Thursday, June 28, 2012

Your July 2012 Aatrology Trends with Rich Milostan Astrologer. Psychic

Your Astrology Trends for the July, 2012
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Good time to do some projects at home that you always wanted to get done. Throw a little party with some family members, they could tell you something that will raise your eyebrows. Romance becomes more important to your destiny now and teamwork with someone gets you ahead a lot faster with your goals. If looking for someone the cycle is better then in years.  Your also busier going more places then usual, keep in mind the price of gas.  Astro-Tip: Good cycle to get a exceptional deal for second transportation.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your starting a year cycle where you have the best chances of making more money then the other sun signs. You will have to make the initiative to make the money or the cycle will just pass you by. This is an excellent month to put feelers out to see if someone will want your services for more money. You’re getting close to making a major debut into the world where many new people come into your life.  Keep fit with good diet and exercise. Also associate with people who want to get ahead. Astro-Tip: Eliminate 2 junk foods to increase energy,

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You better make a list of priorities to do the next 6 months for you have so many new beginnings you will have a tendency to scatter to whams important. Popularity with new people coming in your life may have you partying to much. Romance can be the best in a log time if you want it. You will do more things to enhance your image, but watch your spending there. If you have an issue with a child, now is the time to resolve it. Those of you wanting to move could finally get a lucky break/ Astro-Tip: Go to be every night thinking tomorrow is going to be a good day!

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Your Birthday month is always good to treat yourself to something special and do it! Since this is the start of your personal New Year the following are the trends for one year. Lower tones moods become less frequent. You won’t be as domesticated and will go more places. Some of you will move by next summer and to a better place. Romance picks up more toward late next fall. Finances could increase late in the summer but effort must be put in to realize it. Those with children will find them more manageable. Astro-Tip: Spend some time putting more brightness into your place.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): One of Leo’s purposes in life is to make people happy. Since you sun sign has the most new people entering your life over the next year, try to show your best personality for those who want to get to know you more. These people could be of great importance to help future goals you have. Work stress of last 6 months become less frequent. Now is the time to start a part time business with something you may learned new the last 2 years. Those seeking romance could start out with a friendship and before you know it it’s a love. Astro-Tip: Time to purchase some new clothes!

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Time to get some projects down rather then trying to take on a bunch of new ones. People want more time from you but remember your priorities are first. Any money deles you may be experiencing can now be resolved. Good time to look for a further promotion or just getting an income. The last 6 months have been stingy to you and that cylcle is done. Of all the sun signs you have the best chances of getting that furthering ir career over the next 12 moths. Good time to socialize but don’t burn out doing it in excessive. Interesting call comes from someone from the past. Astro-Tip: Don’t forget to drink your water daily.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Energy improves and its been quite awhile. Moods may be a little higher the next 2 months so try to meditate them away when possible. Start giving yourself more rewards for efforts you do with thing; a good habit to have. Try not to procrastinate keeping up a good diet/exercise program. Keep quiet with coworkers to some things you have going on, there could be some deception with one of them. Excellent cycle the next 9 months to learn a quick money making skill. Astro-Tip: Throw some things away in the home that just take up space.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Try not to do things for people the next 2 months that restricts getting your weekly chores done. Good time to pursue making a little more money. Also some unexpected money could come your way the next several months but will be small in amount. Good time to take a mini vacation of a weekend getaway. Go some place where you can have some down time. Romance on the slow side if looking to meet someone new; focus more on personal interests. Put out a couple resumes just to see what response you would get. Astro-Tip: Time to learn some new relaxation techniques.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Good time to find additional ways to cut corners on your money habits. Make a list and you will be surprised. Let some home projects slide for awhile and focus more on close relationships. If single and looking for someone you could meet someone that could be a real potential for a long-term relationship. Time to eliminate someone who has been a little irritating to you for awhile. Focus then on a new creative goal to preoccupy yourself with. Astro-Tip: Good time to purchase a non fiction book to learn something new.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Time to get some things done that you have been procrastinating; they will not turn out as bad as you think. Someone will help you to a goal that you though never would. Message comes to restructure some bill you may have, look into it. People in authority could be a little testy to you, but it will be temporary. Excellent time to expand your job interests if it is in your existing field. Good time to set a new year goal with someone close to you. Very good cycle to start a better diet/exercise program and see nice results. Astro-Tip: Watch more positive TV programs at night.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Be careful in any contract signing the next 6 weeks. You will want to be around fewer people the next 2 weeks. Your starting an exceptional year long cycle where you can have more fun then usual. On the romantic part of this it means having more fun with someone but keep the emotions with tem more on the conservative side.  Good time to correct your posture more if you have been neglecting it lately. People at distances become more important to your destiny. Not a good time to dwell on the past. Astro-Tip: Limit sugar intake if excessive with it weekly.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Listening to good music will give you some good balancing over the next several months if you don’t listen to the kind that riles you up. Delays temporary to make more money. Set up a new plan to make more by writing it out. The forward money cycle starts in mid August. Good time the next 12 months to move or remodel. In that same time frame you could get a new pet, have someone visit you frequently or someone could move in. Whatever way it goes, there is happiness attached to it. Astro-Tip: Romance picks up if you listen more to their needs.

 Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. Fee is $40 with no time limit.   You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.  His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is July 7th, 2012 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to5pm. Bring a friend. Member of Facebook ( LIKE this for future articles sent to you).

If interested in a once a month Astrology Trends column like this for your newspaper, web edition or newsletter, you can reach me at 248-528-2610 or email me at You can also read my other articles if you Google Rich Milostan on your computer. My Astrology services type in


Astrology, Did You Know with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Aries: Most likely sign to have accidents, bumps and bruises.
         They need a partner who is on the quiet side.
         You can be muscular, but your nerves can be sensitive.

Taurus: Make good administrators in the family
            Are the least likely to divorce.
           Likely to cancel a social function if there is a buck to be made somewhere else.

Gemini: Range of thoughts is wide, but lacks concentration.
            Requires careers where you use your intelligence.
            Lungs are sensitive and smoking is detrimental to them,

Cancer: Will find it difficult to hold a grudge.
             A lot of business is done in the home.
             Have to avoid prolonged lazy periods.

Leo: Can have great leadership abilities, but can be stubborn to the views of others.
        Most likely to be the most emotional about dreams then the rest of the sun signs.
        Require freedom in marriage.

Virgo: Are slow to forgive when mad.
          The most dedicated to their work,
          Think more then you feel.

Libra: Like to make decisions for all concerned.
          Your fairness sometimes harms you more then gives personal good.
          Shouldn't let others opinions at work affect you.

Scorpio: You think the deepest of all the sun signs, but seldom express them.
              Generally you like to work with yuor mind rather then physical exertion at work.
              Most likely you want to live in your own world and this taxes relationships to you.

Sagittarius: Are the least likely to tell "white lies".
                 Will feel best if active in sports.
                  Have watch a tendency to over extend your nerves.

Capricorn: Strong in purpose, your potential mate should know it.
                 Traction is important to yuor philosophies.
                 Will be happiest when you teach yuor knowledge.

Aquarius: Will dislike anything that does not show progress.
                Your always coming up with ideas, but you should ground them into practical use.
                Never gets credit for what you enhance, so reward yourself more.

Pisces: Modernization is the key in working your life's goals.
           Your twin personality makes it difficult for others to understand you.
           Physical activity helps you overcome feelings of weakness.

Rich is available for Astrological and psychic consultations and can be reached at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi.  This also includes the Tarot. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. Read my other Astrology Services in the upper right corner of this blog.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Some New Astrology Thoughts by Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Aries: Need freedom in their career and will demand it, if feeling closed in.

Next Astrology and Psychic Fair is July 7 2012. at the Troy Masonic Center in Troy Mi. 48083 from 10am to 4pm. Call Rich at 1-248-528-2610 for details.

Taurus does not like sudden change and must settle into NEW situations for awhile.

In your personal chart you react to all 12 Sun Signs. Some place you react like a Leo, others an Aquarius etc.

Geminis will not stick to a normal routine.

Cusp people, those born on 18th, 19th, 20th 21st always act like 2 different people in a days time.

Cancers will first build a security then nurture others.

If you don't like the sun sign you are act like a different one. Your mind does not know the difference.

Leos should look in the mirror every morning, for the image is always watched wherever they go.

Geminis, Cancers, Libras, Aquarius and Pisces should program their own world or the world programs them.

Virgos love to accumulate data of all kinds, make sure it is productive.

More then half of teenagers believe in Astrology.

Libras should always have positive partners for they require their feedback.

Scorpio's attitude in enrage, are affected and changed by things they explore beneath the surface.

Electricians, telephone repairman, and computers specialists can make a mint by working the periodical cycles of Mercury Retrograde.

Sagittarius always expands in one area of life whether physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Capricorns have the strongest need to accomplish in the outside world.

Geminis have the best chances of winning a lottery through spring 2013..

Aquarius are frequent loners in a crowd, because of their need to be individualistic.

Piecewise must always have a goal beyond personal interests or they loose "balance".

Email  this article to a friend who likes Astrology.

To set up an Astrological and Psychic consultation with Rich including the Tarot in Troy, Mi. you can call 1-248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Marriage Insights by Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

With the fast pace of life and so many things to do, it can be hard to have a marriage last for years. What was the 25 year celebration, now can be done in 5 years of marriage. Just 15 years ago to go out on Sunday for a ride was a big deal; now there is activity 7 days a week. With all those outside interests, a relationship can be taxed quickly. If their personalities are not somewhat harmonious, they pursue more personal interests. To avoid separative tendencies, look at some of the ways you can work with your mate by understanding their Sun Sun sign needs.

Aries: They need constant assurance that they are loved.
          They like to lead and don't like to be bossed.
          Their patience is thin, so use tact to show why they need more.

Taurus: They need someone to help motivate them to make more money.            They don't like rapid changes, so don't pull something on them.
            They require constant physical love.

Gemini: They require a person with physical strength because they are so physically strong.
             You have to keep a Gemini intellectually stimulated or they will be bored.
             They can tell many "white lies', so you'll have to to be understanding about this.

Cancer: They require periodical peace and quiet, so don't bother them with too much noise pollution.
             Realize they hold onto the past and allow them space to "enjoy" it, whether positive or negative.
             They don't like demands, but compromise.

Leo: They require constant appreciation
        Leos love to air independence. Allow them this when they are in social groups.
        They don't like to see there mate getting more attention than themselves.

Virgo: They generally don't like a mate who is public orientated. They like there relationship be a private one.
          They are highly opinionated and a debate with them just activates it.
          They can be self-critical; their mate should try to tone it down.

 Libra: They tend to be selfish with their feelings. but you can help them overcome it.
           They generally like their mate to be the lead in love.
           They tend to take their mate for granted and should show them periodical gestures.

Scorpio: They're born to understand the needs of others, but have a difficult time expressing their own.
              When their partner makes a mistake, they tend to hold a grudge. They should forgive and forget.
               They are a born lover and shouldn't let money and possessions be their first drive.

Sagittarius: They love to expand in life, so you must set constant goals with this sign.
                  They love to use their mind and should avoid critical tendencies.
                  They don't like sitting home seven days a week watching TV.

Capricorn: They need to motivate their mate to push more in the business world.
                  They should see their mate more lighthearted, instead of all business.
                 They're somewhat traditional and require their mate to adopt those patterns.

Aquarius: They like time for friends.
               They have futuristic ideas and shouldn't require their mate to always agree with them.
               They love changes, but should think of their mate before pursuing them.
Pisces: They like to be alone, but should not go to the point of living in a shell.
            You need to stop a Pisces from helping too many people when their energy is being zapped.
            They like creative goals and need support in pursuing them.

To set up Astrological and Psychic Consultation including the Tarot you can reach me in Troy Mi. at 1-248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. I also teach how to read the Tarot

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Each Sun Sign Carries Many Different Characteristics by Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

I would like to show some characteristics of the Sun Signs; but erecting the whole chart which consists of your birthday, time and place born can alter the traits of each. As an example, Aries can be slim. but if they have a Cancer rising by looking at their whole chart, they may be somewhat overweight. A Virgo may not be sports-minded, but if they have a Sagittarius rising, that one part can make them play a lot of sports. So it is best to view the following in a nonjudgmental way.

Most sensitive - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Quiet - Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces
Intense - Aries and Scorpio
Talkers - Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius
Organized - Virgo, Libra and Capricorn
Erratic - Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius
Calmest - Cancer and Libra
Stockiest - Taurus
Slim - Aries, Gemini and Virgo
Best memory - Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio
Tallest - Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius
Stubborn - Taurus, Leo and Scorpio
Chefs - Taurus and Cancer
Most flexible - Gemini and Sagittarius
Serious - Capricorn and Virgo
Self starters - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
Most impatient - Aries
Most restless - Gemini and Sagittarius

Rich Milostan is available 7 days a week for an Astrological and Psychic Consultation, including the Tarot. Fee is $40. I live in Troy Mich. You can reach me at 248-528-2610. I also do phone readings and can also mail a taped reading (the perfect birthday gift) to anyone you may know in the U.S.