with Rich Milostan Astrologer, Psychic
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Popularity is on the increase the first half or the year. More people help your interests. The second half of the year is good for making additional money. Develop a skill sometime before June to make the second half realized. If you have been working hard in your job the last several years, you could see some nice rewards by next fall. A new significant relationship enters your life from mid summer through early fall that can really help you get ahead in the future. Let go of any past negatives that you still may be thinking about. Astro=Tip: The better you diet the more goals you will accomplish.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The first 4 months of the year is good to good to get most of your uncompleted projects taken care. This allows you to better enjoy the new beginnings coming to you of which your sun sign has the most. Someone from the past may reappear into your life by spring of which this person could be beneficial to you. You will get into the mood to really enhance your image this coming summer. Romance should be better for you in the last half of the year then it has been in several years. Many of you change career interests by year’s end. Astro-Tip: Your new career direction makes you more successful.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): If you decide to move this year you will be lead to only someplace better. Many of you will not feel so domestically restricted from the springtime on. Finally you will begin to put more fun times in your life. The last half of the year has you looking at romance as a more important part of your life. Those married will find their needs changing and the single set could begin go out with someone of significance. To be the most successful in career for the rest of this decade you have to be self-employed. But you need two more yours of skills to develop. Astro-Tip: Good money year if you push for it.
LEO (July 23-Aug-22): If you have been learning a new skill the last several years you will begin to see some benefits come from it. As the year progresses you will begin to get preoccupied with where you wan to live by the end of 2014. If you don’t move within the next several years, you could do major remodeling. Where you decide to live will have you staying there for years to come. Family responsibilities may be on the slow increase. Delegate them back out when possible. Of all the sun signs, yours is the best to get that lucky new job by June. The last half of the year is good for making money if self employed. Astro-Tip: Romance comes, starts as a friend.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Money restrictive cycles of the last several lifts as the summer goes on. You’re a lot smarter with money then you here a couple of years ago. The next plateau you are entering is developing some new money making skills over the next 2 years; especially if you don’t like the day to day responsibilities they have been giving you. Any new skills you learn the next 2 years will eventually be your long-range bread and butter. Only make job changes if there is something new to learn there. Politics in family may slowly increase; stay out of them. Romance a little slow? make money. Astro-Tip: Eliminate foods that you know are not good for you, especially the ones that make you restless.
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Responsibilities lighten up as the winter winds down and you will have more chances to have fun this year. The next plateau you will enter next summer is a 2-year cycle where you will change many ways you handle your money. Cutting corners on purchases you really don’t need will be one of them. You will have opportunities to make more money due to less preoccupation of all the challenges you may have had the last several years. Romance is best before July but you have to pursuit it. Stay out of family politics. Astro-Tip: Avoid negative people that practice negativity daily.
SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21): As the year progresses you will not be as isolated. More Responsibilities will come to you. If you handle things as they come along it will be a good accomplishment year. If you postpone what comes to you could find the year as overwhelming. A good philosophy for the year is "just do it". Most successes are likely if you project your best image daily. It is a good money year if aggressive for it. Be open to having money coming in from different sources. Romance could give you a good time if not too preoccupied in your own goals. Astro-Tip: Make your life more financially independent this year.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Your life could go two ways this year. You accomplish many goals this year or you could do too much for others and feel restricted by them by year’s end. Set 3 major wishes you desire, work toward them, and if practical they can be attained. More people will want your time this year but your priories must be first. Try some new fun outlets you have never done before. First 6 months of the year are excellent to expand work interests. The last half the year gives you more romantic possibilities then you have had in years. Astro-Tip: Join a club with the same interests as you. Check out Meetup.com
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): If your "vocation", whether its your job, raising kids, taking care of a parent or volunteering somewhere is going to give you rewards by let summer or early fall. Some of your friends or acquaintances that are no longer productive for you will go on the wayside by mid summer. Anew set of more productive individuals will enter next fall. A pay raise is likely next fall for those of you who work. If not enough go somewhere else and it could be much more beneficial. In whatever you do promotions are sometime during the year. Romance can be more fun then in years, but leave it at that. Astro-Tip: Be take more time away from domestic situations, and it’s good!
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Over the next 2 years put your education out into work experiences. As the year progresses you will have more control to get ahead yourself rather then having to always bargain with other people. For the next 7 months stay out of any work politics. Just do your own thing. Of all the sun signs yours is the most likely to move out of Michigan sometime over the next 2 years. Family members could give you some benefits over the next6 months. The last 6 months is good for enjoying some fun time in the romantic area. Astro-Tip: Purchase some electronic equipment you can have some fun with.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Be open to checking some different ways you can make additional money. More people then usual will help you some favors you need the first 5 months of the year. If looking to move this year, you could find some real good deal with the attached happiness with the place, especially the last 6 months of the year. Money improves in the last half of the year but you still require some additional classes to your present skill to get ahead. People from far distances become more important to your needs as the year progresses. Romantics could find this a very rewarding year to be with someone, if you pursue it. Astro-Tip: Get to know some new people, those who want to get ahead.
For a more detailed look at your New Year, Rich is available for private Astrological and Psychic consultations including the Tarot. Fee is $40 with no time limit. You can reach me at 1-248-528-2610 in Troy, Mi. His next Astrology and Psychic Fair is January 7th, 2012 at the Troy Masonic Center, 1032 Hartland Dr. Troy Mi, 48083, from 10am to5pm.
I also do phone readings and can mail a taped reading to anyone you may know in the U.S. (The Perfect Birthday Gift). There is no shipping charge.
My coupon special now is for $15 you can receive 10 Predictions ans 10 Recommendations to work your next 12 months. Send in $15 with your date of birth, time of birth (include am or pm) and city and state of birth to Rich Milostan 1250 Glaser Troy, Mi. 48085. Include your phone number if I have any questions.
To check out my others services click on http://bitly/rAMMg6.