Friday, January 17, 2014

Questions You've Asked with Rich Milostan Astrologer

Astrology, Questions You Asked
With Astrologer Rich Milostan
Web Site

Q. I am a Cancer and work with 2 people who are Aries. Our boss is giving them both a hard time and they in turn are giving me a hard time, any suggestions?

A. You being a Cancer, pick up impressions very quickly from others. A test in life, at his time, is a time to work alone as much from fellow employees as possible. Don’t even react to them since this is a lesson to be learned. Aries will have communication problems with a boss for 6 more months, so realize that is their problem. You just have to stop reacting to it.

Q. I am an Aquarius and my boyfriend is a Leo. How can we better relate?

A. In your Sign, Aquarius, avoid negative friends (they will be more of a detriment then an asset in their opinions of romance) for the next year. You should build a better foundation in career. You need to teach him more about love and this process will take about 6 months. Show him little gestures like a love note in his car, or stick one in his pocket. Take him to dinner or pay for a show. You’ll have to show more physical gestures to him then he will give back, but he will eventually reciprocate.

 Q, What is the benefit of dating someone whose Sun Sign is opposite of mind?

A. Aries-Libra, Gemini-Sagittarius are examples of opposites. If you can’t get something done, ask them to do it and it could be realized.  If they can’t get something completed, they should ask you and you could get it accomplished. Nice teamwork combinations are you’re opposite sign.

Q. I have a Pisces daughter that is lazy and doesn’t listen to anyone else’s ideas. What can I do?

A. Pisceans are going through a period of difficulty relating to authority. They like to be the fish who goes with the stream no matter what turn it takes. They need to become more centered and concentrate on a goal. Make some firm decisions for them for 5 months till they learn their lesson to listen to authority, Then they will eventually listen.

Q. How many things can you see in an Astrology Chart?

A. Approximately 2400 different topics. You can tell about your career, money, your third child etc.  People who don’t know their am or pm time of birth to obtain a Natal chart can use their husbands, brothers, or sisters’ chart to tell about you if they know their time of day born.

Q. When is the luckiest time of day to be born to make good money.

A.  8-10am or 8-10pm.

Q. Why are card readers or psychic so popular compared to Astrologers?

A.  Some people think you will see some bad things with an Astrology reading, but cards have a certain excitement to hear about your neighbor, etc…  This misconception is only diffused if you get an Astrology reading. The wealth of knowledge there is immense. I am not impressed with some psychics because they put their own “life attitudes” into the reading. Readings based on birth data, it is totally you they see what’s coming up.

Q. Where do you find to be the best Astrology teacher.

A. When they have considerable experience doing personal consultations to be better in tune to people.

Q. What is ahead for Scorpio, it has been tough for me lately.

A. Scorpio lesson now is to handle responsibilities more frequent then usual. As you do things give yourself rewards for efforts done. A year from now you will be much tougher then now and will love it!

Q. If I went to 2 different reputable Astrologers would I get a different reading?

A. If they are good, the same reading, but in different words.

Q. When is the best time to get an Astrological reading?

A. Around your Birthday or either a month before or after it. Also the month before the New Year to see your trends for the coming year.

Q. What about reading my children?

A. I recommend getting their chart read if before the age 10. The knowledge given is very valuable. Most people lives are programmed by that age in many areas. How they see teachers, money, playmates, romance tools etc.  are formed in their first 10 years. Some kids will have natural talents by age 10 and some will have to be programmed from scratch.

When I do my readings for people I do their Astrological chart, Tarot cards and playing cards. If I see the same trend in all 3, it is going to happen. To set up an appointment call Rich at 248-528-2610.

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