Monday, June 29, 2015

Your July 2015 Astrology Trends plus Psychic Fair 7/11/2015 with Rich Milostan

July 2015 Astrology Trends plus Psychic Fair 7/11/2015
by Rich Milostan Astrologer

See details of Psychic Fair 7/11/2015 at end of article.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Likely to purchase some new clothes that are quite different. Good time to get some home projects completed. Romance picks up if that is your desire. Delay learning new skills till fall if possible. Time to let go of something from the past if it still irritates you. Avoid any family rifts if and when they occur. Good time to play a lottery ticket here and there. Astro-Tip: Clean a room you have been thinking of doing.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): You will break free from some restriction from the past. Good time to let more people know your skills or talent. Those of you in sales can excel now. Good time to make a purchase for your home to enhance it. Money a little tight this month but can improve in August. May change completely things you want to learn by year’s end. Astro-Tip: Call old friend you haven’t talked to in awhile.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Good month to push to make more money. But also watch you don’t spend too much impulsively. The next 4 months are good for getting a good deal on a new car or truck. Romance picks up nicely in August. Until then do more personal goals. Changes coming in how you work your personal monthly bills. Find new ways to cut corners.  Eat better foods. Astro-Tip: Save a dollar a day for the month in a jar.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Birthday month is good for treating yourself to something nice. For the year I see new source of income, Going more places then usual and changing some work interests.  For the month, I see your needs in romance shifting and work stresses a little less frequent. Time to try a totally different line of work if possible. Learn things that offer future money. Astro-Tip:  Purchase some new shoes that are real comfortable.

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22): Good time to get some past matters taken care of, there should be 3 of them. Good time to project that new image you always wanted to project. Romance a little slow till September. Good time to give a child more attention if you have been neglecting that area lately. Likely to try some new food items that are better for you. Learn something new by picking up, a new non-fiction book. Astro-Tip: Give something to someone that you just don’t use and they need it.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sept 22): Good time to do more socializing for friends will help you more now with some interests you have. Any predicament you may have now you’ll seem to find a way out of it, Let some home projects slide till August for you need more information to get them done correctly. Your fun needs that you do in your evenings will change quite a bit by next fall. Try some new outlets. Watch contract signing for 6 weeks. Astro-Tip: Call someone that you feel your bill is just too high

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22): Communications with others improves much better in August. Stay out of any politics in the family, focus more on personal goals. Keep quiet with personal goals you may have with employees at work. Try not to cheat on diet as much as recent past. Good time to impress the boss now if seeking advancement. You can attain a major goal you have within 3 month! Astro-Tip: Don’t forget someone’s Birthday this month.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21): Be conservative with your money for 2 more months. Then opportunities open up to make more. You will make a slow change in the way you communicate with others for the next 3 months. Get more fun in weekly if you have been neglecting that area lately. Be open to learn a new job responsibility if offered over the next 4 months.  Consider starting a business, aspects good. Astro-Tip: Call someone who lives out to state that you know.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21): Don’t commit to others now things they want if it puts a crimp on getting your goals accomplished. People will want you to project a new image now and follow through with it. Could receive some surprise money at anytime over the next 6 weeks. Good time to take a trip somewhere that could be a little educational in nature. Give yourself more rewards for things you accomplish now. Astro-Tip: Give someone a gift if they did a favor for you recently.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19): You want a little more space to yourself lately, enjoy it, you deserve it. Time to make a purchase for your home something you have always wanted. Romance opportunities are on the rise if looking. Good time to learn into some investment that doesn’t seem to leave your mind lately. If a person tries to reenter your life in the next 3 months, just leave them there. Astro-Tip: Streamline you daily home obligations better to give more free time.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18): 2 bills you may pay monthly can be corrected to not pay as much, follow through and change it. Over the next 3 months you will want to meet some new people that will be quite different. This could lead you into quite a lifestyle change within 2 years. Work stress becomes less and jobs given to you are easier to finish up. Popularity in romance really picks up. Astro-Tip: Try eliminating just one junk food.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20): Time to get more fun in if you have been too serious about everything lately, you will balance out. Work gives you opportunities to get ahead for about 3 months, so see what is out there. Your eventually are going to find some work over the next 2 years where you can be more independent in what you can do. A slow shift is coming to the type of friends you will want in your like. More powerful people. Astro-Tip: Give something to a child to make them happy.

Rich is available 6 days a week for a private consultation. His readings include an astrological update and the tarot.  For information call 1-248-528-2610. His next Psychic Fair is July 11 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr Troy, Mi 48083. 10am to 4pm. The Center is located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver Rd off of Rochester Rd on the east side. I also teach how to read the Tarot and offer Astrology classes.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Psychic Fair 7/11/2015 with Rich Milostan

                            Astrology and Psychic Fair 7/11/2015
                                       With Rich Milostan

Learn what the future holds for you!

Saturday July 11, 2015
10am to 4pm
Troy Masonic Center in Troy to GPS or Mapquest
1032 Hartland Dr, 48083
Located 2 blocks north of Big Beaver rd, off Rochester rd on the east side,
Astrology, Psychic and Tarot readings available all day.
Admission $5 Readings $25 (15 minutes) $35 (full reading)!
Info: Rich 248-528-2610 or visit RichMilostanAstrologer,com



Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Astrology. Seeking that Relationship Part 2 of 4 by Rich Milostan

Astrology – Seeking that Relationship Part 2 of 4
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Web Site RichMilostanAstrologer.Com

Email this article to your friends!

In part 1 we talked about a routine that each sign would like each day between 6pm to 11pm before they go to bed. Something where they receive more balance and energy for there next day. You have to have some compatibility there to be with someone 7 days a week.
  In part 2 we look at some fun needs done weekly outside the home between 6pm and 11pm that again gives them energy and balance for there next day of service. Look at the sun signs below to see at least one thing they require weekly as a fun outlet outside the home to enjoy with someone. You have to have computability in fun outlets.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Require to be with others where fun is done with a challenging theme in the event.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Do some fun outlets where something is learned and is fun to them.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Something that is peaceful at the end of the situation you enjoy.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Going places where good food is served.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): Trying a lot of new things and definitely not boring routines. Some other people have to be involved.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Something where physical exercise is the result of the evening no matter how small it is.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Doing weekly situations where you meet different people frequently

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): Doing things that are creative in nature and smooth them p[psychologically.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Doing things that always seem to expand their horizons to new locations.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Outlets where they feel a material “gain” from it.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Going places where they can communicate with “different” intellectual people/

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Doing things where they feel “nurtured”
i the end result of the evening.

 Call Rich for a private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. No time limit for the reading.   You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. See my web at Also I teach how to read the Tarot and offer private classes to learn Astrology.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Astrology, Seeking that Relationship Part 1 of 4 by Rich Milostan

Astrology – Seeking that Relationship Part 1 of 4
with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic

Web Site RichMilostanAstrologer.Com

Email this article to your friends!

In looking for a relationship there are 4 areas to look at when seeking someone. One is the normal routine of 6pm to 11pm. Do you like dinner at a certain time and they don’t. A question mark. Do you like to go to bed at 11pm and they don’t. Another question mark.  In part 1 we will focus on normal routines of the evening hours. Look at the sun sign below to see a common way they like there evening hours. Then look at yourself to see if its compatible to your routines.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): They love home cooking.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): They are heavy TV watchers.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): They like to be very active during the evening, a little restless.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): They want general peacefulness more then usual at night.

LEO (July 23-Aug-22): They want private times to themselves.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): They like a scheduled routine every evening.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): They want to be busy doing something all evening.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): They don/t like set routines every night.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): They require more freedom to themselves through the evening,

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): they like to be busy and not relax the whole time.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): They like more noise or people during the evening.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): They like a lot of variety in the evening on a 7 day cycle. TV on day, read a book the next day etc.

 Call Rich for a private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. No time limit for the reading.   You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. See my web at Also I teach how to read the Tarot and offer private classes to learn Astrology.
