folks, you will go to new place you never though you would. Astro-Tip: Try living more in the now moment several times during the day.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sept 22): Spend some time looking in how you are spending your money and some adjustments made will have you making more money by changing a few of your habits. You will have more freedom in the coming months to do more things away from the home. Any efforts that you have done with family recently have you seeing rewards coming from them very soon. Work will give you a clearer direction and you could become quite happy with it. Romance becomes more important to you for balance. Astro-Tip: Compliment someone daily for a week.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22): You will connect with many more people in the next several months that could change the course of your life. It could lead you eventually into a more “luxury” life! Romance goes on the upswing as time goes on if that is your preoccupation. Career stays about the same with bigger opportunities coming in by late summer. In the mean time learn whatever you can to increase your eventual work possibilities. A very eccentric person will enter your life soon who will also introduce you to some really intelligent people. Astro-Tip: Try new groceries store you never been to.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21): Most of you have developed a better financial discipline in the recent months. You will feel better in the coming months with your money as it shows improvement of income coming into your home. This combination leads to purchasing something you always wanted by spring. Work shows the next 3 months of changes in your daily routines. This will eventually lead you into a more relaxing atmosphere in the neat future. Romance not a priority for just a little bit. Astro-Tip: Call an old friend.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21): Many of you have been so busy the last 6 months you may have lost some of your financial structure. Now is the time to sit down and write out a plan to get it back in order. If anyone becomes critical of you in the near future, just look at what they are saying. Some minor personality adjustments can really increase your popularity at work or romance. Some of you will try a new phone carrier and could be surprised at what you could save. Astro-Tip: A new soap does wonders for your skin.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19): You will become more optimistic if your increase a little you’re weekly exercise routines. If you have an uncompleted project that does not seem to resolve, now is the time to finish it. Changes will come in your home to where you will not feel so ruled by it. Make a list of things to do to make your daily chores easier. If a family member not under your roof gets under your skin, give them a couple months to get over it. If looking for career expansion its about 3 months away. Astro-Tip: Be light on junk food in your body aches to much.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18): Your Birthday is a good time to treat yourself to something special. The next 12 months show career growth and more emphasis on doing group activities. For this month it is a good time to do some image enhancing. Be more on top of where your money is coming to you. You will make adjustments and cannot assume everything is just all right. You’re likely to expand into new territories where you can streamline better your daily activities. Learning new marketing ideas could do wonders for your future. Astro-Tip: Keep the weekend diet clean.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20): Emphasis now is cleaning things in the corners of your home before spring activities arrive. You will find something that could have been misplaced or quite valuable. Something you have should be sold that could get you some nice money, follow through. On the career front, tests there you may have been experiencing will become much less intense. Many of you over the coming months will shift away from present friends and meet new ones who will become much more productive to you. Astro-Tip: Relax more daily.

Rich is available 6 days a week for a more detailed look at your 2017. His readings include an astrological update and psychic/ tarot.  For information call 1-248-528-2610. His next Psychic Fair is Saturday February 4th at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr Troy, Mi 48083. 10am to 4pm. The Center is located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver Rd off of Rochester Rd on the east side. I also teach Astrology and how to read Tarot cards. You can sign up at the Fair!

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