December 2015 Astrology Trends Plus Psychic Fair 12/05/2015
by Rich Milostan Astrologer
See details of Saturday Psychic Fair 12/05/2015 at end of column
ARIES (March 21-April 19): You will go into a cycle of new beginnings of which you will buy new clothes. Many of you will start a new “higher level” of living. For the work enthusiast the next 4 months are excellent for some work advancement. Those who start a good diet/exercise program will find very nice results. In working with people closest to you outside of work may find them moody. Give them a little more space. You could get a couple of surprise Christmas gifts which may make you quite happy. People at distances become more important to you. Astro-Tip: Be good to your hips.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): A situation that has restricted you recently should come to a conclusion at any time now. Romance should show nice improvements if you pursue it more. Workloads could be testy the first of the month but will wind down. Insights come to work your monthly bills better. In shopping for the holidays pick up a good book to learn a quick skill for the New Year coming. Many of you will come up with an idea to make some extra money selling something in Christmas items or a service. Don’t cheat too much on your diet. Astro-Tip: Buy gifts where health is improved to others.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Any stresses you may be feeling with home and family should improve now. House pets purchased during the holiday season could do wonders to create better family harmony. You will do more fun outlets this month that are more physical in nature to strengthen your body. A gift could come from an employee that could be very nice. Make sure you have something that you can quickly give them in return. Some goal you have been trying to accomplish can be realized now by putting a new strategy to attain it. Astro-Tip: Give a surprise gift to someone who has helped you through the year.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): You will be going to many different places this month and opportunities are in some of them to enhance you. It could be finding an item that gives you a deal, a job offer etc. Some members of the family will be a little stressed this month, so have more patience with them. Children of all ages could be very nice to you during the holiday season. If you have an ongoing issue with a child of yours, this could finally tone down. Keep discipline with diet during this time. A boss could surprise you with something that could make you quite happy. Astro-Tip: Nurture someone you know more this month.
LEO (July 23 - Aug 22): This is your money making time, best of all the sun signs. Go out there and try to make some extra pin money. You may be a little testy when driving now, so just leave a little earlier or go during times when there is less traffic. Decorate you home a little more special this coming holiday season for more people then usual will visit you. During this time try to do one new fun outlet a week for a month. Try eating more foods that make your mind feel a little sharper at this time. Continue to learn new work skills for your future new career, which could start in 2017! Astro-Tip: Purchase a new lamp for the home where one area is too dark.
VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sept 22): Your sun sign may experience the most new beginnings the next 5 months. A good start would be to make some additional money with the holiday season. Watch impulsive spending this particular month. You don’t need al those bills to pay off in January. You can charm others now to help you with some favors you may need. You don’t have to do all the work in setting up your Christmas day event. Delegate to others to help you out. Do more fun outlets this month. Some surprise money could come to you this month that is not holiday related. Astro-Tip: Purchase a necessity to have in the car for the winter season.
LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22): Energy level could be very high, remember to do priorities first. Exercise could also tone down some of it eliminating turning into moods. Money will seem a little better now for there could be less repairs needed of things. Work stresses should become less frequent. Avoid any family politics, especially this month. Romance begins to become more important to you again, Over the coming months you could meet someone quite eccentric. As for those of you learning a new job skill, keep the discipline to learn it. You won’t regret it. Astro-Tip: Call a person from the past.
SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21): Time to turn on your charm, it will help you get more things you need. This is a good month to take a look at your speeding habits, especially with the coming holiday times. Set a budget, put it in big letters and stick to it. You will contact way more people this month. Prioritize whom you talk to that are most important so to give yourself more time for personal interests. Sitting on the phone with everyone gets you nowhere. You may get some new work responsibilities now and be flexible to learn them. They could be leading you into career progression possibilities. Time to join a new social group that has the same goals you have. Astro-Tip: Give yourself time daily to renergize.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21): Your Birthday month is always good to treat yourself to something special. Look at next month’s trends to see a little more of your personal year. For now, find a way to take one monthly bill you have and make it lower. Romance on the upswing and you will do new fun things you have never done before. Become perceptive to what people want around you through the month. Someone may give you an idea for starting a part time business with it in January. More friends want your time but set limits if it puts you behind. Astro-Tip: Keep your head warm.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19): Time to upgrade some things around the inside of your home to make it more attracting to others. If you have any family irritation going on, it can be resolved now. You will want to do things differently with family routines this holiday season then in pat years. Do something more exciting for yourself and very immediate family. For those traveling it can be an exceptionally good time. A present can come to you from someone of the past, which can be very surprising and pleasant. 2016 can be a good money cycle. Will explain it next month. Astro-Tip: Purchase some comfort shoes.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18): You will shop at different stores this month then those you presently do. These new avenues you go into will become a new routine for you that you wish you would have tries earlier. Watch lending of any money for you may never see it again. You will though get some surprise money from an unexpected source, You will become more discreet who you associate with social wise. Finish up some projects you started in the fall before it gets to cold. Good time to ask the boss for some career progression. Astro-Tip: Insights come to lower your phone bill, pursue it.
PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20): You will feel more confident about the future of your money by the various situations that happen around you this month. Romance can become much more exciting if you put just a little more effort into it. You have two bills that you pay too much on and they can be lowered if you talk to the sources that give them to you. Let more people this month know your skills and talents even though it is a holiday season. Some acquaintance that irritates you will go on the wayside. Purchase a good non-fiction book of something you can learn. You won’t regret it. Astro-Tip: Give yourself more rewards for daily efforts you do.
Next month. Your 2016!
Rich is available 6 days a week for a more detailed look at you 2016. His readings include an astrological update and the tarot. For information call 1-248-528-2610. His next Psychic Fair is December 5th (Saturday) is at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr Troy, Mi 48083. 10am to 4pm. The Center is located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver Rd off of Rochester Rd on the east side. I also teach Astrology and how to read Tarot cards.
Any questions call or email
Monday, November 30, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Psychic Fair Saturday 12/05/2015 with Rich Milostan
Psychic and Astrology Fair 12/05/2015
With Rich Milostan
Learn what the future holds for you!
Saturday December 5th, 2015
10am to 4pm
Troy Masonic Center in Troy to GPS or Mapquest
1032 Hartland Dr, 48083
Located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver rd, off Rochester rd on the east side,
Astrology, Psychic and Tarot readings available all day.
Admission $5 Readings $25 (15 minutes) $35 (full reading)!
Info: Rich 248-528-2610 or visit RichMilostanAstrologer,com
With Rich Milostan
Learn what the future holds for you!
Saturday December 5th, 2015
10am to 4pm
Troy Masonic Center in Troy to GPS or Mapquest
1032 Hartland Dr, 48083
Located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver rd, off Rochester rd on the east side,
Astrology, Psychic and Tarot readings available all day.
Admission $5 Readings $25 (15 minutes) $35 (full reading)!
Info: Rich 248-528-2610 or visit RichMilostanAstrologer,com
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Astrology, Repeating 36 Day Health Maintainance with Rich Milostan
Astrology – Repeating 36 Day Health Maintenance
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
Web Site RichMilostanAstrologer.Com
Email this article to your friends!
According to Astrology, every 3 days or so we have the moon change from one sign to the next. Example, it will go from Taurus for a couple of days to Gemini for a couple of days to the next sign Cancer etc. If this is confusing to some of you, what I am trying to get across is to read the first moon sign (Aries), practice what it says for 3 days. Then go to the next moon sign (Taurus) and practice that for a 3 days and go down the rest of them for 3 days each. Doing this routine for 36 days can help you somewhat heal a situation or just use it for enhanced well being. At the end of the 36 days go back to the top and start over again as a nice routine. If you know some Astrology and know where the transiting moon is that day, start your program from that moon sign. Otherwise, just start from Aries. Its best to have a year calendar that you can mark when you did one 3 days, then to go to the next one.
We are working here with the moon, not your personal sun sign below.
You may want to print this article so to remind yourself to do these routines every month.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Spend some time being good to your head. If prone to headaches, try a diet adjustment. If weather cooler, wear a hat to keep head warmer. Wear sunglasses if glare from the sun irritates you.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): During this 3 day cycle be extra good to your neck. Keep good posture to your neck, no slouching. No heavy lifting where you twist somewhat to pick up something. Wear a scarf in the winter to keep your neck warm.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be good to your lungs now. Don’t drive with the window down during rush hour to inhale the car fumes. Get more fresh air during these 3 days. Try not to use house cleaners that can irritate the lungs if their smell is real strong.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Now shift to the stomach. Drink more water. During this time eliminate somewhat the junk foods. Be easy on heavy spices during these 3 days.. Cut back on heavy meals. Eat more frequent small ones.
LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Now shift for 3 days to cater to your heart. Eliminate fatty foods. Relax more. Go for some walks other then what you normally do daily.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): During these 3 days you want to be more caring to your digestive tract. Eat more fruits and veggies. Eat fewer types of foods that may try to bind you up. Drink a little more water during this time other then just tap water, as an example spring water. Also try some new juices.
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Be good to the kidneys now for a couple of days. If you don’t like tap water, pick up some bottled water at a store. Keep your system clean with more water. Eliminate for a couple days any liquids that may irritate. Could be excessive alcohol consumption etc.
SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Keep good hygiene to your personal area. Take an extra shower or two for a couple of days. Put some extra focus on keeping that area cleaner during this cycle.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Be good now to your hips. Watch posture when lifting, don’t twist and lift. Keep balance on both legs, not just one when standing. Walks standing straight, not slouching over when walking, practice this more during this time. Sometimes having shoes where one heel is worn out more then the other may irritate hips. Throw out those shoes.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Be good to your knees. Don’t wear hard-soled shoes when walking during this time so as not to tax the knees. If prone to arthritis, watch foods now that irritates it. Be lighter on lifting during this time. If overweight do something to lose a pound or two with minor diet corrections to lighten up the load on your knees.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Be better to your circulatory system. Plain and simple is to watch excessive salts, sugars. If you eat junk foods now, flush it out with more water afterwards.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Cater to your feet now for the next 3 days. Wear very comfortable shoes and socks. Try not to walk around barefoot if your feet get irritating doing so. Prop up your legs more during this time to give your feet a well-deserved rest.
Call Rich for a private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. There is no time limit for my readings. You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. See my website at Also I teach how to read the Tarot and offer private classes to learn Astrology.
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
Web Site RichMilostanAstrologer.Com
Email this article to your friends!
According to Astrology, every 3 days or so we have the moon change from one sign to the next. Example, it will go from Taurus for a couple of days to Gemini for a couple of days to the next sign Cancer etc. If this is confusing to some of you, what I am trying to get across is to read the first moon sign (Aries), practice what it says for 3 days. Then go to the next moon sign (Taurus) and practice that for a 3 days and go down the rest of them for 3 days each. Doing this routine for 36 days can help you somewhat heal a situation or just use it for enhanced well being. At the end of the 36 days go back to the top and start over again as a nice routine. If you know some Astrology and know where the transiting moon is that day, start your program from that moon sign. Otherwise, just start from Aries. Its best to have a year calendar that you can mark when you did one 3 days, then to go to the next one.
We are working here with the moon, not your personal sun sign below.
You may want to print this article so to remind yourself to do these routines every month.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Spend some time being good to your head. If prone to headaches, try a diet adjustment. If weather cooler, wear a hat to keep head warmer. Wear sunglasses if glare from the sun irritates you.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): During this 3 day cycle be extra good to your neck. Keep good posture to your neck, no slouching. No heavy lifting where you twist somewhat to pick up something. Wear a scarf in the winter to keep your neck warm.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be good to your lungs now. Don’t drive with the window down during rush hour to inhale the car fumes. Get more fresh air during these 3 days. Try not to use house cleaners that can irritate the lungs if their smell is real strong.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Now shift to the stomach. Drink more water. During this time eliminate somewhat the junk foods. Be easy on heavy spices during these 3 days.. Cut back on heavy meals. Eat more frequent small ones.
LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Now shift for 3 days to cater to your heart. Eliminate fatty foods. Relax more. Go for some walks other then what you normally do daily.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): During these 3 days you want to be more caring to your digestive tract. Eat more fruits and veggies. Eat fewer types of foods that may try to bind you up. Drink a little more water during this time other then just tap water, as an example spring water. Also try some new juices.
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Be good to the kidneys now for a couple of days. If you don’t like tap water, pick up some bottled water at a store. Keep your system clean with more water. Eliminate for a couple days any liquids that may irritate. Could be excessive alcohol consumption etc.
SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Keep good hygiene to your personal area. Take an extra shower or two for a couple of days. Put some extra focus on keeping that area cleaner during this cycle.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Be good now to your hips. Watch posture when lifting, don’t twist and lift. Keep balance on both legs, not just one when standing. Walks standing straight, not slouching over when walking, practice this more during this time. Sometimes having shoes where one heel is worn out more then the other may irritate hips. Throw out those shoes.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Be good to your knees. Don’t wear hard-soled shoes when walking during this time so as not to tax the knees. If prone to arthritis, watch foods now that irritates it. Be lighter on lifting during this time. If overweight do something to lose a pound or two with minor diet corrections to lighten up the load on your knees.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Be better to your circulatory system. Plain and simple is to watch excessive salts, sugars. If you eat junk foods now, flush it out with more water afterwards.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Cater to your feet now for the next 3 days. Wear very comfortable shoes and socks. Try not to walk around barefoot if your feet get irritating doing so. Prop up your legs more during this time to give your feet a well-deserved rest.
Call Rich for a private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. There is no time limit for my readings. You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. See my website at Also I teach how to read the Tarot and offer private classes to learn Astrology.
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