Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Astrology, Racing Thoughts, Tired Body with Rich Milostan

Racing Thoughts, Tired Body
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic


In doing my readings the last 4-5 months I have noticed people complaining about being physically tired and dealing with racing thoughts. So they get up with their tired body and keep doing something because they don’t want to deal with their mind that won’t shut up.
 One thing that will help is to eliminate junk food after 6pm. Eat lousy food and you feel ok for awhile. Then you get up the next morning and your body has symptoms from the junk food. It could be fatigue, achy body, spacey feelings etc. You then attach that feeling to something you don’t want to do that day, then the mind starts racing. That really accentuates the feeling about what could be a trivial everyday thing you have to do. The key is to eliminate the junk food after 6pm, Eat the lousy stuff before the evening starts.
 Below also shows areas of where you mind is preoccupied and thus the racing mind. Read the ISSUE, then the SOLUTION, and see if it helps. You also could read the solutions of all 12 signs to see it something will tone down that restless mind.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): ISSUE: Money tight. SOLUTION: Spend a half hour a day (say 7:30pm-8:00pm) to think about ways to make money or ways to cut corners on bills. If money thoughts of stress come up during the day say “ No, I will think about that stuff in my nightly time frame. Fragment!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): ISSUES: Love life. SOLUTION: Use the white light technique like I discussed in a past article. Put it around the person who gives you difficulties or someone you want to meet in front of you.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): ISSUE: Mild Body symptoms. SOLUTIONS: Eliminate heavy use of sugars and salts helps to tone down the racing mind.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): ISSUE: Not having enough weekly fun.  SOLUTION: Do more things weekly that are passive or quieting in nature. Did you ever notice when you go on vacation the first few days you still feel like you still run, run, and run. More passive weekly outlets is much less anxiety.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): ISSUE: Negative, despondent thinking. SOLUTION: Tell yourself daily “I am relaxed and happy” even though your mind does not believe it initially.  Repetition of thoughts creates emotions. Eventually those affirmations with have you feeling relaxed and happy.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): ISSUES” Negative people: SOLUTION: Focus more in the now moment daily. Change your thoughts to the now if a negative person pops up in your head.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): ISSUES Money concerns. SOLUTION: Slow racing mind down through meditation. Then your body will not tire as much. Thus, more energy to think, and go about making more money.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): ISSUE: Too many daily obligations. SOLUTION: Do a few priorities, reward self for efforts, then stop doing things for an hour. Go in your mind to a beach and relax. Then when mind freshen look at what is next and say “Do I really have to do these other things today”.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): ISSUE: General low energy. SOLUTION: Find new relaxation skills if present ones don’t work. Read the book Practicing the Power of the Now by E Tolle.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22- Jan 19): ISSUE: Goals harder to attain. SOLUTION: Take frequent rewards when you take steps to get a goal done. Anger that it is not happening as fast as I want flames the mind and tires the body.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): ISSUE: Nobody helps me with things. SOLUTION: Take a sheet of paper and write on it in big letters “JUST DO IT”. Post it where you can see it daily. Remember doing something you don’t want to do, when done, gives a nicer then normal feeling.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): ISSUE: Lower attention span to learn new things. SOLUTION: Fragment. When learning something put total time into it. Leave the other situations in other rooms or if outside the house just leave them there.
Some wisdom: I knew a neighbor who had a lot of patience to repair things. I asked what he thought when he was fixing things and he would say “I WORK WITH IT TILL IT GIVES IN” Try it!

 Rich in Troy Mi. is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot, (Also phone readings available). You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.

If interested in a once a month Astrology Trends for the Month column like this for your newsletter, paper or online edition reach me at 1-248-528-2610.


Friday, May 23, 2014

Psychic Fair 6/07/2014

Astrology and Psychic Fair 6/07/2014
With Rich Milostan

Saturday June 7, 2014
10am to 4pm
Troy Masonic Center in Troy to GPS or Mapquest
1032 Hartland Dr, 48083
Located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver rd, off Rochester rd on the east side
Astrology, Psychic, Tarot readings available all day.
Admission $5 Readings $25 (15 minutes) $35 (full reading)!
Info: Rich 248-528-2610
Web site:

Rich is available 7 days a week for private readings

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Astrology, Did You Know with Rich Milostan

Astrology, “Did You Know”
With Astrologer Rich Milostan
Web Site:

-     Did you ever see an Aries sit in the back seat of a car and keep quiet,            
      let alone be there. They also drive the fastest behind the wheel.

--    Taurus generally have the broadest shoulders of all the signs.

- The average person is 28 years of age when they go to their first reader.

- Businessmen who start a business that requires heavy public contact should register for it between 10am to 2pm at the City County building. Don’t sign up under Mercury retrograde. Next one is in June 2014 for 3 weeks. (6/11-7/1)

- Gemini’s love to talk and should avoid smoky rooms, which will tax their lungs. They are also the hardest to raise for they love to be all over the place.

- Your psychic if you get a gut feeling of something and follow through with it. I call these pop-up thoughts that when they occur frequently, you should follow through if they are positive in nature.

- The best way to get a Cancer to do something is by feeding their stomach. Most of them will eat more then usual in 2014

- Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio will read more books in then all the other signs in 2014. Especially image enhancing books.

- Generally you will find your energy level at its lowest the  month before your Birthday and highest the tenth month after your Birthday.

- If you don’t like a lot of change, don’t go out with Aquarius of a Sagittarius.

- Virgo’s will give you the best in-depth analysis about someone you both know if you want to know more about them.

- Libra women usually wear the least makeup of all the Sun Signs.

- Let a Scorpio look for something about someone. they are the best
-   Capricorn’s can accomplish the most goals in 2014 of all the Signs.

- Take a marriage of a Taurus and a Scorpio and you got a moneymaker.

- For the single set, a Libra will most likely be admired from a “distance” then any other sign

- Pisces can make extra money by drawing faces of people and selling the sketch to them to them.

NEXT ARTICLE: Astrology, Racing Mind, Tired Body

Rich is available for private Astrological and Tarot readings in Troy, Mi.  Taped readings can be also sent out. Reach me at 248-528-2610.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Working the Full Moon

Working the Full Moon
With Rich Milostan


Could you tell me how to best work the full moon T. L? This is the time that the gravitational pull will effect your body and subsequent emotions. All the other planets affect your body but very subtly. With the full moon you can either feel high or low depending on your chart. If in a high flow with the energies, or in a low try not to be too opinionated. Relax or involve in an unemotional objectivity. Those of you born with a sensitive body feel just about anything are most effective by the full moon. Even some hospitals hire extra staff during that cycle. One of the best insights I got was from a client who really watches her diet starting 2 days before the full moon. She eats well, drinks her water and watches sugar and especially salts. She says eating lousy for that couple days puts stress in her body and then when the moon is at its peak she may interpret events negatively because her body feels stress. So for all you especially the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, some minor adjustments can make just about every full moon to be productive. For those into Astrology and know there charts especially know how and where to work the energies.

 The Planet Saturn is in Scorpio. How will this affect everyone A.F,?
Those of you who have worked diligently at some goals the last 2 years will see rewards over the next 9 months. Scorpio status now gives some new responsibilities to work the next several years. Be selective of who you associate with the rest of this year. The more people you know the more you involve in their astrology charts. When they are up your up and when they are down you could be down.

If you wish to reach me for an Astrological Consultation including the Tarot you can reach at 1-248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail you a taped reading to anyone in the U.S.